VERSION 1.0 CLASS BEGIN MultiUse = -1 'True END Attribute VB_Name = "XlsxExporter" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'File : XlsxExporter.cls ' Copyright mpl by ERB software ' All rights reserved ' 'Environment : VBA 2007+ 'Required : Referenz auf 'MicrosoftExcel XY ObjectLibrary' 'Version : 2.0.0 'Name : XlsxExporter 'Author : Stefan Erb (ERS) 'History : 27.01.2015 - ERS - Creation ' 28.01.2015 - ERS - Property Get sheet auf Public gewechselt ' 05.02.2015 - ERS - Mächtig erweitert. Viele neue Methoden '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Ablauf ' 1) Objekt erstellen ' Set xExp = XlsxExporter("my_table", "c:\my_path\my_file.xlsx") ' 2) Paramters setzen, falls man das nicht bereits in 1) gemacht hat ' xExp.paramReadableHeader = true ' 3) Standardformat anpassen ' xexp.defaultFormat.Font.Size = 10 ' 4) Standardformat auf alle vdefinierten Formate anpassen ' xExp.requeryDefaultFormats ' 5) Dateitypenformate anpassen ' xExp.format(dbLong).Font.Italic = true ' 6) Weitere Formate definieren ' xExp.format("MEIN_FORMAT_1").foont.bold = true ' 7) Exportieredie Daten ' xExp.export ' 8) Formatierungen anweden ' xExp.doFormatColumnsByType ' xExp.doFormat "MEIN_FORMAT_1", "C:C" ' 9) Objekt abbauen ' Set xExp = Nothing ' oder ' xExp.quit '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Option Explicit '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Public Members '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Enum xeParams xeNone = 0 'Kein Parameter 'Datei-Handler xeReplaceExistFile = 2 ^ 0 'Falls die Exportdatei bereits exisitert, kann diese ersetzt werden 'Heder-Settings xeCaptionAsHeader = 2 ^ 1 'Es wird versucht die Titel-Eigenschaft des Tabellenfeldes auszulesen xeReadableHeader = 2 ^ 2 'Der Technische Name wird möglichst in ein lesbaeren Namen Konvertiert xeTechnicalHeader = 2 ^ 3 'Der Technische Name (Feld-Name) wird für den Header verwendet 'Formatierung xeRunDefaultFormating = 2 ^ 4 'Nach dem Export wird das Default-Formating angewendet 'WeitereSettings xeNotRemoveFormatSheet = 2 ^ 5 'Das Sheet mit den Formatierungen wird am Schluss nicht entfernt 'Standard, wenn nichts angegeben wird xeDefaultParams = xeReplaceExistFile + xeTechnicalHeader + xeRunDefaultFormating End Enum '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Public Members '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Const C_FORMAT_SHEET_NAME = "FORMATS" Private Const C_HEADER_FORMAT_NAME = "HEADER" Private Const C_DEFAULT_FORMAT_NAME = "DEFAULT" Private Const C_ERR_CANCELLED = vbObjectError + 1 'Operation cancelled by user Private Const C_ERR_NOT_DETETD = vbObjectError + 2 'Unable to delete file Private Const C_ERR_NOT_EXPORTED = vbObjectError + 3 Private pFilePath As String Private pSource As String Private pParams As xeParams Private pSpreadSheetType As AcSpreadSheetType Private pDataExported As Boolean Private pAllreadyQuit As Boolean '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Private Standards '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Standardformatierung definieren ' * Diese können beliebig geändert werden ' */ Private Sub setDefaultFormats(Optional ByRef iPattern As Variant = C_DEFAULT_FORMAT_NAME, Optional ByVal iOverwrite As Boolean = False) Static defFormatsSetted As Boolean If defFormatsSetted And Not iOverwrite Then Exit Sub 'Standardformat '------------------------------------- 'Dieses muss als erstes definiert werden, da es als Grundlage für alle weiteren Definitionen gilt If Not formats.exists(C_DEFAULT_FORMAT_NAME) Then defaultFormat.Font.size = 9 'Headerzeile '------------------------------------- format(C_HEADER_FORMAT_NAME, iPattern, True).Font.Bold = True With headerFormat.Interior .pattern = xlSolid .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic .ThemeColor = xlThemeColorDark1 .TintAndShade = -0.149998474074526 .PatternTintAndShade = 0 End With 'Typenformate '------------------------------------- 'Datumsfomratierungungen format(dbDate, iPattern, True).NumberFormat = "" format(dbTimeStamp, iPattern, True).NumberFormat = " hh:mm:ss" format(dbTime, iPattern, True).NumberFormat = "hh:mm:ss" 'Zahlenformatierungen format(dbDouble, iPattern, True).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00_ ;[Red]-#,##0.00 " format(dbLong, iPattern, True).NumberFormat = "0" format(dbInteger, iPattern, True).NumberFormat = "0" 'Weitere benannte Formatierungen '------------------------------------- 'Zahlen format("FX_RATES", iPattern, True).NumberFormat = "0.00000" format("PERCENT", iPattern, True).NumberFormat = "0.00%" defFormatsSetted = True End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Public Methodes '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Exportiert die Quelle in eine Excel-Datei und gibt eine Instance dieser Klasse zurück ' * @param String Quelle ' * @param String Export-Pfad ' * @param AcSpreadSheetType Excel-Format ' * @param iParams Parameters ' */ Public Function instance( _ Optional ByVal iSource As String, _ Optional ByVal iFilePath As String, _ Optional ByVal iSpreadSheetType As AcSpreadSheetType = acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12Xml, _ Optional ByVal iParams As xeParams = xeDefaultParams _ ) As XlsxExporter Attribute instance.VB_UserMemId = 0 'Attribute instance.VB_UserMemId = 0 Set instance = New XlsxExporter instance.initialize iSource, iFilePath, iSpreadSheetType, iParams End Function '/** ' * Initialisiert die Klasse mit allen wichtigen Paramtern ' * @param String Quelle ' * @param String Export-Pfad ' * @param AcSpreadSheetType Excel-Format ' * @param iParams Parameters ' */ Public Sub initialize( _ Optional ByVal iSource As String, _ Optional ByVal iFilePath As String, _ Optional ByVal iSpreadSheetType As AcSpreadSheetType = acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12Xml, _ Optional ByVal iParams As xeParams = xeDefaultParams _ ) filePath = iFilePath source = iSource pParams = iParams spreadSheetType = iSpreadSheetType If paramRunDefaultFormating Then setDefaultFormats pAllreadyQuit = False End Sub '/** ' * Exportiert die Quelle in eine Excel-Datei und führt ggf das Standardformting aus ' * @param String Quelle ' * @param String Export-Pfad ' */ Public Sub export( _ Optional ByVal iSource As String, _ Optional ByVal iFilePath As String _ ) If Not iSource = Empty Then source = iSource If Not iFilePath = Empty Then filePath = iFilePath 'in eine temporäre Date exportieren DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, spreadSheetType, source, tempExportFilePath, hasHeader 'Temporäres Workbook/sheet öffnen Dim wbTemp As Excel.Workbook: Set wbTemp = xlsx.Workbooks.Open(tempExportFilePath) Dim wsTemp As Excel.Worksheet: Set wsTemp = wbTemp.Worksheets(source) 'Export in das aktuelle Worksheet kopieren wsTemp.Copy before:=wsFomats dataExported = True 'Temporäres WOrkbook schliessen/löschen wbTemp.Close cFso.DeleteFile tempExportFilePath 'Standarddormatierungen durchführen 'ohne hEaderformatierung. diese wird bei quit() ausgeführt If paramRunDefaultFormating Then doFormatDefault doFormatColumnsByType End If End Sub '/** ' * gibt die Spaltennummer zu einem Feldnamen zurück ' * @param String Spaltenname ' * @return Long Spaltennummer / Null falls die Spalte nicht gefunden wurde ' */ Public Function getColNrByName(ByVal iFieldName As String) As Long If Not dataExported Then Err.Raise C_ERR_NOT_EXPORTED, "XlsxExporter.getColNrByName", "Data not exported. First run export()" If index.exists(iFieldName) Then getColNrByName = index(iFieldName) Else getColNrByName = Null End If End Function '/** ' * Seichert und schliesst die Datei ' * Diese Methode wird beim Abbauen des Objektes ebenfalls ausgeführt ' * @param Boolean Flag ob gespeichert werden soll. True = Cancel = Kein Speichern ' */ Public Sub quit( _ Optional ByVal iCancel As Boolean = False _ ) If iCancel Or pAllreadyQuit Then GoTo Exit_Handler If Not dataExported Then Err.Raise C_ERR_NOT_EXPORTED, "XlsxExporter.quit", "Data not exported. First run export()" 'Datei ersetzen If cFso.FileExists(filePath) Then If paramReplaceExistFile Then cFso.DeleteFile (filePath) ElseIf MsgBox("File " & filePath & "allready exists." & vbCrLf & "Replace the File?", vbOKCancel + vbDefaultButton1 + vbQuestion) = vbOK Then cFso.DeleteFile (filePath) Else Err.Raise C_ERR_CANCELLED, "XlsxExporter.export", "Operation cancelled by user" End If If cFso.FileExists(filePath) Then Err.Raise C_ERR_NOT_DETETD, "XlsxExporter.export", "Unable to delete file " & filePath End If 'Header formatieren If hasHeader And paramRunDefaultFormating Then doFormatHeader 'Autofit ausführen (Spaltenbreite anpassen) If paramRunDefaultFormating Then autoFit 'Format-Sheet entfernen If Not paramNotRemoveFormatSheet Then xlsx.DisplayAlerts = False wsFomats.delete xlsx.DisplayAlerts = True End If 'Datensheet selektionieren und alles speichern wsData.Select wb.SaveAs filePath Exit_Handler: wb.Close False xlsx.quit pAllreadyQuit = True End Sub '/** ' * Formatiert Ranges ' * @param Variant Ein Range/Formatname der als Formatvorlage dient. Meistens ein Range aus format() ' * @param Variant Mehrere Ziele. Die folgenden werden akzeptiert ' * NUMMER: Spaltennummer ' * STRING: Spalte mit dem Feldnamen iTarget oder Excel-Range-String ("A1:B13") ' * RANGE: Der Range wird entsprechend formatiert ' */ Public Sub doFormat( _ ByRef iFormat As Variant, _ ParamArray iTargets() As Variant _ ) If Not dataExported Then Err.Raise C_ERR_NOT_EXPORTED, "XlsxExporter.doFormat", "Data not exported. First run export()" If TypeName(iFormat) = "Range" Then iFormat.Copy Else format(iFormat).Copy End If Dim target As Variant: For Each target In iTargets range(target).PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats Next xlsx.CutCopyMode = False End Sub '/** ' * Formatiert das ganze Sheet mit der Standartformatierung ' */ Public Sub doFormatDefault() If Not dataExported Then Err.Raise C_ERR_NOT_EXPORTED, "XlsxExporter.doFormatDefault", "Data not exported. First run export()" doFormat defaultFormat, wsData.Cells End Sub '/** ' * Formatiert die Headerzeile, sofern ein Header vorhanden ist ' * Wird bei paramRunDefaultFormating = true amEnde automatisch ausgeführt ' */ Public Sub doFormatHeader() If Not dataExported Then Err.Raise C_ERR_NOT_EXPORTED, "XlsxExporter.doFormatHeader", "Data not exported. First run export()" If hasHeader Then Dim cell As range: For Each cell In range("1:1").Cells If cell.value = Empty Then Exit For If paramCaptionAsHeader And Not IsNull(fields.item(cell.Column)("CAPTION")) Then cell.value = fields.item(cell.Column)("CAPTION") ElseIf pParams And xeReadableHeader Then cell.value = readableName(cell.value) End If Next If paramRunDefaultFormating Then doFormat headerFormat, range("A1", wsData.Cells(1, fields.count)) End If End Sub '/** ' * formatiert Spalten anhand der Spaltentypen ' * @param Variant Range-Definition. Wenn diese weggelassen wird, werden alleSpalten nach Spaltentypen formatiert ' */ Public Sub doFormatColumnsByType( _ Optional ByRef iRangeDef As Variant = Null _ ) If Not dataExported Then Err.Raise C_ERR_NOT_EXPORTED, "XlsxExporter.doFormatColumnsByType", "Data not exported. First run export()" Dim rng As Excel.range If IsNull(iRangeDef) Then Set rng = range("A:" & xlsColLetter(fields.count)) Else Set rng = range(iRangeDef) End If Dim i As Long: For i = rng.Column To (rng.Column + rng.Columns.count - 1) Dim type1 As DAO.DataTypeEnum: type1 = fields.item(i)("TYPE") If formats.exists(type1) Then doFormat format(type1), fields.item(i)("COL_NR") Next i End Sub '/** ' passt die Spaltenbreite an. Wird bei paramRunDefaultFormating=true automatisch durchgeführt ' */ Public Sub autoFit() wsData.Cells.EntireColumn.autoFit End Sub '/** ' * Berechnet die Stanrdformate neu, basierend auf dem defaultFormat ' */ Public Sub requeryDefaultFormats() setDefaultFormats C_DEFAULT_FORMAT_NAME, True End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Public Properties '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * gibt ein Range des DataSheets zurück ' * @param Variant Spaltennummer/Spaltenname/Range/Cell2 & Cell2/Excel-Range-String ("A1", "A1:C3" etc) ' * @param Variant Spaltennummer/Spaltenname/Range/Cell2 & Cell2/Excel-Range-String ("A1", "A1:C3" etc) ' * @return Range ' */ Public Property Get range( _ ByRef iRangeDef1 As Variant, _ Optional ByRef iRangeDef2 As Variant = Null _ ) As Excel.range If Not dataExported Then Err.Raise C_ERR_NOT_EXPORTED, "XlsxExporter.getRange", "Data not exported. First run export()" Dim rng1, rng2 As Excel.range 'Cell2 ermitteln If Not IsNull(iRangeDef2) Then Set rng2 = range(iRangeDef2) Select Case TypeName(iRangeDef1) Case "Long", "Integer": Set range = wsData.Columns(iRangeDef1) Case "Range": Set range = iRangeDef1 Case "String": If index.exists(UCase(iRangeDef1)) Then Set range = wsData.Columns(index(UCase(iRangeDef1))) Else Set range = wsData.range(iRangeDef1) End If Case Else: Err.Raise 13, "XlsxExporter.getRange()" '13 Type mismatch End Select 'Falls Cell2 vorhanden ist, range neu definieren If Not rng2 Is Nothing Then Set range = wsData.range(range, rng2) End Property '/** ' * Quelle ' */ Public Property Get source() As String source = pSource End Property Public Property Let source(ByVal iSource As String) pSource = iSource readSourceInformations End Property '/** ' * Export-Pfad ' */ Public Property Get filePath() As String filePath = pFilePath End Property Public Property Let filePath(ByVal iFilePath As String) pFilePath = iFilePath End Property '/** ' * Excel-Format ' */ Public Property Get spreadSheetType() As AcSpreadSheetType spreadSheetType = pSpreadSheetType End Property Public Property Let spreadSheetType(ByVal iSpreadSheetType As AcSpreadSheetType) pSpreadSheetType = iSpreadSheetType End Property '/** ' * Flag, ob die Daten bereits exportiert wurden ' */ Public Property Get dataExported() As Boolean dataExported = pDataExported End Property Private Property Let dataExported(ByVal iExported As Boolean) pDataExported = iExported End Property '/** ' * Das Worksheet mit den exportierten Daten ' */ Public Property Get wsData() As Excel.Worksheet Static ws As Excel.Worksheet If Not dataExported Then Err.Raise C_ERR_NOT_EXPORTED, "XlsxExporter.doFormat", "Data not exported. First run export()" If ws Is Nothing Then Set ws = wb.Worksheets(source) Set wsData = ws End Property '/** ' * Das Excelsheet hat eine Headerzeile ' */ Public Property Get hasHeader() As Boolean hasHeader = paramCaptionAsHeader Or paramReadableHeader Or paramTechnicalHeader End Property '/** ' * Falls die Exportdatei bereits exisitert, kann diese ersetzt werden '*/ Public Property Get paramReplaceExistFile() As Boolean paramReplaceExistFile = (pParams And xeReplaceExistFile) = xeReplaceExistFile End Property Public Property Let paramReplaceExistFile(ByVal iParam As Boolean) If Not paramReplaceExistFile = iParam Then pParams = pParams + IIf(iParam, 1, -1) * xeReplaceExistFile End Property '/** ' * Es wird versucht die Titel-Eigenschaft des Tabellenfeldes auszulesen '*/ Public Property Get paramCaptionAsHeader() As Boolean paramCaptionAsHeader = (pParams And xeCaptionAsHeader) = xeCaptionAsHeader End Property Public Property Let paramCaptionAsHeader(ByVal iParam As Boolean) If Not paramCaptionAsHeader = iParam Then pParams = pParams + IIf(iParam, 1, -1) * xeCaptionAsHeader End Property '/** ' * Der Technische Name wird möglichst in ein lesbaeren Namen Konvertiert '*/ Public Property Get paramReadableHeader() As Boolean paramReadableHeader = (pParams And xeReadableHeader) = xeReadableHeader End Property Public Property Let paramReadableHeader(ByVal iParam As Boolean) If Not paramReadableHeader = iParam Then pParams = pParams + IIf(iParam, 1, -1) * xeReadableHeader End Property '/** ' * 'Der Technische Name (Feld-Name) wird für den Header verwendet '*/ Public Property Get paramTechnicalHeader() As Boolean paramTechnicalHeader = (pParams And xeTechnicalHeader) = xeTechnicalHeader End Property Public Property Let paramTechnicalHeader(ByVal iParam As Boolean) If Not paramTechnicalHeader = iParam Then pParams = pParams + IIf(iParam, 1, -1) * xeTechnicalHeader End Property '/** ' * Nach dem Export wird das Default-Formating angewendet '*/ Public Property Get paramRunDefaultFormating() As Boolean paramRunDefaultFormating = (pParams And xeRunDefaultFormating) = xeRunDefaultFormating End Property Public Property Let paramRunDefaultFormating(ByVal iParam As Boolean) If iParam Then setDefaultFormats If Not paramRunDefaultFormating = iParam Then pParams = pParams + IIf(iParam, 1, -1) * xeRunDefaultFormating End Property '/** ' * 'Das Sheet mit den Formatierungen wird am Schluss nicht entfernt '*/ Public Property Get paramNotRemoveFormatSheet() As Boolean paramNotRemoveFormatSheet = (pParams And xeNotRemoveFormatSheet) = xeNotRemoveFormatSheet End Property Public Property Let paramNotRemoveFormatSheet(ByVal iParam As Boolean) If Not paramNotRemoveFormatSheet = iParam Then pParams = pParams + IIf(iParam, 1, -1) * xeNotRemoveFormatSheet End Property '/** ' * Ein Excel.Range,der als FOrmatvorlage dient ' * @param Variant Name oder dao.DataTypeEnum um das Format zu definieren ' * @param Variant Format/Range oder FormatName der als Formatvorlage dient ' * @param Boolean Bestehende Formateinstellungen verwerfen ' */ Public Property Get format( _ ByVal iNameOrType As Variant, _ Optional ByRef iPattern As Variant = C_DEFAULT_FORMAT_NAME, _ Optional ByVal iOverwrite As Boolean = False _ ) As Excel.range Dim pattern As Excel.range If Not iNameOrType = C_DEFAULT_FORMAT_NAME Then Set pattern = IIf(TypeName(iPattern) = "Range", iPattern, format(iPattern)) End If If formats.exists(iNameOrType) And iOverwrite Then formats.remove iNameOrType If Not formats.exists(iNameOrType) Then If IsNumeric(iNameOrType) Then formats.add iNameOrType, wsFomats.Cells(1, iNameOrType) Else formats.add iNameOrType, wsFomats.Cells(2, formats.count + 1) End If If Not iNameOrType = C_DEFAULT_FORMAT_NAME Then pattern.Copy formats(iNameOrType).PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats End If End If formats(iNameOrType).value = CStr(iNameOrType) Set format = formats(iNameOrType) End Property '/** ' * Direktzugirff auf das Standardformat ' */ Public Property Get defaultFormat() As Excel.range Set defaultFormat = format(C_DEFAULT_FORMAT_NAME) End Property '/** ' * Direktzugirff auf die Headerformatierung ' */ Public Property Get headerFormat() As Excel.range Set headerFormat = format(C_HEADER_FORMAT_NAME) End Property '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Private Methodes '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Erstellt aus einemTechnischen Namen etwas möglichst lesbares ' * @param String ' * @return String ' */ Private Function readableName(ByVal iTechName As String) As String Dim words() As String If Not rxWords.Test(iTechName) Then ReDim words(0): words(0) = Replace(iTechName, "_", " ") Else Dim mc As Object: Set mc = rxWords.Execute(iTechName) ReDim words(mc.count) Dim idx As Integer: For idx = 0 To mc.count - 1 words(idx) = mc(idx).value Next idx End If readableName = StrConv(Join(words, " "), vbProperCase) End Function '/** ' * Gibt den Buchstaben-Key für eine ExcelSpalte anhand einer Spaltennummer aus (Beginnend mit 1) ' * ' * spaltencode = clsColLetter(spaltennummer) ' * ' * @param Long Index der Spalte ' * @return String Spaltenkey ' */ Private Function xlsColLetter(ByVal iColumnNumber As Long) As String Const C_ASCII_DELTA = 64 Dim nr As Long: nr = iColumnNumber Do Dim rest As Integer: rest = nr Mod 26 If rest = 0 Then rest = 26 xlsColLetter = Chr(rest + C_ASCII_DELTA) & xlsColLetter nr = Fix((nr - 1) / 26) Loop While nr > 0 End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Private Properties '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * DieExcel-Instance ' */ Private Property Get xlsx() As Excel.application Static pXlsx As Excel.application If pXlsx Is Nothing Then Set pXlsx = New Excel.application Set xlsx = pXlsx End Property '/** ' * Das Workbook mitden Exportierten Daten ' */ Private Property Get wb() As Excel.Workbook Static pWb As Excel.Workbook If pWb Is Nothing Then Set pWb = xlsx.Workbooks.add Set wb = pWb End Property '/** ' * Temporäres Sheet um die Formate zu speichern ' * Erste Zeile: Spalte(DAO.DataTypeEnum) beinhaltet das entsprechende Format ' */ Private Property Get wsFomats() As Excel.Worksheet Static ws As Excel.Worksheet On Error GoTo Err_Handler If ws Is Nothing Then Set ws = wb.Worksheets(C_FORMAT_SHEET_NAME) Exit_Handler: Set wsFomats = ws Exit Property Err_Handler: If Err.Number = 9 Then Set ws = wb.Worksheets.add(): ws.Name = C_FORMAT_SHEET_NAME Resume Exit_Handler Else Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.source, Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext End If End Property '/** ' * RegExpzur Wörtererkennung ' */ Private Property Get rxWords() As Object Static pRx As Object If pRx Is Nothing Then Set pRx = cRx("/(?![\s_])(?:[A-Z]?[^A-Z\s_]+)/g") Set rxWords = pRx End Property '/** ' * Dictionary mit den Feldinformationen ' */ Private Property Get fields(Optional ByVal iRequery As Boolean) As Object Static pDict As Object If pDict Is Nothing Then Set pDict = CreateObject("scripting.Dictionary") Set fields = pDict End Property Private Sub readSourceInformations() index.RemoveAll fields.RemoveAll Dim pRs As DAO.Recordset: Set pRs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(source) Dim fld As DAO.Field: For Each fld In pRs.fields Dim colLetter As String: colLetter = xlsColLetter(fld.OrdinalPosition + 1) Dim colNr As Long: colNr = fld.OrdinalPosition + 1 Dim fldDef As Object: Set fldDef = CreateObject("scripting.Dictionary") With fldDef .add "NAME", fld.Name .add "CAPTION", getProperty(fld, "CAPTION") .add "COL_NR", colNr .add "COL_LETTER", colLetter .add "TYPE", fld.Type End With fields.add colNr, fldDef index.add UCase(fld.Name), colNr Next If fields.exists("TYPE") Then fields.remove ("TYPE") End Sub '/** ' * Index der Felder ' * Dictionary(Feldname) = ColNumber ' */ Private Property Get index() As Object Static pDict As Object If pDict Is Nothing Then Set pDict = CreateObject("scripting.Dictionary") Set index = pDict End Property '/** ' * Die Formatsammlung ' */ Private Property Get formats() As Object Static pDict As Object If pDict Is Nothing Then Set pDict = CreateObject("scripting.Dictionary") Set formats = pDict End Property Private Property Get tempExportFilePath() As String Static pPath As String If pPath = Empty Then pPath = cFso.BuildPath(cFso.GetParentFolderName(filePath), cFso.GetBaseName(filePath) & "_" & VBA.format(Now, "YYYYMMDD_HHNNSS") & "." & cFso.GetExtensionName(filePath)) tempExportFilePath = pPath End Property '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Private Event '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub Class_Initialize() spreadSheetType = acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12Xml pParams = xeDefaultParams End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() quit End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Private Libraries '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Gibt ein FileSystemObject zurück ' * @return FileSystemObject ' */ Private Property Get cFso() As Object Static cachedObj As Object If cachedObj Is Nothing Then Set cachedObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set cFso = cachedObj End Property '/** ' * Dieverse Objekte in Access besitzen Properties. DIese sind aber nicht immer initialisiert ' * Mit dieser Funktion verscuht man ein Property auszulesen. Wenn dies nicht funktioniert, wird ein Default-Wert zurückgegeben ' * @param Object Objekt welches das Property beinhalten sollte ' * @param Name Eigenschaftsname ' * @param Variant Default-Wert, falls die Eigenschaft nicht exisitiert ' * @return Variant ' */ Private Function getProperty(ByRef iObject As Object, ByVal iName As String, Optional ByRef iDefault As Variant = Null) As Variant On Error Resume Next If IsObject( Then: Set getProperty = Else: getProperty = If Err.Number <> 0 Then If IsObject(iDefault) Then: Set getProperty = iDefault: Else: getProperty = iDefault End If End Function '/** ' * Dies ist die Minimalversion von cRegExp ' * ' * mögliche Delemiter: @&!/~#=\| ' * mögliche Modifiers: g (Global), i (IgnoreCode, m (Mulitline) ' * ' * @example myRx = cRx("/([a]{2,})/i") 'Finde alle folgen von a. Flag:IgnoreCase ' * @version 2.1.0 (01.12.2014) ' * @param String Pattern mit Delimiter und Modifier analog zu PHP ' * @return Object RegExp-Object ' */ Private Function cRx(ByVal iPattern As String) As Object Static rxP As Object: Set cRx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") If rxP Is Nothing Then: Set rxP = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp"): rxP.pattern = "^([@&!/~#=\|])?(.*)\1(?:([Ii])|([Gg])|([Mm]))*$" Dim sm As Object: Set sm = rxP.Execute(iPattern)(0).subMatches cRx.pattern = sm(1): cRx.IgnoreCase = Not isEmpty(sm(2)): cRx.Global = Not isEmpty(sm(3)): cRx.Multiline = Not isEmpty(sm(4)) End Function 'Version um in andere Module/Classen einzubauen Private Sub ref(ByRef oNode As Variant, ByRef iNode As Variant) If IsObject(iNode) Then: Set oNode = iNode: Else: oNode = iNode End Sub