VERSION 1.0 CLASS BEGIN MultiUse = -1 'True END Attribute VB_Name = "XlsxExporter" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'File : XlsxExporter.cls ' Copyright mpl by ERB software ' All rights reserved ' 'Environment : VBA 2007+ 'Required : Referenz auf 'MicrosoftExcel XY ObjectLibrary' 'Version : 1.0.1 'Name : XlsxExporter 'Author : Stefan Erb (ERS) 'History : 27.01.2015 - ERS - Creation ' 28.01.2015 - ERS - Property Get sheet auf Public gewechselt '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Example: ' Datei Exportieren und die Erste Zeile Fett setzen ' Public Sub exp() ' With XlsxExporter("my_table", "c:\temp\__tt.xlsx") ' .range("1:1").Font.Bold = True ' End With ' End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Option Explicit '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Public Members '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Enum xeParams xeNone = 0 'Kein Parameter xeReplaceExistFile = 2 ^ 0 'Falls die Exportdatei bereits exisitert, kann diese ersetzt werden xeHasFieldNames = 2 ^ 1 'Feldnamen werden in die erste Zeile geschrieben End Enum '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Public Members '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private pFilePath As String Private pSource As String Private pXlsx As Excel.application Private pWb As Excel.Workbook Private pSheet As Excel.Worksheet Private pParams As xeParams '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Public Methodes '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Exportiert die Quelle in eine Excel-Datei und gibt eine Instance dieser Klasse zurück ' * @param Variant Quelle ' * @param String Export-Pfad ' * @param AcSpreadSheetType Excel-Format ' * @param iParams Parameters ' */ Public Function instance( _ ByVal iSource As String, _ ByVal iFilePath As String, _ Optional ByVal iSpreadSheetType As AcSpreadSheetType = acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12Xml, _ Optional ByVal iParams As xeParams = xeReplaceExistFile + xeHasFieldNames _ ) As XlsxExporter Attribute instance.VB_UserMemId = 0 'Attribute instance.VB_UserMemId = 0 Set instance = New XlsxExporter instance.export iSource, iFilePath, iSpreadSheetType, iParams End Function '/** ' * Exportiert die Quelle in eine Excel-Datei ' * @param Variant Quelle ' * @param String Export-Pfad ' * @param AcSpreadSheetType Excel-Format ' * @param iParams Parameters ' */ Public Sub export( _ ByRef iSource As Variant, _ ByVal iFilePath As String, _ Optional ByVal iSpreadSheetType As AcSpreadSheetType = acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12Xml, _ Optional ByVal iParams As xeParams = xeReplaceExistFile + xeHasFieldNames _ ) pFilePath = iFilePath pSource = iSource pParams = iParams If (pParams And xeReplaceExistFile) And cFso.FileExists(pFilePath) Then cFso.DeleteFile (pFilePath) DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, iSpreadSheetType, pSource, pFilePath, (pParams And xeHasFieldNames) End Sub '/** ' * Seichert und schliesst die Datei ' * Diese Methode wird beim Abbauen des Objektes ebenfalls ausgeführt ' * @param Boolean Flag ob gespeichert werden soll ' */ Public Sub quit(Optional ByVal iSave As Boolean = True) wb.Close iSave: Set wb = Nothing xlsx.quit: Set xlsx = Nothing End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Public Properties '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * gibt ein Range des Sheetes zurück ' * @params Analog zu Range() in Excel ' * @return Range ' */ Public Property Get range(ByRef iCell1 As Variant, Optional ByRef iCell2 As Variant = Null) As Excel.range If IsNull(iCell2) Then Set range = sheet.range(iCell1) Else Set range = sheet.range(iCell1, iCell2) End If End Property '/** ' * Das Worksheet mit den exportierten Daten ' */ Public Property Get sheet() As Excel.Worksheet If pSheet Is Nothing Then Set pSheet = wb.Worksheets(pSource) Set sheet = pSheet End Property '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Private Properties '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * DieExcel-Instance ' */ Private Property Get xlsx() As Excel.application If pXlsx Is Nothing Then Set pXlsx = New Excel.application Set xlsx = pXlsx End Property Private Property Set xlsx(ByRef iXlsx As Excel.application) Set pXlsx = iXlsx End Property '/** ' * Das Workbook mitden Exportierten Daten ' */ Private Property Get wb() As Excel.Workbook If pWb Is Nothing Then Set pWb = xlsx.Workbooks.Open(pFilePath) Set wb = pWb End Property Private Property Set wb(ByRef iWb As Excel.Workbook) Set pWb = iWb End Property '/** ' * Das Worksheet mit den exportierten Daten ' * Det Getter ist in den Public Properties ' */ Private Property Set sheet(ByRef iSheet As Excel.Worksheet) Set pSheet = iSheet End Property '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Private Event '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub Class_Terminate() If Not pWb Is Nothing Then quit End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Private Libraries '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Gibt ein FileSystemObject zurück ' * @return FileSystemObject ' */ Private Property Get cFso() As Object Static cachedObj As Object If cachedObj Is Nothing Then Set cachedObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set cFso = cachedObj End Property