VERSION 1.0 CLASS BEGIN MultiUse = -1 'True END Attribute VB_Name = "DateInterval" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'File : DateInterval.cls ' Copyright mpl by ERB software ' All rights reserved ' 'Environment : VBA 2007+ 'Version : 1.6.0 'Name : DateInterval 'Author : Stefan Erb (ERS) 'History : 06.08.2014 - ERS - Creation ' 26.08.2015 - ERS - Paramter iOnlyAddReturnDateInterval auf iByRef umbenannt ' 04.01.2016 - ERS - format2() eingebaut um Texte einfacher parsen zu können ' 02.03.2016 - ERS - addTo() hinzugefügt ' 30.03.2016 - ERS - testIntervalString() hinzugefügt ' 21.06.2016 - ERS - Add Interface IFormattable '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Option Explicit '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- ! SETTINGS ! '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'In Excel funktionieren Events nicht. Auch der NZ() gibt es dort nicht. 'Darum hier angeben ob es sich um MS Access handelt oder eben nicht. Leider gibts datzu keine Systemvariable #Const isAccess = True 'Das Interface IFormattable ist in diesem Projekt vorhanden #Const IFormattable_exists = True 'Die IntervalSpec entspricht fast der IntervalSpec von PHP: 'Dies enrspricht der ISO8601 Duration Definition 'Durations are a component of time intervals and define the amount of intervening time in a time interval. 'They should only be used as part of a time interval as prescribed by the standard. Time intervals are discussed in the next section. ' 'Durations are represented by the format P[n]Y[n]M[n]DT[n]H[n]M[n]S or P[n]W as shown to the right. In these representations, 'the [n] is replaced by the value for each of the date and time elements that follow the [n]. Leading zeros are not required, 'but the maximum number of digits for each element should be agreed to by the communicating parties. ' 'The capital letters P, Y, M, W, D, T, H, M, and S are designators for each of the date and time elements and are not replaced. ' ' P is the duration designator (historically called "period") placed at the start of the duration representation. ' Y is the year designator that follows the value for the number of years. ' M is the month designator that follows the value for the number of months. ' W is the week designator that follows the value for the number of weeks. ' D is the day designator that follows the value for the number of days. ' T is the time designator that precedes the time components of the representation. ' H is the hour designator that follows the value for the number of hours. ' M is the minute designator that follows the value for the number of minutes. ' S is the second designator that follows the value for the number of seconds. ' 'For example, "P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S" represents a duration of "three years, six months, four days, twelve hours, thirty minutes, and five seconds". 'Date and time elements including their designator may be omitted if their value is zero, and lower order elements may also be omitted for reduced precision. 'For example, "P23DT23H" and "P4Y" are both acceptable duration representations. 'To resolve ambiguity, "P1M" is a one-month duration and "PT1M" is a one-minute duration (note the time designator, T, that precedes the time value). 'The smallest value used may also have a decimal fraction, as in "P0.5Y" to indicate half a year. This decimal fraction may be specified with either a comma or a full stop, 'as in "P0,5Y" or "P0.5Y". The standard does not prohibit date and time values in a duration representation from exceeding their "carry over points" except as noted below. 'Thus, "PT36H" could be used as well as "P1DT12H" for representing the same duration. 'Alternatively, a format for duration based on combined date and time representations may be used by agreement between the communicating parties either in the 'basic format PYYYYMMDDThhmmss or in the extended format P[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[hh]:[mm]:[ss]. For example, the first duration shown above would be "P0003-06-04T12:30:05". 'However, individual date and time values cannot exceed their moduli (e.g. a value of 13 for the month or 25 for the hour would not be permissible).[16] ' 'Ich habe das ganze noch zusätzlich um die Nanosecond erweitert. F ' #If IFormattable_exists Then Implements IFormattable #End If '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Private Members '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Die verschiedenen Teile ' */ 'Die Einzelnen Teile des Intervals. Alle zusammengezählt ergibt den Gesammtinterval Private pYear As Integer Private pMonth As Integer Private pDay As Integer Private pHour As Integer Private pMinute As Integer Private pSecond As Integer Private pNanoSecond As Long Private pWeekDays As Long Private pWeeks As Long 'Den Summen auf verschiedenen Basis. Wird nur bei DateDiff abgefüllt 'Print DateInterval.instanceFromDateDiff(#8/8/2014#, #8/10/2014#).seconds -> 172800 Sekunden Private pYears As Variant Private pMonths As Variant Private pDays As Variant Private pHours As Variant Private pMinutes As Variant Private pSeconds As Variant Private pSign As Integer '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Public Methodes '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Erstellt eine neue Instance ' * @param String/Integer Eine IntervalSpec oder Anzahl Tage ' * @return DateInterval ' */ Public Function instance(Optional ByVal iIntervalSpec As Variant = Empty) As DateInterval Attribute instance.VB_UserMemId = 0 'Attribute instance.VB_UserMemId = 0 Set instance = New DateInterval: instance.construct iIntervalSpec End Function ' /** ' * Initialisiert die Klasse ' * @param String/Integer Eine IntervalSpec oder Anzahl Tage ' * @return DateInterval ' */ Public Function construct(ByVal iIntervalSpec As Variant) As DateInterval Dim sm As Object clear If TypeName(iIntervalSpec) = "DateInterval" Then iIntervalSpec = iIntervalSpec.intervalSPec If rxIntervalSpec1.test(iIntervalSpec) Then 'P[n]Y[n]M[n]W[n]DT[n]H[n]M[n]S[n]F Set sm = rxIntervalSpec1.execute(iIntervalSpec)(0).subMatches sign = IIf(sm(0) = Empty, 1, -1) pYear = sm(1) pMonth = sm(2) 'Weeks werden in Days gewandelt pDay = sm(3) * 7 + sm(4) pHour = sm(5) pMinute = sm(6) pSecond = sm(7) pNanoSecond = sm(8) ElseIf rxIntervalSpec23.test(iIntervalSpec) Then 'PYYYYMMDDThhmmss 'P[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[hh]:[mm]:[ss] Set sm = rxIntervalSpec23.execute(iIntervalSpec)(0).subMatches sign = IIf(sm(0) = Empty, 1, -1) pYear = sm(1) 'sm(2) ist das Datumstrennzeichen pMonth = sm(3) pDay = sm(4) pHour = sm(5) 's(6) ist das Zeittrennzeichen pMinute = sm(7) pSecond = sm(8) 'sm(9) ist das Nanosekundentrennzeichen pNanoSecond = sm(10) ElseIf IsNumeric(iIntervalSpec) Then pDay = iIntervalSpec End If Set sm = Nothing Set construct = Me End Function '/** ' * Gibt die Differenz als DateInterval zu einem Datum zurück ' * @param Date/String/DateTime ' * @param Boolean ' * @return DateInterval ' */ Public Function instanceFromDateDiff( _ Optional ByRef iDate1 As Variant = Null, _ Optional ByRef iDate2 As Variant = Null, _ Optional ByVal iAbsolute As Boolean = False _ ) As DateInterval clear Set instanceFromDateDiff = New DateInterval Dim ns1 As Long, ns2 As Long 'NanoSecounds 'Beine Eingabewerte zum Typ Date wandeln Dim dt1 As Date: dt1 = getDate(iDate1, ns1) Dim dt2 As Date: dt2 = getDate(iDate2, ns2) 'Datum als Zahl inkl Nanosekunden 'Normal: cdec(date) = [Tage].[Sekunden] 'HIer umgerechnet zu [Tage][Sekunden].[Nanosekunden] Dim v1 As Variant: v1 = CDec(dt1) * 10 ^ 10 + ns1 / 10 ^ 9 Dim v2 As Variant: v2 = CDec(dt2) * 10 ^ 10 + ns2 / 10 ^ 9 'Den Kleineren als from, den Grösseren als To definieren Dim fromV As Variant: fromV = least(v1, v2) Dim toV As Variant: toV = greatest(v1, v2) 'Davon je die Nanosekunden extrahieren Dim fromNs As Long: fromNs = (fromV - Fix(fromV)) * 10 ^ 9 Dim toNs As Long: toNs = (toV - Fix(toV)) * 10 ^ 9 'Dito mit dem Datum Dim fromD As Date: fromD = CDate(Fix(fromV) / 10 ^ 10) Dim toD As Date: toD = CDate(Fix(toV) / 10 ^ 10) 'Differnez der Nanosekunden Dim diffNs As Long: diffNs = toNs - fromNs 'Jenchdem eine Sekundenkorrektur im toDate durchführen If diffNs < 0 Then toD = DateAdd("S", -1, toD) With instanceFromDateDiff 'Die Differnezen in Totals mt DateDiff von VBA .years = DateDiff("YYYY", fromD, toD) .months = DateDiff("M", fromD, toD) .days = DateDiff("D", fromD, toD) .hours = DateDiff("H", fromD, toD) .minutes = DateDiff("N", fromD, toD) .seconds = DateDiff("S", fromD, toD) 'Das VOrzeichen bestimmen .sign = IIf(iAbsolute, 1, Sgn(v1 - v2)) 'Die Differenz auf Datumteile aufgeteilt. Vm Grössten zum kleinsten. fromD wird jeweils um die extrahierte Grösse reduziert .year = diffPart(fromD, toD, "yyyy") .month = diffPart(fromD, toD, "M") .day = diffPart(fromD, toD, "D") .hour = diffPart(fromD, toD, "H") .minute = diffPart(fromD, toD, "N") .second = diffPart(fromD, toD, "S") .nanoSecond = IIf(Sgn(diffNs) < 0, 10 ^ 9 + diffNs, diffNs) End With End Function '/** ' * Erstellt eine Instanz aus einem einzelnen Parts ' * @example Set di = DateInterval.instancePart("M", 3) ' * @param String YYMDHNS (auch I) ' * @param Long Wert ' * @return DateInterval ' */ Public Function instancePart(ByVal iShort As String, ByVal iValue As Long) As DateInterval clear Dim intSpec As String Select Case UCase(iShort) Case "YY", "YYYY": intSpec = "P" & iValue & "Y" Case "M", "MM": intSpec = "P" & iValue & "M" Case "D", "DD": intSpec = "P" & iValue & "D" Case "H", "HH": intSpec = "T" & iValue & "H" Case "N", "NN": intSpec = "T" & iValue & "M" Case "S", "SS": intSpec = "T" & iValue & "S" ' Case "F", "FF": intSpec = "P" & iValue & "Y" End Select Set instancePart = DateInterval.instance(intSpec) End Function '/** ' * Erstellt ein DateInterval aus Einzelwerten. Analog zu DateSerial und TimeSerial ' * @param Variant Jahre ' * @param Integer Monate ' * @param Integer Tage ' * @param Integer Stunden ' * @param Integer Minuten ' * @param Integer Sekunden ' * @param Variant Nanosekunden ' * @param Boolean true: Das DateTimeObjekt wird selber nicht verändert - False: Das Objekt selber wird verändert ' * @return DateInterval ' */ Public Function serial( _ Optional ByVal iYear As Variant = 0, _ Optional ByVal iMonth As Integer = 0, _ Optional ByVal iDay As Integer = 0, _ Optional ByVal iHour As Integer = 0, _ Optional ByVal iMinute As Integer = 0, _ Optional ByVal iSecond As Integer = 0, _ Optional ByVal iNanoSecond As Variant = 0, _ Optional ByVal iByRef As Boolean = False _ ) As DateInterval Dim di As New DateInterval If Not iByRef Then Set di = Me clear With di .year = NZ(iYear) .month = iMonth .day = iDay .hour = iHour .minute = iMinute .second = iSecond .nanoSecond = iNanoSecond End With Set serial = di End Function '/** ' * Formatiert den Interval. Bisher sind nur die folgenden Formate implementiert ' * m Monat ohne führende Null (1-12) ' * mm Monat mit führende Null (01-12) ' * mx Total Anzahl Monate ohne führende Null ' * mmx Total Anzahl Monate mit führende Null ' * d Tag des Monats ohne führende Null (1-31) ' * dd Tag des Monats mit führende Null (01-31) ' * dx Total Anzahl Tage ohne führende Null ' * ddx Total Anzahl Tage mit führende Null ' * y Einstelliges Jahr. Analog zu d wird es glösser geschrieben, wenn es mehr Zeichen hat ' * yy Zweistelliges Jahr ' * yyyy Vierstelliges Jahr ' * h Stunden ohne führende Null(0-24) ' * hh Stunden mit führende Null(00-24) ' * hx Total Anzahl Stunden ohne führende Null ' * hhx Total Anzahl Stunden mit führende Null ' * n Minuten ohne führende Null(0-59) ' * nn Minuten mit führende Null(00-59) ' * nx Total Anzahl Minuten ohne führende Null ' * nnx Total Anzahl Minuten mit führende Null ' * s Sekunden ohne führende Null(0-59) ' * ss Sekunden mit führende Null(00-59) ' * sx Total Anzahl Sekunden ohne führende Null ' * ssx Total Anzahl Sekunden mit führende Null ' * r Bei Muinus ein - ' * R Bei Minus ein -, bei Plus ein + ' * ' * Mit \ kann ein Format maskiert werden. damit es nicht geparst wird: m wird als Monat ausgegeben. \m wird zu "m" ' * ' * @example ' */ Public Function format(ByVal iFormat As String) As String Dim tmp As String: tmp = StrReverse(iFormat) 'String umdrehen, Da RegExp Lookbehind (?!>..) nicht kennt... tmp = formatByRx(tmp, rxFormatParts) format = rxMasked.Replace(StrReverse(tmp), "$1") End Function '/** ' * Fast analog zu Format. Die Patterns müssen aber so definiert werden ' * {$pattern} ' * @example: "Es geht noch {$d} Tage und {$mx} Monate bis zum Fest" ' */ Public Function format2(ByVal iFormat As String) As String Dim tmp As String: tmp = StrReverse(iFormat) 'String umdrehen, Da RegExp Lookbehind (?!>..) nicht kennt... tmp = formatByRx(tmp, rxFormatParts2) format2 = StrReverse(tmp) End Function '/** ' * Klont das Objekt ' * @return DateTime ' */ Public Function clone() As DateInterval Set clone = DateInterval(Me.intervalSPec) End Function '/** ' * Erstellt ein Array mit einem Interval. Als erstes Datum wird der aktuelle DateTime verwendet ' * @param DateInterval/IntervalSpec/Days ' * @param Long/DateTime/Timestamp Anzahl Einträge oder ein Endzeitpunkt ' * @param dtReturnTypes Rückgabeformat: timestamp oder DateTime ' * @return Array ' */ Public Function interval(ByRef iStart As Variant, ByRef iSizeOrEnd As Variant, Optional ByVal iReturnType As dtReturnTypes = dtTimestamp) As Variant() interval = DateTime(iStart).interval(Me, iSizeOrEnd, iReturnType) End Function '/** ' * Ersetzt einen einzelnen Teil des Datums und gibt ein DateTime zurück ' * @param String Interval-String gem. DateAdd(). YYYY, M, D, H, N, S, F, Y, WW, W ' * @param Long Neuer Wert ' * @param Boolean true: Das DateTimeObjekt wird selber nicht verändert - False: Das Objekt selber wird verändert ' * @return DateTime ' */ Public Function modify( _ ByVal iInterval As String, _ ByVal iNumber As Long, _ Optional ByVal iByRef As Boolean = False _ ) As DateInterval With Me.clone Select Case UCase(iInterval) Case "Y", "YY", "YYYY": .year = iNumber Case "M", "MM": .month = iNumber Case "D", "DD": .day = iNumber Case "H", "HH": .hour = iNumber Case "N", "NN": .minute = iNumber Case "S", "SS": .second = iNumber Case "F", "FF": .nanoSecond = iNumber End Select Set modify = retDI(.intervalSPec, iByRef) End With End Function '/** ' * Wendet den Interval auf ein DateTime an ' * @param Date/String/DateTime ' * @param Boolean true: Das DateTimeObjekt wird selber nicht verändert - False: Das Objekt selber wird verändert ' * @return DateTime ' */ Public Function addTo(Optional ByRef iTimestamp As Variant = Null, Optional ByVal iByRef As Boolean = False) As DateTime Dim dt As DateTime: Set dt = DateTime(iTimestamp) Set addTo = dt.add(Me, iByRef) End Function '/** ' * Gibt ein Wert nach den üblichen Formatierungsbuchstaben zurück ' * @param String YMDHNS (auch F) ' * @retrun Integer ' */ Public Function getPartByShort(ByVal iShort As String, Optional ByVal iFormated As Boolean = False) As Variant Dim frmt As String If Right(UCase(iShort), 1) = "X" Then Select Case Right(UCase(iShort), 2) Case "MX": getPartByShort = pMonths: frmt = String(Len(iShort) - 1, "0") Case "DX": getPartByShort = pDays: frmt = String(Len(iShort) - 1, "0") Case "HX": getPartByShort = pHours: frmt = String(Len(iShort) - 1, "0") Case "NX": getPartByShort = pMinutes: frmt = String(Len(iShort) - 1, "0") Case "SX": getPartByShort = pSeconds: frmt = String(Len(iShort) - 1, "0") End Select Else Select Case UCase(iShort) Case "Y", "YY", "YYYY": getPartByShort = pYear: frmt = String(Len(iShort), "0") Case "M", "MM": getPartByShort = pMonth: frmt = String(Len(iShort), "0") Case "D", "DD": getPartByShort = pDay: frmt = String(Len(iShort), "0") Case "H", "HH": getPartByShort = pHour: frmt = String(Len(iShort), "0") Case "N", "NN": getPartByShort = pMinute: frmt = String(Len(iShort), "0") Case "S", "SS": getPartByShort = pSecond: frmt = String(Len(iShort), "0") Case "F", "FF": getPartByShort = pNanoSecond: frmt = String(Len(iShort), "0") End Select End If If iFormated Then getPartByShort = Strings.format(getPartByShort, frmt) End Function '/** ' * Eine Einfache Prüfung, ob ein Interval String dem Format entspricht ' * @param String Interval String ' * @return Boolean ' */ Public Function testIntervalString(ByVal iIntervalSpec As String) As Boolean testIntervalString = rxIntervalSpec1.test(iIntervalSpec) If Not testIntervalString Then testIntervalString = rxIntervalSpec23.test(iIntervalSpec) End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Public Properties '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Year Public Property Get year() As Integer: year = pYear: End Property Public Property Let year(ByVal iYear As Integer): pYear = iYear: End Property 'Month Public Property Get month() As Integer: month = pMonth: End Property Public Property Let month(ByVal iMonth As Integer): pMonth = iMonth: End Property 'Day Public Property Get day() As Integer: day = pDay: End Property Public Property Let day(ByVal iDay As Integer): pDay = iDay: End Property 'Hour Public Property Get hour() As Integer: hour = pHour: End Property Public Property Let hour(ByVal iHour As Integer): pHour = iHour: End Property 'Minute Public Property Get minute() As Integer: minute = pMinute: End Property Public Property Let minute(ByVal iMinute As Integer): pMinute = iMinute: End Property 'Second Public Property Get second() As Integer: second = pSecond: End Property Public Property Let second(ByVal iSecond As Integer): pSecond = iSecond: End Property Public Property Get nanoSecond() As Long: nanoSecond = pNanoSecond: End Property Public Property Let nanoSecond(ByVal iNS As Long): pNanoSecond = iNS: End Property Public Property Get microSecond() As Long: microSecond = CLng(pNanoSecond / 10 ^ 3): End Property Public Property Let microSecond(ByVal iMS As Long): pNanoSecond = iMS * 10 ^ 3: End Property Public Property Get milliSecond() As Long: milliSecond = CLng(pNanoSecond / 10 ^ 6): End Property Public Property Let milliSecond(ByVal iMS As Long): pNanoSecond = iMS * 10 ^ 6: End Property 'Sign Public Property Get sign() As Integer: sign = pSign: End Property Public Property Let sign(ByVal iSign As Integer): pSign = iSign: End Property 'Die folgenden Properties werden nur bei Diff abgeüllt. Ansonsten sind sie EMPTY 'Sie Representatieren die Totaldifferez in der jeweiligen Einheit inkl. Vorzeichen 'Im Grunde also das Resultat von VBA.DateDiff() auf die jeweilige Einheit 'Years Public Property Get years() As Variant: years = pYears * pSign: End Property Public Property Let years(ByVal iYears As Variant): pYears = iYears: End Property 'Months Public Property Get months() As Variant: months = pMonths * pSign: End Property Public Property Let months(ByVal iMonths As Variant): pMonths = iMonths: End Property 'Days Public Property Get days() As Variant: days = pDays * pSign: End Property Public Property Let days(ByVal iDays As Variant): pDays = iDays: End Property 'Hours Public Property Get hours() As Variant: hours = pHours * pSign: End Property Public Property Let hours(ByVal iHours As Variant): pHours = iHours: End Property 'Minutes Public Property Get minutes() As Variant: minutes = pMinutes * pSign: End Property Public Property Let minutes(ByVal iMinutes As Variant): pMinutes = iMinutes: End Property 'Seconds Public Property Get seconds() As Variant: seconds = pSeconds * pSign: End Property Public Property Let seconds(ByVal iSeconds As Variant): pSeconds = iSeconds: End Property '/** ' * Gibt den Interval als IntervalSpec zurück: P[n]Y[n]M[n]DT[n]H[n]M[n]S ' * ' * Das Vorzeichen wird ignoriert ' * @return String ' */ Public Property Get intervalSPec() As String intervalSPec = "P" If pYear > 0 Then intervalSPec = intervalSPec & pYear & "Y" If pMonth > 0 Then intervalSPec = intervalSPec & pMonth & "M" If pDay > 0 Then intervalSPec = intervalSPec & pDay & "D" If pHour + pMinute + pSecond > 0 Then intervalSPec = intervalSPec & "T" If pHour > 0 Then intervalSPec = intervalSPec & pHour & "H" If pMinute > 0 Then intervalSPec = intervalSPec & pMinute & "M" If pSecond > 0 Then intervalSPec = intervalSPec & pSecond & "S" If pNanoSecond > 0 Then intervalSPec = intervalSPec & Mid(pNanoSecond / 10 ^ 9, 3) & "F" ' If Not iAbsolute And pSign = -1 Then intervalSPec = "-" & intervalSPec End Property Public Property Let intervalSPec(ByVal iIntervalSpec As String) retDI iIntervalSpec, True End Property ' /** ' * IntervalSpecin der Schreibweise: P[YYYY][MM][DD]T[hh][mm][ss] ' * Das Vorzeichen wird ignoriert ' * @return String ' */ Public Property Get intervalSPec2() As String intervalSPec2 = format("PYYYYMMDDTHHNNSS") End Property Public Property Let intervalSPec2(ByVal iIntervalSpec As String) retDI iIntervalSpec, True End Property ' /** ' * IntervalSpecin der Schreibweise: und P[yyyy]-[mm]-[dd]T[hh]:[mm]:[ss] ' * Das Vorzeichen wird ignoriert ' * @return String ' */ Public Property Get intervalSPec3() As String intervalSPec3 = format("PYYYY-MM-DDTHH:NN:SS") If pNanoSecond <> 0 Then intervalSPec3 = intervalSPec3 & "." & Mid(pNanoSecond / 10 ^ 9, 3) End Property Public Property Let intervalSPec3(ByVal iIntervalSpec As String) retDI iIntervalSpec, True End Property '/** ' * Gibt ein String-Wert eines Objektes zurück ' * @return String ' */ Public Property Get toString() As String toString = intervalSPec End Property #If IFormattable_exists Then '/** ' * Gibt das Objekt als IFormattable zurück ' * @return IFormattable ' */ Public Property Get IFormattableObject() As IFormattable Set IFormattableObject = Me End Property '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Interface methodes/properties '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Gibt ein String-Wert eines Objektes zurück ' * @return String ' */ Private Property Get IFormattable_object() As Object Set IFormattable_object = Me End Property '/** ' * Gibt das Originalobjekt zurück ' * @object ' */ Private Property Get IFormattable_toString() As String IFormattable_toString = toString End Property #End If '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Private Methodes '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Wandelt Pattern in Werte um. Je nach RegExp ' * @param String ' * @param RegExp ' * @return String ' */ Private Function formatByRx(ByRef iFormatReverse As String, ByRef iRx As Object) As String formatByRx = iFormatReverse Do While iRx.test(formatByRx) Dim m As Object: Set m = iRx.execute(formatByRx)(0) If m.subMatches(0) = "r" Then formatByRx = repl(formatByRx, m, pSign, ";-;") ElseIf m.subMatches(0) = "R" Then formatByRx = repl(formatByRx, m, pSign, "+;-;") Else formatByRx = repl(formatByRx, m, getPartByShort(StrReverse(m.subMatches(0)), True)) End If Loop End Function '/** ' * Setzt alle Werte zurück ' */ Private Sub clear() pYear = 0 pMonth = 0 pDay = 0 pHour = 0 pMinute = 0 pSecond = 0 pNanoSecond = 0 pWeekDays = 0 pWeeks = 0 pYears = 0 pMonths = 0 pDays = 0 pHours = 0 pMinutes = 0 pSeconds = 0 pSign = 1 End Sub '/** ' * Handelt den Return. Ob das aktuelle Objekt angepasst wird oder nicht ' * @param IntervalSpec ' * @param Boolean true: Das DateTimeObjekt wird selber nicht verändert - False: Das Objekt selber wird verändert ' * @return DateInterval ' */ Private Function retDI(ByVal iInterval As Variant, ByVal iByRef As Boolean) As DateInterval If TypeName(iInterval) = "DateInterval" Then Set retDI = IIf(iByRef, iInterval, iInterval.clone) ElseIf Not IsObject(iInterval) Then Set retDI = DateInterval(iInterval) End If End Function '/** ' * Hilfsfunktion für format() ' */ Private Function repl(ByVal iTmp As String, ByRef iM As Object, ByVal iNumber As Variant, Optional ByVal iFormat As String = Empty) As String repl = Left(iTmp, iM.firstIndex) & StrReverse(iNumber) & Mid(iTmp, iM.firstIndex + iM.length + 1) End Function '/** ' * Berechnet eine Teildifferent und reduziert ioFromD um diese Grösse ' * @param Date ' * @param Date ' * @param Interval ' * @return Integer ' */ Private Function diffPart(ByRef ioFromD As Date, ByVal iToD As Date, ByVal iInterval As String) As Integer diffPart = DateDiff(iInterval, ioFromD, iToD) If round(DateAdd(iInterval, diffPart, ioFromD), 10) > round(iToD, 10) Then diffPart = diffPart - 1 ioFromD = DateAdd(iInterval, diffPart, ioFromD) End Function '/** ' * Versucht aus einer Eingabe ein Datum zu erstellen ' * @param Date/DateTime/String ' * @return Date ' */ Private Function getDate(ByRef iDate As Variant, Optional ByRef ioNanoSecond As Long = 0) As Date Select Case TypeName(iDate) Case "DateTime": getDate = iDate.timestamp: ioNanoSecond = iDate.nanoSecond Case "Date": getDate = iDate: ioNanoSecond = 0 Case "String": getDate = dateValue(iDate) + timeValue(iDate): ioNanoSecond = 0 Case "Null": getDate = Now: ioNanoSecond = 0 '//TODO Case Else: Err.Raise 13, "DateInterval.getDate" '13 Type mismatch End Select End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Private Properties '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * RegExp um ein intervalSpec zu zerlegen ' * P[n]Y[n]M[n]W[n]DT[n]H[n]M[n]F[n]S ' */ Private Property Get rxIntervalSpec1() As Object Static pRx As Object If pRx Is Nothing Then Set pRx = cRx("/^(-?)(?:P(?:(\d+)Y)?(?:(\d+)M)?(?:(\d+)W)?(?:(\d+)D)?)?(?:T(?:(\d+)H)?(?:(\d+)M)?(?:(\d+)S)?(?:(\d+)F)?)?$/i") Set rxIntervalSpec1 = pRx End Property '/** ' * RegExp um ein intervalSpec2 oder 3 zu zerlegen ' * IntervalSpec2: P[yyyy][mm][dd]T[hh][mm][ss] ' * IntervalSpec3: P[yyyy]-[mm]-[dd]T[hh]:[mm]:[ss].[fff] ' */ Private Property Get rxIntervalSpec23() As Object Static pRx As Object If pRx Is Nothing Then Set pRx = cRx("/^(-?)P(\d{4})(-?)(\d{2})\3(\d{2})T(\d{2})(:?)(\d{2})\7(\d{2})(\.?)(\d{1,3})$/i") Set rxIntervalSpec23 = pRx End Property '/** ' * regExp um die Part-Strings zu erkennen ' */ Private Property Get rxFormatParts() As Object Static pRx As Object If pRx Is Nothing Then Set pRx = cRx("/(r|yyyy|yy|y|xm+|mm|m|xd+|dd|d|xh+|xh|hh|h|xn+|xn|nn|n|xs+|xs|ss|s|f{1,9})(?!\\)/ig") Set rxFormatParts = pRx End Property '/** ' * regExp um die Part-Strings zu erkennen ' */ Private Property Get rxFormatParts2() As Object Static pRx As Object If pRx Is Nothing Then Set pRx = cRx("/\}" & rxFormatParts.pattern & "\$\{/ig") Set rxFormatParts2 = pRx End Property '/** ' * Erkennt Maskierte Patterns ' */ Private Property Get rxMasked() As Object Static pRx As Object If pRx Is Nothing Then Set pRx = cRx("/\\([rymdhns])/gi") Set rxMasked = pRx End Property '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Private Events '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub Class_Initialize() pSign = 1 End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Private Libraries '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Dies ist die Minimalversion von cRegExp ' * ' * mögliche Delemiter: @&!/~#=\| ' * mögliche Modifiers: g (Global), i (IgnoreCode, m (Mulitline) ' * ' * @example myRx = cRx("/([a]{2,})/i") 'Finde alle folgen von a. Flag:IgnoreCase ' * @version 2.1.0 (01.12.2014) ' * @param String Pattern mit Delimiter und Modifier analog zu PHP ' * @return Object RegExp-Object ' */ Private Function cRx(ByVal iPattern As String) As Object Static rxP As Object: Set cRx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") If rxP Is Nothing Then: Set rxP = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp"): rxP.pattern = "^([@&!/~#=\|])?(.*)\1(?:([Ii])|([Gg])|([Mm]))*$" Dim sm As Object: Set sm = rxP.execute(iPattern)(0).subMatches cRx.pattern = sm(1): cRx.IgnoreCase = Not isEmpty(sm(2)): cRx.Global = Not isEmpty(sm(3)): cRx.Multiline = Not isEmpty(sm(4)) End Function '/** ' * Copyright mpl by ERB software | ' * ' * Gibt den Grössten aus einer unbestimmten Menge von Werten zurück ' * @param Keine Objekte ' * @return Grösster Wert ' * @example greatest("Hallo Welt", 42, "Mister-X") -> Mister-X '*/ Private Function greatest(ParamArray itemS() As Variant) As Variant Dim item As Variant For Each item In itemS If item > greatest Then greatest = item Next item End Function '/** ' * Gibt den Kleinsten aus einer unbestimmten Menge von Werten zurück ' * @param Keine Objekte ' * @return Grösster Wert ' * @example least("Hallo Welt", 42, "Mister-X") -> 42 '*/ Private Function least(ParamArray itemS() As Variant) As Variant least = itemS(LBound(itemS)) Dim item As Variant: For Each item In itemS If NZ(item) < NZ(least) Then least = item Next item End Function '/** ' * Gibt den String iString zurück. Dieser wurde nach links mit dem String iPadString auf eine Länge von iLen Zeichen aufgefüllt. ' * Wenn iString länger als iLen ist, wird der Rückgabewert auf iLen Zeichen gekürzt. ' * @param String ' * @param Integer Neue Länge ' * @param String Zeichen mit dem verlängert wird ' * @return Erweiterter oder gekürzter String ' */ Private Function lPad( _ ByVal iString As String, _ ByVal iLen As Integer, _ Optional ByVal iPadString As String = " " _ ) As String lPad = Left(iString, iLen) lPad = lPad & String(iLen - Len(lPad), iPadString) End Function #If Not isAccess Then '/** ' * Wandelt NULL in EMpty oder einen Defaultwert ' * @param Variant ' * @param Variant ' * @return Variant ' */ Private Function NZ(ByRef iValue As Variant, Optional ByRef iDefault As Variant = Empty) As Variant If IsNull(iValue) Then NZ = iDefault Else NZ = iValue End If End Function #End If