VERSION 1.0 CLASS BEGIN MultiUse = -1 'True END Attribute VB_Name = "DateTime" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'File : DateTime.cls ' Copyright mpl by ERB software ' All rights reserved ' 'Environment : VBA 2007+ 'Version : 1.10.0 'Name : DetTime 'Author : Stefan Erb (ERS) 'History : 06.08.2014 - ERS - Creation ' ... ' 29.03.2016 - ERS - sqlTimestamp/sqlDate und sqlTime Properties hinzugefügt. iByRef Standart in die Konstante C_DEFAULT_BYREF ausgelagert ' 21.06.2016 - ERS - Add Interface IFormattable ' 28.06.2016 - ERS - Kleine Fehler beim SQL-Formatumstellung behoben ' 04.07.2016 - ERS - Interfcae IFormattable und toString() um Parameters erweitert '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Option Explicit '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- ! SETTINGS ! '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'In Excel funktionieren Events nicht. Auch der NZ() gibt es dort nicht. 'Darum hier angeben ob es sich um MS Access handelt oder eben nicht. Leider gibts datzu keine Systemvariable #Const isAccess = True 'Das Interface IFormattable ist in diesem Projekt vorhanden #Const IFormattable_exists = True '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Interfaces '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Das Interface IFormattable ' * ' */ #If IFormattable_exists Then Implements IFormattable #End If '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Public Members '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Zusätzliche Parameters zu strToDate ' */ Public Enum dtParams dtNone = 0 'Parameters zur Behandlung des InputStrings 'dtInFormatIgnoreCase = 2 ^ 0 'Gross-Kleinschreibung bei Trennzeichen ignorieren dtInFormatFormat2 = 2 ^ 1 'Beim Übergabewert iFormat handelt sich um ein Format im Stil von {$DD}.{$MM} 'Paramter zur SQL-Ausgabe dtOutSqlFormatUs = 2 ^ 5 'SQL Format US dtOutSqlFormatIso8601 = 2 ^ 6 'SQL Format EU (ISO8601) dtOutSqlFormatManual = 2 ^ 7 'Das Format wird vom User vorgegeben (muss über SqlDateFormatString oder über setParameter(dtpSqlDateFormatString, ...) gesetzt werden) 'Rückgabetype (ist noch nicht durchgehend umgesetzt!) ' dtOutDateTime = 2 ^ 15 'Als Returntyp ein DateTime ' dtOutTimestamp = 2 ^ 16 'Ein Timestamp End Enum '/** ' * Paramter um das SQL-Format zu setzen. Es sind alle auch in dtParams vorhanden. ' */ Public Enum dtSqlFormats dtsqlus = dtOutSqlFormatUs 'US: #MM/DD/YYYY# dtSqlIso8601 = dtOutSqlFormatIso8601 'EU, ISO-Norm: #YYYY-MM-DD# dtSqlManual = dtOutSqlFormatManual 'User Spezialformat dtSqlDefault = dtsqlus 'Standard definieren End Enum '/** ' * Bei gewissen Methoden kann man das Rückgabetype auswählen ' */ Public Enum dtReturnTypes dtDateTime = 2 ^ 15 'dtOutDateTime dtTimestamp = 2 ^ 16 'dtOutTimestamp dtRetDefault = dtDateTime End Enum '/** ' * mögliche Errors. Normalerweise programmiere ich dazu Public Const. Das geht aber in eine Class nicht. ' */ Public Enum dtErrorNumbers dtErrInvalidFormat = vbObjectError + 1 'Der String passt nicht mit dem Format überein dtErrNotParseble = vbObjectError + 2 'Das Format ist nicht parsbar End Enum '/** ' * Attribute, die gesetzt werden können. Wird für setProperty genutzt ' */ Public Enum dtProperties dtpTimestamp dtpDateValue dtpTimeValue dtpYear dtpMonth dtpDay dtpHour dtpMinute dtpSecond dtpNanoSecond dtpMicroSecond dtpMilliSecond dtpFirstWeekOfYear dtpFirstDayOfWeek dtpPatternDelemiter dtpDayOfWeek dtpQuarter dtpWeek dtpDayOfYear dtpSqlTimeStamp dtpSqlDate dtpSqlTime dtpSqlFormat dtpReturnType dtpSqlDateFormatString dtpSqlDateTimeFormatString dtpSqlTimeFormatString End Enum '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Private Members '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Const C_DEFAULT_PATTERN_DELEMITER = "@" 'Fakultatives Patterntrennzeichen für strToDate Private Const C_DEFAULT_BYREF As Boolean = True 'Einstellung, ob standardmässig dieRückgabeobjekte eine Refernez zum Original sind oder ein Clone Private Const C_SQL_DATE_US_FORMAT = "\#MM\/DD\/YYYY\#" 'US Datumsformat Private Const C_SQL_DATE_ISO8601_FORMAT = "\#YYYY-MM-DD\#" 'Europa ISO8601 Format Private Const C_SQL_DATETIME_US_FORMAT = "\#MM\/DD\/YYYY HH:NN:SS\#" Private Const C_SQL_DATETIME_ISO8601_FORMAT = "\#YYYY-MM-DD HH:NN:SS\#" Private Const C_SQL_TIME_US_FORMAT = "\#HH:NN:SS\#" Private Const C_SQL_TIME_ISO8601_FORMAT = "\#HH:NN:SS\#" Private pTimeStamp As Date 'Der allumfassende Timestamp Private pNanoSecond As Variant 'Die Nachkommastellen in Nanosekunden Private pFirstDayOfWeek As VbDayOfWeek 'Erster Wochentag der Woche Private pFirstWeekOfYear As VbFirstWeekOfYear 'Definition der ersten Kalenderwoche Private pPatternDelemiter As String 'Delemiter bei unklaren Formaten beim einlesen Private pSqlFormat As dtSqlFormats 'SQL-Format Private pReturnTypes As dtReturnTypes 'Rückgabeart Private pSqlDateFormatString As String Private pSqlDateTimeFormatString As String Private pSqlTimeFormatString As String Private pParams As dtParams '/** ' * Wird in der Funktion strToDate() verwendet um die einzelnen Abschnitte zuzuordnen ' */ Private Enum enuDatePartType dptYear = 2 ^ 0 dptMonth = 2 ^ 1 dptDay = 2 ^ 2 dptHour = 2 ^ 3 dptMinute = 2 ^ 4 dptSecound = 2 ^ 5 dptAmPm = 2 ^ 6 dptNanosecond = 2 ^ 7 End Enum '/** ' * Verschiedene Parser (analog zu strToDate()) ' */ Private Enum tdParser pcDay = 2 ^ 0 pcMonth = 2 ^ 2 pcYear = 2 ^ 3 pcHour = 2 ^ 4 pcMinute = 2 ^ 5 pcSecound = 2 ^ 6 pcAmPm = 2 ^ 7 pcDayOfYear = 2 ^ 8 pcDayOfWeek = 2 ^ 9 pcWeekOfYear = 2 ^ 10 pcNonosecound = 2 ^ 11 pcQuarterEnd = 2 ^ 12 pcQuarter = 2 ^ 13 pcDate = pcDay + pcMonth + pcYear + pcDayOfYear + pcDayOfWeek + pcWeekOfYear + pcQuarter + pcQuarterEnd pcTime = pcHour + pcMinute + pcSecound + pcAmPm + pcNonosecound End Enum '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Public Constructors '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Erstellt eine neue Insatance ' * Besitzt das Attribute instance.VB_UserMemId = 0. Darum ist dies die Standardfunktion für DateTime() ' * @param Date/String/DateTime Timestamp. Ein Datum, ein Datumsstring oder ein DateTime Objekt. Standart ist Now() ' * @param String Wenn der TimeStampein String ist, kann hier das Format mitgegeben werden. Siehe auch ' * @param dtDtringParams Weitere Parameters zum Stringformat ' * @param vbDayOfWeek Erster Tag der Woche ' * @param vbFirstWeekOfYear Definition der ersten Kalenderwoche im Kalender ' * @return DateTime ' */ Public Function instance( _ Optional ByRef iTimestamp As Variant = Null, _ Optional ByVal iFormat As String = Empty, _ Optional ByVal iparams As dtParams = dtNone, _ Optional ByVal iFirstDayOfWeek As VbDayOfWeek = vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, _ Optional ByVal iFirstWeekOfYear As VbFirstWeekOfYear = vbUseSystem _ ) As DateTime Attribute instance.VB_UserMemId = 0 'Attribute instance.VB_UserMemId = 0 Set instance = New DateTime: instance.construct iTimestamp, iFormat, iparams, iFirstDayOfWeek, iFirstWeekOfYear End Function '/** ' * Initialisiert das Objekt ' * @param Date/String/DateTime Timestamp. Ein Datum, ein Datumsstring oder ein DateTime Objekt, ein DateInterval oder ein DateInterval String. Standart ist Now() ' * @param String Wenn der TimeStamp ein String ist, kann hier das Format mitgegeben werden. Siehe auch ' * @param dtDtringParams Weitere Parameters zum Stringformat ' * @param vbDayOfWeek Erster Tag der Woche ' * @param vbFirstWeekOfYear Definition der ersten Kalenderwoche im Kalender ' * @return DateTime ' */ Public Function construct( _ Optional ByRef iTimestamp As Variant = Null, _ Optional ByVal iFormat As String = Empty, _ Optional ByVal iparams As dtParams = dtNone, _ Optional ByVal iFirstDayOfWeek As VbDayOfWeek = vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, _ Optional ByVal iFirstWeekOfYear As VbFirstWeekOfYear = vbUseSystem _ ) As DateTime 'Paramters übernehmen pParams = iparams sqlFormat = iparams returnType = iparams firstDayOfWeek = iFirstDayOfWeek firstWeekOfYear = iFirstWeekOfYear 'iTimestamp parsen Dim fd As Date: Select Case TypeName(iTimestamp) Case "DateTime": pTimeStamp = iTimestamp.timestamp Case "DateInterval": pTimeStamp = iTimestamp.addTo().timestamp Case "Date": pTimeStamp = iTimestamp Case "String": 'Ein In-Format ist definiert -> strToDate If iFormat <> Empty Then pTimeStamp = strToDate(CStr(iTimestamp), iFormat, iparams, iFirstDayOfWeek, iFirstWeekOfYear, pNanoSecond) 'Es handelt sich um ein IntervalSpec ElseIf DateInterval.testIntervalString(CStr(iTimestamp)) Then pTimeStamp = DateInterval(iTimestamp).addTo().timestamp 'Ein Datumsformatstring mit # begrenzt ElseIf iTimestamp Like "[#]*[#]" Then pTimeStamp = Eval(iTimestamp) Else 'Die Nanosekunden extrahieren If rxExtractNanoSec.test(iTimestamp) Then With rxExtractNanoSec.execute(iTimestamp)(0).subMatches iTimestamp = .item(0) 'Das Datum extrahieren pNanoSecond = 10 ^ 9 * CDbl(.item(1)) 'NanoSec bestimmen End With End If 'Timestamp parsen pTimeStamp = VBA.dateValue(iTimestamp) + VBA.timeValue(iTimestamp) End If Case "Null": pTimeStamp = Now Case Else: 'Die Numerischen Werte habe ich extra hier, ansonsten müsste ich alle Numerischen Tpen aufzählen If IsNumeric(iTimestamp) Then pTimeStamp = CDate(iTimestamp) Else Err.Raise 13, "DateTime.construct" End If End Select Set construct = Me End Function '/** ' * Setzt Datum und Zeit. Entspricht DateSerial() + TimeSreial() + Nanosekunden ' * @param ... Die einzelnen Teile ' * @param Booelan Angabe ob der Rückgabewert eine neue Instanz oder eine Referenz sein soll ' * @param vbDayOfWeek Erster Tag der Woche ' * @param vbFirstWeekOfYear Definition der ersten Kalenderwoche im Kalender ' * @return DateTime ' */ Public Function serial( _ Optional ByVal iYear As Variant = Null, _ Optional ByVal iMonth As Integer = 1, _ Optional ByVal iDay As Integer = 1, _ Optional ByVal iHour As Integer = 0, _ Optional ByVal iMinute As Integer = 0, _ Optional ByVal iSecond As Integer = 0, _ Optional ByVal iNanoSecond As Variant = 0, _ Optional ByVal iByRef As Boolean = C_DEFAULT_BYREF, _ Optional ByVal iFirstDayOfWeek As VbDayOfWeek = vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, _ Optional ByVal iFirstWeekOfYear As VbFirstWeekOfYear = vbUseSystem _ ) As DateTime pFirstDayOfWeek = iFirstDayOfWeek pFirstWeekOfYear = iFirstWeekOfYear Dim ts As Date: ts = Empty If Not IsNull(iYear) Then ts = DateSerial(iYear, iMonth, iDay) If iHour + iMinute + iSecond > 0 Then ts = ts + TimeSerial(iHour, iMinute, iSecond) Set serial = retDt(ts, iNanoSecond, iByRef) End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Public Methodes '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Klont das Objekt ' * @return DateTime ' */ Public Function clone() As DateTime Set clone = retDt(timestamp, nanoSecond, False) End Function '/** ' * Rechnet ein DateInterval zum Datum hinzu und gibt ein neues DateTime zurück. ' * @param DateInterval/IntervalSpec/Days ' * @param Boolean true: Das DateTimeObjekt wird selber verändert - False: Das Objekt selber wird nicht verändert ' * @return DateTime ' */ Public Function add(ByRef iInterval As Variant, Optional ByVal iByRef As Boolean = C_DEFAULT_BYREF) As DateTime Set add = addInterval(iInterval, 1, iByRef) End Function '/** ' * Rechnet ein einzelnen Part hinzu ' * @param String Interval-String gem. DateAdd(). Y, M, D, H, N, S, F, Q, W, WW ' * @param Variant Wert ' * @param Boolean true: Das DateTimeObjekt wird selber verändert - False: Das Objekt selber wird nicht verändert ' * @return DateTime ' */ Public Function addSingleValue(ByVal iInterval As String, ByVal iNumber As Variant, Optional ByVal iByRef As Boolean = C_DEFAULT_BYREF) As DateTime Select Case UCase(iInterval) Case "Y", "M", "D", "H", "N", "S", "W", "WW", "Q": Set addSingleValue = retDt(DateAdd(iInterval, iNumber, pTimeStamp), 0, iByRef) Case "F": Dim nano As Variant: nano = pNanoSecond + iNumber Dim diffSec As Variant If nano > 999999999 Then diffSec = Fix(nano / 10 ^ 9) nano = nano - diffSec * 10 ^ 9 ElseIf nano < 0 Then diffSec = Fix(nano / 10 ^ 9) - 1 nano = Abs(diffSec * 10 ^ 9 - nano) End If Set addSingleValue = retDt(DateAdd("S", diffSec, pTimeStamp), nano, iByRef) End Select End Function '/** ' * Zählt ein DateInterval vom Datum ab und gibt ein neues DateTime zurück. ' * @param DateInterval/IntervalSpec/Days ' * @param Boolean true: Das DateTimeObjekt wird selber nicht verändert - False: Das Objekt selber wird verändert ' * @return DateTime ' */ Public Function minus(ByRef iInterval As Variant, Optional ByVal iByRef As Boolean = C_DEFAULT_BYREF) As DateTime Set minus = addInterval(iInterval, -1, iByRef) End Function '/** ' * Gibt die Differenz als DateInterval zu einem Datum zurück ' * @param Date/String/DateTime ' * @param Boolean ' * @return DateInterval ' */ Public Function diff( _ Optional ByRef iTimestamp As Variant = Null, _ Optional ByVal iAbsolute As Boolean = False _ ) As DateInterval Set diff = DateInterval.instanceFromDateDiff(Me, iTimestamp, iAbsolute) End Function '/** ' * Gibt ein formatiertes Datum zurück -> VBA.format() ' * Pattern gemäss VBA-format plus Nanosekunden (F). Die Anzahl F gibt die Nachkommastellen der Sekunden an. ' * @param String Format ' * @param vbDayOfWeek Erster Tag der Woche ' * @param vbFirstWeekOfYear Definition der ersten Kalenderwoche im Kalender ' */ Public Function format( _ ByVal iFormat As String, _ Optional ByVal iFirstDayOfWeek As VbDayOfWeek = -1, _ Optional ByVal iFirstWeekOfYear As VbFirstWeekOfYear = -1 _ ) As String Dim firstDayOfWeek As VbDayOfWeek: firstDayOfWeek = IIf(iFirstDayOfWeek = -1, pFirstDayOfWeek, iFirstDayOfWeek) Dim firstWeekOfYear As VbFirstWeekOfYear: firstWeekOfYear = IIf(iFirstWeekOfYear = -1, pFirstWeekOfYear, iFirstWeekOfYear) Dim ns As Double: ns = pNanoSecond / 10 ^ 9 Dim correctedTimeStamp As Date: correctedTimeStamp = pTimeStamp Dim pattern As String: pattern = iFormat If rxNS.test(pattern) Then Dim m As Object: For Each m In rxNS.execute(pattern) pattern = substrReplace(pattern, VBA.format(10 ^ m.length * ns, String(m.length, "0")), m.firstIndex, m.length) Next m ElseIf CInt(ns) = 1 Then 'Microsekunden vorhanden, MS nicht im Format und grösser als 0.5 Sekunden -> Sekunden aufrunden correctedTimeStamp = DateAdd("S", 1, correctedTimeStamp) End If format = VBA.format(correctedTimeStamp, pattern, firstDayOfWeek, firstWeekOfYear) End Function '/** ' * Gibt ein formatiertes Datum zurück. Im gegensatz zu format() müssend ie Pattern in {$...} geschtrieben werden ' * @param String Format ' * @param vbDayOfWeek Erster Tag der Woche ' * @param vbFirstWeekOfYear Definition der ersten Kalenderwoche im Kalender ' */ Public Function format2( _ ByVal iFormat As String, _ Optional ByVal iFirstDayOfWeek As VbDayOfWeek = -1, _ Optional ByVal iFirstWeekOfYear As VbFirstWeekOfYear = -1 _ ) As String Dim firstDayOfWeek As VbDayOfWeek: firstDayOfWeek = IIf(iFirstDayOfWeek = -1, pFirstDayOfWeek, iFirstDayOfWeek) Dim firstWeekOfYear As VbFirstWeekOfYear: firstWeekOfYear = IIf(iFirstWeekOfYear = -1, pFirstWeekOfYear, iFirstWeekOfYear) Dim correctedTimeStamp As Date: correctedTimeStamp = pTimeStamp Dim pattern As String Dim ns As Double: ns = pNanoSecond / 10 ^ 9 format2 = iFormat If CInt(ns) = 1 And Not rxNS2.test(format2) Then 'Microsekunden vorhanden, MS nicht im Format und grösser als 0.5 Sekunden -> Sekunden aufrunden correctedTimeStamp = DateAdd("S", 1, correctedTimeStamp) End If 'Microsekunden ausgeben Do While rxNS2.test(format2) Dim sm As Object: Set sm = rxNS2.execute(format2)(0).subMatches pattern = VBA.format(10 ^ Len(sm(2)) * ns, String(Len(sm(2)), "0")) If Len(sm(1)) + Len(sm(4)) > 0 Then pattern = sm(0) & pattern & sm(3) format2 = rxNS2.Replace(format2, pattern) Loop Do While rxFormats2.test(format2) pattern = rxFormats2.execute(format2)(0).subMatches(0) format2 = rxFormats2.Replace(format2, VBA.format(correctedTimeStamp, pattern, firstDayOfWeek, firstWeekOfYear)) Loop End Function '/** ' * Schneidet Den Hinteren Teil des Timestamps ab ' * @example DateTime(#2014-04-05 13:34:14#).trunc("H") --> 05.04.2014 13:00:00 ' DateTime(#2014-04-05 13:34:14#).trunc("M") --> 01.04.2014 00:00:00 ' * @param String Interval-String gem. DateAdd(). YYYY, M, D, H, N, S ' * @param Boolean true: Das DateTimeObjekt wird selber verändert - False: Das Objekt selber wird nicht verändert ' * @return DateTime ' */ Public Function trunc( _ Optional ByVal iInterval As String = "D", _ Optional ByVal iByRef As Boolean = C_DEFAULT_BYREF _ ) As DateTime Set trunc = retDt(truncTimestamp(iInterval), 0, iByRef) End Function '/** ' * Rundet den Timestamp ' * @example DateTime(#2014-04-05 13:15:56#).round("H") --> 05.04.2014 13:00:00 ' DateTime(#2014-04-05 13:34:14#).round("H") --> 05.04.2014 14:00:00 ' * @param String Interval-String gem. DateAdd(). YYYY, M, D, H, N, S ' * @param Boolean true: Das DateTimeObjekt wird selber verändert - False: Das Objekt selber wird nicht verändert ' * @return DateTime ' */ Public Function round( _ Optional ByVal iInterval As String = "D", _ Optional ByVal iByRef As Boolean = C_DEFAULT_BYREF _ ) As DateTime Dim ts As Date: ts = timestamp Dim delta As Integer Select Case UCase(iInterval) Case "YYYY", "YY", "Y": delta = CInt(VBA.month(ts) / 12) Case "M", "MM": delta = CInt( /, VBA.month(ts) + 1, 0))) Case "D", "DD": delta = CInt(VBA.hour(ts) / 24) Case "H", "HH": delta = CInt(VBA.minute(ts) / 60) Case "N", "NN": delta = CInt(VBA.second(ts) / 60) Case "S", "SS": delta = CInt(pNanoSecond / 10 ^ 9) Case "W", "WW": delta = CInt(VBA.format(ts, "w", pFirstDayOfWeek) / 7) Case Else: Err.Raise 13, "DateTime.round" End Select Set round = retDt(truncTimestamp(iInterval, delta), 0, iByRef) End Function '/** ' * Erstellt ein Array mit einem Interval. Als erstes Datum wird der aktuelle DateTime verwendet ' * @param DateInterval/IntervalSpec/Days ' * @param Long/DateTime/Timestamp Anzahl Einträge oder ein Endzeitpunkt ' * @param dtReturnTypes Rückgabeformat: timestamp oder DateTime ' * @return Array ' */ Public Function interval(ByRef iIntervalSpec As Variant, ByRef iSizeOrEnd As Variant, Optional ByVal iReturnType As dtReturnTypes = dtTimestamp) As Variant() Dim di As DateInterval: Set di = DateInterval(iIntervalSpec) Dim argIsSize As Boolean: argIsSize = IsNumeric(iSizeOrEnd) Dim dt As DateTime: Set dt = Me.clone Dim endTs As Date: If Not argIsSize Then endTs = DateTime(iSizeOrEnd).timestamp Dim size As Long: If argIsSize Then size = CLng(iSizeOrEnd) Dim retArr() As Variant Dim i As Long Do While IIf(argIsSize, i < size, dt.timestamp <= endTs) ReDim Preserve retArr(i) 'Datum in Array übernehmen refDt retArr(i), iReturnType, dt, False i = i + 1 'Datum vorrücken dt.add di, True Loop interval = retArr End Function '/** ' * Ersetzt einen einzelnen Teil des Datums und gibt ein DateTime zurück ' * @param String Interval-String gem. DateAdd(). YYYY, M, D, H, N, S, F ' * @param Long Neuer Wert ' * @param Boolean true: Das DateTimeObjekt wird selber verändert - False: Das Objekt selber wird nicht verändert ' * @return DateTime ' */ Public Function modify( _ ByVal iInterval As String, _ ByVal iNumber As Long, _ Optional ByVal iByRef As Boolean = C_DEFAULT_BYREF _ ) As DateTime With Me.clone Select Case UCase(iInterval) Case "YYYY", "YY": .year = iNumber Case "M", "MM": .month = iNumber Case "D", "DD": .day = iNumber Case "H", "HH": .hour = iNumber Case "N", "NN": .minute = iNumber Case "S", "SS": .second = iNumber Case "F": .nanoSecond = iNumber Case "W": .dayOfWeek = iNumber Case "WW": .week = iNumber Case "Y": .dayOfYear = iNumber Case Else: Err.Raise 13, "DateTime.modify" End Select Set modify = retDt(.timestamp, .nanoSecond, iByRef) End With End Function '/** ' * Gibt ein DateTime nur mit dem Datum zurück ' * @param Boolean true: Das DateTimeObjekt wird selber verändert - False: Das Objekt selber wird nicht verändert ' * @return DateTime ' */ Public Function getDateObj(Optional ByVal iByRef As Boolean = C_DEFAULT_BYREF) As DateTime Set getDateObj = retDt(dateValue, 0, iByRef) End Function '/** ' * Gibt ein DateTime nur mit der Uhrzeit zurück (ohne Nanosekunden) ' * @param Boolean true: Das DateTimeObjekt wird selber verändert - False: Das Objekt selber wird nicht verändert ' * @return DateTime ' */ Public Function getTimeObj(Optional ByVal iByRef As Boolean = C_DEFAULT_BYREF) As DateTime Set getTimeObj = retDt(timeValue, 0, iByRef) End Function '/** ' * Gibt ein DateTime mit dem ersten Tag des Monates zurück. Analog zu trunc("D") ' * @param Boolean true: Das DateTimeObjekt wird selber verändert - False: Das Objekt selber wird nicht verändert ' * @return DateTime ' */ Public Function getFirstDayOfMonth(Optional ByVal iByRef As Boolean = C_DEFAULT_BYREF) As DateTime Set getFirstDayOfMonth = retDt(truncTimestamp("M"), 0, iByRef) End Function '/** ' * Gibt ein DateTime mit dem letzten Tag des Monates zurück ' * @param Boolean true: Das DateTimeObjekt wird selber verändert - False: Das Objekt selber wird nicht verändert ' * @return DateTime ' */ Public Function getLastDayOfMonth(Optional ByVal iByRef As Boolean = C_DEFAULT_BYREF) As DateTime Set getLastDayOfMonth = retDt(DateSerial(year, month + 1, 0), 0, iByRef) End Function '/** ' * Gibt ein DateTime mit dem ersten Tag der Woche zurück. Analog zu trunc("WW") ' * @param Boolean true: Das DateTimeObjekt wird selber verändert - False: Das Objekt selber wird nicht verändert ' * @return DateTime ' */ Public Function getFirstOfWeek(Optional ByVal iByRef As Boolean = C_DEFAULT_BYREF) As DateTime Set getFirstOfWeek = retDt(truncTimestamp("W"), 0, iByRef) End Function '/** ' * Gibt ein DateTime mit dem letzten Tag der Woche zurück ' * @param Boolean true: Das DateTimeObjekt wird selber verändert - False: Das Objekt selber wird nicht verändert ' * @return DateTime ' */ Public Function getLastDayOfWeek(Optional ByVal iByRef As Boolean = C_DEFAULT_BYREF) As DateTime Set getLastDayOfWeek = retDt(truncTimestamp("W") + 6, 0, iByRef) End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Public Properties '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Setzt ein Property ung gibt ein DateTime zurück ' * @param dtProperties Info, welches Property gesetzt werden soll ' * @param Variant Wert ' * @param Boolean true: Das DateTimeObjekt wird selber verändert - False: Das Objekt selber wird nicht verändert ' * @return DateTime ' */ Public Function setProperty( _ ByVal iProperty As dtProperties, _ ByVal iValue As Variant, _ Optional ByVal iByRef As Boolean = C_DEFAULT_BYREF _ ) As DateTime Set setProperty = retDt(Me.timestamp, Me.nanoSecond, iByRef) Select Case iProperty Case dtpTimestamp: setProperty.timestamp = iValue Case dtpDateValue: setProperty.dateValue = iValue Case dtpTimeValue: setProperty.timeValue = iValue Case dtpYear: setProperty.year = iValue Case dtpMonth: setProperty.month = iValue Case dtpDay: = iValue Case dtpHour: setProperty.hour = iValue Case dtpMinute: setProperty.minute = iValue Case dtpSecond: setProperty.second = iValue Case dtpNanoSecond: setProperty.nanoSecond = iValue Case dtpMicroSecond: setProperty.microSecond = iValue Case dtpMilliSecond: setProperty.milliSecond = iValue Case dtpFirstWeekOfYear: setProperty.firstWeekOfYear = iValue Case dtpFirstDayOfWeek: setProperty.firstDayOfWeek = iValue Case dtpPatternDelemiter: setProperty.patternDelemiter = iValue Case dtpDayOfWeek: setProperty.dayOfWeek = iValue Case dtpQuarter: setProperty.quarter = iValue Case dtpWeek: setProperty.week = iValue Case dtpDayOfYear: setProperty.dayOfYear = iValue Case dtpSqlTimeStamp: setProperty.sqlTimeStamp = iValue Case dtpSqlDate: setProperty.sqlDate = iValue Case dtpSqlTime: setProperty.sqlTime = iValue Case dtpSqlFormat: setProperty.sqlFormat = iValue Case dtpReturnType: setProperty.returnType = iValue Case dtpSqlDateFormatString: sqlDateFormatString = iValue Case dtpSqlDateTimeFormatString: sqlDateTimeFormatString = iValue Case dtpSqlTimeFormatString: sqlTimeFormatString = iValue End Select End Function ' Ganzes Datum inkl. Zeit (rundung mit Nanosekunden) Public Property Get timestamp() As Date: timestamp = IIf(CInt(pNanoSecond / 10 ^ 9) = 1, DateAdd("S", 1, pTimeStamp), pTimeStamp) End Property Public Property Let timestamp(ByVal its As Date): pTimeStamp = its: End Property ' Nur Datum Public Property Get dateValue() As Variant: dateValue = VBA.dateValue(timestamp): End Property Public Property Let dateValue(ByVal its As Variant): pTimeStamp = VBA.dateValue(getDate(its)): End Property 'Nur Zeit Public Property Get timeValue() As Variant: timeValue = VBA.timeValue(timestamp): End Property Public Property Let timeValue(ByRef its As Variant): pTimeStamp = VBA.timeValue(getDate(its)): End Property 'Year Public Property Get year() As Integer: year = VBA.year(timestamp): End Property Public Property Let year(ByVal iYear As Integer): replaceOnePart dptYear, iYear: End Property 'Month Public Property Get month() As Integer: month = VBA.month(timestamp): End Property Public Property Let month(ByVal iMonth As Integer): replaceOnePart dptMonth, iMonth: End Property Public Property Get monthName() As String: monthName = Me.format("MMMM"): End Property 'Day Public Property Get day() As Integer: day = End Property Public Property Let day(ByVal iDay As Integer): replaceOnePart dptDay, iDay: End Property 'Hour Public Property Get hour() As Integer: hour = VBA.hour(timestamp): End Property Public Property Let hour(ByVal iHour As Integer): replaceOnePart dptHour, iHour: End Property 'Minute Public Property Get minute() As Integer: minute = VBA.minute(timestamp): End Property Public Property Let minute(ByVal iMinute As Integer): replaceOnePart dptMinute, iMinute: End Property 'Second Public Property Get second() As Integer: second = VBA.second(timestamp): End Property Public Property Let second(ByVal iSecond As Integer): replaceOnePart dptSecound, iSecond: End Property 'Nanosekunden: 10^-9 Vorsicht: Enthält auch Makro- und Millisekunden Public Property Get nanoSecond() As Variant: nanoSecond = pNanoSecond: End Property Public Property Let nanoSecond(ByVal iNS As Variant): pNanoSecond = iNS: End Property 'Mikrosekunden. 10^-6 Vorsicht: Enthält auch Millisekunden Public Property Get microSecond() As Long: microSecond = CLng(pNanoSecond / 10 ^ 3): End Property Public Property Let microSecond(ByVal iMS As Long): pNanoSecond = iMS * 10 ^ 3: End Property 'Millisekunden. 10^-3 Public Property Get milliSecond() As Long: milliSecond = CLng(pNanoSecond / 10 ^ 6): End Property Public Property Let milliSecond(ByVal iMS As Long): pNanoSecond = iMS * 10 ^ 6: End Property 'Definition der ersten Kalenderwoche im Kalender Public Property Get firstWeekOfYear() As VbFirstWeekOfYear: firstWeekOfYear = pFirstWeekOfYear: End Property Public Property Let firstWeekOfYear(ByVal ifW As VbFirstWeekOfYear): pFirstWeekOfYear = ifW: End Property 'Erster Tag der Woche Public Property Get firstDayOfWeek() As VbDayOfWeek: firstDayOfWeek = pFirstDayOfWeek: End Property Public Property Let firstDayOfWeek(ByVal ifDW As VbDayOfWeek): pFirstDayOfWeek = ifDW: End Property 'Patterndemeliter. Default @ Public Property Get patternDelemiter() As String: patternDelemiter = pPatternDelemiter: End Property Public Property Let patternDelemiter(ByVal iDelim As String): pPatternDelemiter = iDelim: End Property 'DayOfWeek Public Property Get dayOfWeek() As Integer dayOfWeek = CInt(VBA.format(timestamp, "W", firstDayOfWeek, firstWeekOfYear)) End Property Public Property Let dayOfWeek(ByVal iDayOfWeek As Integer) 'Für die Differnez wird extra nicht dayOfWeek genommen, sondern der Wochentag unabhängig von 'den Einstellungen ermittelt, damit ein Wert aus dem Enum vbDayOfWeek zurückgegeben wird 'Me.add (iDayOfWeek - dayOfWeek), True Me.add (iDayOfWeek - CInt(VBA.format(timestamp, "W"))), True End Property 'Quarter Public Property Get quarter() As Integer: quarter = CInt(VBA.format(timestamp, "Q")): End Property Public Property Let quarter(ByVal iQuarter As Integer) Me.addSingleValue "Q", iQuarter - Me.quarter End Property 'Week Public Property Get week() As Integer week = getISOWeekNum(timestamp, firstDayOfWeek) End Property Public Property Let week(ByVal iWeek As Integer) Me.addSingleValue "WW", iWeek - Me.week End Property Public Property Get weekYear() As Integer End Property 'DayOfWeekName Public Property Get dayOfWeekName() As String: dayOfWeekName = Me.format("DDDD") End Property 'DayOfYear Public Property Get dayOfYear() As Long dayOfYear = CLng(VBA.format(pTimeStamp, "y", pFirstDayOfWeek, pFirstWeekOfYear)) End Property Public Property Let dayOfYear(ByVal iDays As Long) trunc("YY").add iDays - 1 End Property 'Timestamp im SQL-Format Public Property Get sqlTimeStamp() As String sqlTimeStamp = Me.format(sqlDateTimeFormatString) End Property Public Property Let sqlTimeStamp(ByVal iSqlString As String) pTimeStamp = Eval(iSqlString) End Property 'Date im SQL-Format Public Property Get sqlDate() As String sqlDate = Me.format(sqlDateFormatString) End Property Public Property Let sqlDate(ByVal iSqlString As String) pTimeStamp = Eval(iSqlString) End Property 'Timest im SQL-Format Public Property Get sqlTime() As String sqlTime = Me.format(sqlTimeFormatString) End Property Public Property Let sqlTime(ByVal iSqlString As String) pTimeStamp = Eval(iSqlString) End Property '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Weitere Properties '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Definition des SQL-Formates Public Property Get sqlFormat() As dtSqlFormats sqlFormat = pSqlFormat End Property Public Property Let sqlFormat(ByVal iSqlFormat As dtSqlFormats) pSqlFormat = Switch(andB(iSqlFormat, dtSqlIso8601), dtSqlIso8601, andB(iSqlFormat, dtsqlus), dtsqlus, andB(iSqlFormat, dtSqlManual), dtSqlManual, True, dtSqlDefault) End Property ' Bei gewissen Methoden kann man das Rückgabetype auswählen Public Property Get returnType() As dtReturnTypes returnType = pReturnTypes End Property Public Property Let returnType(ByVal iReturnType As dtReturnTypes) pReturnTypes = Switch(andB(iReturnType, dtDateTime), dtDateTime, andB(iReturnType, dtTimestamp), dtTimestamp, True, dtRetDefault) End Property 'SQL Formatstring Public Property Get sqlDateFormatString() As String sqlDateFormatString = Switch(sqlFormat = dtsqlus, C_SQL_DATE_US_FORMAT, sqlFormat = dtSqlIso8601, C_SQL_DATE_ISO8601_FORMAT, sqlFormat = dtSqlManual, pSqlDateFormatString) End Property Public Property Let sqlDateFormatString(ByVal iFormatString As String) pSqlDateFormatString = iFormatString sqlFormat = dtSqlManual End Property Public Property Get sqlDateTimeFormatString() As String sqlDateTimeFormatString = Switch(sqlFormat = dtsqlus, C_SQL_DATETIME_US_FORMAT, sqlFormat = dtSqlIso8601, C_SQL_DATETIME_ISO8601_FORMAT, sqlFormat = dtSqlManual, pSqlDateTimeFormatString) End Property Public Property Let sqlDateTimeFormatString(ByVal iFormatString As String) pSqlDateTimeFormatString = iFormatString sqlFormat = dtSqlManual End Property Public Property Get sqlTimeFormatString() As String sqlTimeFormatString = Switch(sqlFormat = dtsqlus, C_SQL_TIME_US_FORMAT, sqlFormat = dtSqlIso8601, C_SQL_TIME_ISO8601_FORMAT, sqlFormat = dtSqlManual, pSqlTimeFormatString) End Property Public Property Let sqlTimeFormatString(ByVal iFormatString As String) pSqlTimeFormatString = iFormatString sqlFormat = dtSqlManual End Property '/** ' * Gibt ein String-Wert eines Objektes zurück ' * @return String ' */ Public Property Get toString(Optional ByVal format As String) As String toString = IIf(format = Empty, sqlTimeStamp, Me.format(format)) End Property '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Interface methodes/properties '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #If IFormattable_exists Then '/** ' * Gibt das Originalobjekt zurück ' * @object ' */ Private Property Get IFormattable_toString(Optional ByVal format As String, Optional ByRef formatProvider As Object) As String IFormattable_toString = toString(format) End Property #End If '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '--- PRIVATE PROPERTIES '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Managt die gecachten Formate ' * @return Dictionary ' */ Private Property Get formatS() As Object Static cachedDict As Object If cachedDict Is Nothing Then Set cachedDict = CreateObject("scripting.Dictionary") Set formatS = cachedDict End Property '/** ' * RegExp der die Einzelformatpatterns bestimmt ' * @return RegExp ' */ Private Property Get rxParseFormat() As Object Static cachedRx As Object If cachedRx Is Nothing Then Set cachedRx = cRx("/((?=" & pPatternDelemiter & "?)(\\u[0-9A-F]{4})|(Y{4}|([MDHNSWYQ])\4|[MDHNSWYFQ]|A\/P|AM/PM))/ig") Set rxParseFormat = cachedRx End Property '/** ' * RegExp der die Einzelformatpatterns bestimmt ' * @return RegExp ' */ Private Property Get rxParseFormat2() As Object 'cRx("/\{\$(.*?)\}/g") Static rx As Object: If rx Is Nothing Then Set rx = cRx("/\{\$((\\u[0-9A-F]{4})|(Y{4}|([MDHNSWYQ])\4|[MDHNSWYFQ]|A\/P|AM/PM))}/ig") Set rxParseFormat2 = rx End Property Private Property Get rxExtractNanoSec() As Object Static rx As Object: If rx Is Nothing Then Set rx = cRx("/^(.*)(\.\d{1,9})$/") Set rxExtractNanoSec = rx End Property '/** ' * RegExp mit dem Nanosekundenformat ' * @return RegExp ' */ Private Property Get rxNS() As Object Static rx As Object: If rx Is Nothing Then Set rx = cRx("/(f{1,9})/ig") Set rxNS = rx End Property '/** ' * RegExp mit dem Nanosekundenformat bei format2() ' * @return RegExp ' */ Private Property Get rxNS2() As Object Static rx As Object: If rx Is Nothing Then Set rx = cRx("/(\{\$([^\}f]*))(f{1,9})(([^\}f]*)\})/i") Set rxNS2 = rx End Property '/** ' * RegExp um die Formatschnipsel bei format2() zu finden ' * @return RegExp ' */ Private Property Get rxFormats2() As Object Static rx As Object: If rx Is Nothing Then Set rx = cRx("/\{(?!\\)\$([^\}]+)}/") Set rxFormats2 = rx End Property '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Private Methodes '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Schneidet den Timestamp ab. Es wird ggf noch ein Delta dazu gerechnet ' * @param String Den Interval gemäss DateAdd() ' * @param Byte Ein Delta, dass auf der letzten Stelle dazugerecnet wird ' * @return Date ' */ Private Function truncTimestamp( _ Optional ByVal iInterval As String = "D", _ Optional ByVal iDelta As Integer = 0 _ ) As Date Dim ts As Date: ts = timestamp Select Case UCase(iInterval) Case "YYYY", "YY", "Y": truncTimestamp = DateSerial(VBA.year(ts) + iDelta, 1, 1) Case "M", "MM": truncTimestamp = DateSerial(VBA.year(ts), VBA.month(ts) + iDelta, 1) Case "D", "DD": truncTimestamp = DateSerial(VBA.year(ts), VBA.month(ts), + iDelta) Case "H", "HH": truncTimestamp = DateSerial(VBA.year(ts), VBA.month(ts), + TimeSerial(VBA.hour(ts) + iDelta, 0, 0) Case "N", "NN": truncTimestamp = DateSerial(VBA.year(ts), VBA.month(ts), + TimeSerial(VBA.hour(ts), VBA.minute(ts) + iDelta, 0) Case "S", "SS": 'Die Nanosekunden sind bereits eingearbeitet. Darum müssen diese wieder entfernt werden iDelta = iDelta - CInt(nanoSecond / 10 ^ 9) truncTimestamp = DateSerial(VBA.year(ts), VBA.month(ts), + TimeSerial(VBA.hour(ts), VBA.minute(ts), VBA.second(ts) + iDelta) Case "W", "WW": truncTimestamp = DateAdd("d", -CInt(VBA.format(ts, "w", pFirstDayOfWeek)) + 1, DateAdd("WW", iDelta, truncTimestamp("D"))) Case Else: Err.Raise 13, "DateTime.trunc" End Select End Function '/** ' * Ersezt einen einzelnen Teil des Timestamp ' * @param String Kurzzeichen des Abschnittes YMDHNS ' * @param Integer Neuer Wert ' */ Private Sub replaceOnePart(ByVal iDatePartType As enuDatePartType, ByVal iValue As Integer) Select Case iDatePartType Case dptYear: pTimeStamp = DateSerial(iValue, Me.month, + Me.timeValue Case dptMonth: pTimeStamp = DateSerial(Me.year, iValue, + Me.timeValue Case dptDay: pTimeStamp = DateSerial(Me.year, Me.month, iValue) + Me.timeValue Case dptHour: pTimeStamp = Me.dateValue + TimeSerial(iValue, Me.minute, Me.second) Case dptMinute: pTimeStamp = Me.dateValue + TimeSerial(Me.hour, iValue, Me.second) Case dptSecound: pTimeStamp = Me.dateValue + TimeSerial(Me.hour, Me.minute, iValue) End Select End Sub '/** ' * Versucht aus einer Eingabe ein Datum zu erstellen ' * @param Date/DateTime/String ' * @return Date ' */ Private Function getDate(ByRef iDate As Variant) As Date Select Case TypeName(iDate) Case "DateTime": getDate = iDate.timestamp Case "Date": getDate = iDate Case "String": getDate = dateValue(iDate) + timeValue(dateValue) Case "Null": getDate = Now Case Else: Err.Raise 13, "DateInterval.getDate" '13 Type mismatch End Select End Function '/** ' * Handelt den Return. Ob das aktuelle Objekt angepasst wird oder nicht ' * @param Date ' * @param Boolean true: Das DateTimeObjekt wird selber verändert - False: Das Objekt selber wird nicht verändert ' * @return DateTime ' */ Private Function retDt(ByVal iTimestamp As Date, ByVal iNanoSecond As Variant, ByVal iByRef As Boolean) As DateTime If iByRef Then 'Auf sich selber anpassen pTimeStamp = iTimestamp pNanoSecond = iNanoSecond Set retDt = Me Else 'Neues Objekt erstellen. Die SQL-Formateinstellung wird ebenfalls übergeben Set retDt = DateTime.instance(iTimestamp, , Me.sqlFormat, firstDayOfWeek, firstWeekOfYear) retDt.nanoSecond = iNanoSecond End If End Function Private Sub refDt(ByRef oValue As Variant, ByVal iReturnType As dtReturnTypes, Optional ByRef iDt As DateTime = Nothing, Optional ByVal iByRef As Boolean = C_DEFAULT_BYREF) Dim dt As DateTime: Set dt = IIf(iDt Is Nothing, Me, iDt) Select Case iReturnType Case dtTimestamp: oValue = dt.timestamp Case dtDateTime: Set oValue = IIf(iByRef, dt, dt.clone) End Select End Sub '/** ' * Add/Minus ein DateInterval ' * @param DateInterval/IntervalSpec/Days ' * @param Boolean true: Das DateTimeObjekt wird selber verändert - False: Das Objekt selber wird nicht verändert ' * @return DateTime ' */ Private Function addInterval(ByRef iInterval As Variant, ByVal iSign As Integer, Optional ByVal iByRef As Boolean = C_DEFAULT_BYREF) As DateTime Dim di As DateInterval Select Case TypeName(iInterval) Case "DateInterval": Set di = iInterval Case "String": Set di = DateInterval(iInterval) Case "Integer", "Long": Set di = DateInterval(iInterval) Case Else: Err.Raise 13, "DateTime.addInterval" End Select Dim sign As Integer: sign = di.sign * iSign Dim ts As Date: ts = pTimeStamp Dim nanoSec As Long: nanoSec = pNanoSecond + sign * di.nanoSecond ts = DateAdd("YYYY", sign * di.year, ts) ts = DateAdd("M", sign * di.month, ts) ts = DateAdd("D", sign *, ts) ts = DateAdd("H", sign * di.hour, ts) ts = DateAdd("N", sign * di.minute, ts) ts = DateAdd("S", sign * di.second, ts) Set addInterval = retDt(ts, nanoSec, iByRef) End Function '/** ' * Ermittelt den Jahrestag des Ersten Tages einer Woche ' * @param Long Jahr ' * @param Integer Woche im Jahr ' * @param VbDayOfWeek Angabe zum ersten Wochentag. Schweiz -> Montag ' * @param VbFirstWeekOfYear Angabe zum ersten Woche im Jahr ' * @return Long ' */ Private Function getDaysOfFirstDayOfWeek( _ ByVal iYear As Long, _ ByVal iWeek As Integer, _ Optional ByVal iFirstDayOfWeek As VbDayOfWeek = vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, _ Optional ByVal iFirstWeekOfYear As VbFirstWeekOfYear = vbUseSystem _ ) As Long Dim firstJan As Date: firstJan = DateSerial(iYear, 1, 1) Dim firstJanW As Integer: firstJanW = DatePart("W", firstJan, iFirstDayOfWeek, vbFirstFullWeek) Dim diff As Integer: diff = IIf(DatePart("WW", firstJan, iFirstDayOfWeek, iFirstWeekOfYear) = 1, firstJanW, firstJanW - 7) getDaysOfFirstDayOfWeek = ((iWeek - 1) * 7) + 2 - diff End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Class Events '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Beim initialisieren gleich den Wert auf Now setzen ' */ Private Sub Class_Initialize() pPatternDelemiter = C_DEFAULT_PATTERN_DELEMITER construct Now End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '--- LIBRARIES '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- strToDate V 2.5.0 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Parst ein String in ein Datum anhand eines mitgegeben Formates ' * @param String Der Datumsstring ' * @param String Das Format. Als Standart ist das Systemdatumsformat ' * @param tdtParams Weitere Parameter ' * @param VbDayOfWeek Angabe zum ersten Wochentag. Schweiz -> Montag. Standard: Systemeinstellung ' * @param VbFirstWeekOfYear Angabe zum ersten Woche im Jahr. Schweiz -> vbFirstFourDays. Standard: Systemeinstellung ' * @param Long Rückgabewert für die Nanosekunden ' * @return Date ' * ' * Die folgenden Zeichen müssen im Format mit einem \ maskiert werden, wenn sie als Trennzeichen eingesetzt werden sollen: ' * M D Y H N S W @ Bie AMPM: A\M/P\M, \A/P ' * Bsp.: strToDate("D01M11Y2014", "\DDD\MMM\YYYYY") -> 1 November 2014 ' * ' * Bisher umgesetzte Formate: ' * m Monat ohne führende Null (1-12) ' * mm Monat mit führende Null (01-12) ' * d Tag ohne führende Null (1-31) ' * dd Tag mit führende Null (01-31) ' * yy Zweistelliges Jahr ' * yyyy Vierstelliges Jahr ' * q QuartalAnfang (1.1.x - 1.10.x) ' * qq QuartalEnde (31.3.x - 31.12.x) ' * h Stunden ohne führende Null(0-24) ' * hh Stunden mit führende Null(00-24) ' * n Minuten ohne führende Null(0-59) ' * nn Minuten mit führende Null(00-59) ' * s Sekunden ohne führende Null(0-59) ' * ss Sekunden mit führende Null(00-59) ' * am/pm Erwartet eine Angabe von AM oder PM ' * a/p Erwartet eine Angabe von A oder P ' * y Tag des Jahres ' * w Tag der Woche ' * ww Woche im Jahr ' * f Nanosekunden ' * ' * Allgemein. Sollte anhand des Formates eine Reihenfolge nicht klar sein, dann kann vor jedes Pattern ein @ gesetzt werden ' * Format "YYYYY". Jahreszahl & Tag im Jahr. Es ist unklar ob das Jahr oder der Tag als erste kommt. -> "Y2YYYY" ' * ' * Errors: ' * 13 Es wurde kein Format mitgegeben und der String lässt sich nicht durch das Sytem in ein Datum wandeln. Siehe cdate() ' * -2147221503 (C_SD_ERR_INVALID_FORMAT) Das Format ist nicht parsbar ' * -2147221502 (C_SD_ERR_NOT_PARSEBLE) Der String passt nicht mit dem Format überein ' */ Public Function strToDate( _ ByVal iDate As Variant, _ Optional ByVal iFormat As String = vbNullString, _ Optional ByVal iparams As tdtParams = tdtIgnoreCase, _ Optional ByVal iFirstDayOfWeek As VbDayOfWeek = vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, _ Optional ByVal iFirstWeekOfYear As VbFirstWeekOfYear = vbUseSystem, _ Optional ByRef oNanoSecounds As Variant _ ) As Variant On Error GoTo Err_Handler Dim dateS As String: dateS = IIf(andB(iparams, tdtIgnoreCase), UCase(CStr(NZ(iDate))), CStr(NZ(iDate))) 'Wenn kein Format mitgegen wird, wird versucht mittels cDate() das Datum herauszukriegen If iFormat = vbNullString Then strToDate = CDate(dateS) Exit Function End If Dim d As Integer, m As Integer, y As Integer: d = 1: m = 0: y = 0 Dim h As Integer, n As Integer, s As Integer: h = 0: n = 0: s = 0 Dim dow As Integer, doy As Long, woy As Integer: dow = 0: doy = 0: woy = 0 Dim ampm As String Dim flagHasDate As Boolean Dim flagHasTime As Boolean 'überprüfen, welcher Art von Format es ist If Not andB(iparams, tdtFomat2) And rxParseFormat2.test(iFormat) Then iparams = iparams + tdtFomat2 'Format parsen Dim frmtKey As String: frmtKey = parseFormatToCache(iFormat, iparams) 'Überprüfen ob der Datumsstring auf das Format passt If formatS(frmtKey).item("RegExp").test(dateS) = False Then Err.Raise dtErrNotParseble, "strToDate", "Datum passt nicht auf das Format" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & formatS(frmtKey).item("RegExp").pattern Dim match As Object: Set match = formatS(frmtKey).item("RegExp").execute(dateS)(0) Dim i As Integer: For i = 0 To match.subMatches.Count - 1 Dim sm As String: sm = match.subMatches(i) Dim parser As tdParser: parser = formatS(frmtKey).item("codePos")(i) flagHasDate = (andB(pcDate, parser) Or flagHasDate) flagHasTime = (andB(pcTime, parser) Or flagHasTime) Select Case parser Case pcDay: d = sm Case pcMonth: m = sm Case pcYear: y = sm Case pcHour: h = sm Case pcMinute: n = sm Case pcSecound: s = sm Case pcAmPm: ampm = UCase(Left(sm, 1)) Case pcDayOfYear: doy = sm Case pcDayOfWeek: dow = sm Case pcWeekOfYear: woy = sm Case pcNonosecound: oNanoSecounds = 10 ^ 9 * CDbl("0." & sm) Case pcQuarterEnd: d = 0: m = sm * 3 + 1 Case pcQuarter: d = 1: m = (sm - 1) * 3 + 1 End Select Next i 'Spezialfälle, welche bestehende Grössen überschreiben If doy <> 0 Then 'Tag des Jahres m = 1 'Monat auf Januar setzen d = doy 'Tag des Jehres als Tag übernehmen ElseIf woy <> 0 Then 'Woche des Jahres m = 1 'Monat auf Januar setzen d = getDaysOfFirstDayOfWeek(y, woy, iFirstDayOfWeek, iFirstWeekOfYear) + IIf(dow = 0, 0, (dow - 1)) End If 'AM/PM Stundenkorrektur If ampm = "P" And h <> 0 And h < 12 Then h = h + 12 ElseIf ampm = "A" And h = 12 Then h = 0 End If strToDate = IIf(flagHasDate, DateSerial(y, m, d), 0) + IIf(flagHasTime, TimeSerial(h, n, s), 0) Set match = Nothing Exit_Handler: Set match = Nothing Exit Function Err_Handler: If Not andB(iparams, tdtIgnoreError) Then Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.source, Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, Err.helpContext strToDate = Null Resume Exit_Handler Resume End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '--- PRIVATE METHODES '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Zerlegt das Format in seine Einzelteile und erstellt ein RegEx-Pattern umd den Datumsstring zu zerlegen ' * @param String Das Format. Als Standart ist das Systemdatumsformat ' * @param tdtParams Weitere Parameter ' * @return String Key des gecachten RegExp ' */ Private Function parseFormatToCache(ByVal iFormat As String, ByVal iparams As tdtParams) As String parseFormatToCache = iFormat & "_P" & iparams 'Das Format nur zerlegen, wenn es noch nicht exisiteiert If Not formatS.exists(parseFormatToCache) Then Dim codePosR() As tdParser Dim frmt As String: frmt = IIf(andB(iparams, tdtIgnoreCase), UCase(iFormat), iFormat) Dim pattern As String: Dim rxPF As Object If Not andB(iparams, dtInFormatFormat2) Then pattern = masked2uniode(frmt) pattern = rxEscapeString(pattern) Set rxPF = rxParseFormat Else pattern = frmt Set rxPF = rxParseFormat2 End If If rxPF.test(pattern) = False Then Err.Raise dtErrInvalidFormat, "strToDate", "Ungültiges Datumsformat" Dim mc As Object: Set mc = rxPF.execute(pattern) Dim idxPos As Integer: idxPos = -1 Dim i As Integer: For i = mc.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1 Dim item As String: item = mc(i).subMatches(2) If Not item = Empty Then 'Ist kein Maskiertes Zeichen idxPos = idxPos + 1: ReDim Preserve codePosR(idxPos) pattern = substrReplace(pattern, convertFormatPattern(item, codePosR(idxPos)), mc(i).firstIndex, mc(i).length) End If Next i 'Patterntrennzeichen entfernen pattern = Replace(pattern, C_PATTERN_DELEMITER, "") 'Reihenfolge der codePosR umdrehen Dim codePos() As String: ReDim codePos(idxPos) For i = 0 To idxPos codePos(i) = codePosR(idxPos - i) Next i pattern = unicodeDecode(pattern) If Not andB(iparams, tdtExtractDate) Then pattern = "^" & pattern & "$" pattern = "/" & pattern & "/" & IIf(andB(iparams, tdtIgnoreCase), "i", "") formatS.add parseFormatToCache, CreateObject("scripting.Dictionary") 'RegExp zu diesem Pattrn erstellen formatS(parseFormatToCache).add "codePos", codePos 'Index der SubMatches formatS(parseFormatToCache).add "RegExp", cRx(pattern) End If End Function '/** ' * Maskiert einen String, damit er keine Pattern darstellt ' * @param String ' * @return String ' */ Private Function rxEscapeString(ByVal iString As String) As String Static rx As Object If rx Is Nothing Then Set rx = cRx("/([\*\+\?\|\{\[\(\)\^\.\$])/gi") '\ wird nicht maskiert rxEscapeString = rx.Replace(iString, "\$1") End Function '/** ' * Konvertiert ein gefundenen Formatteil in ein RX-Pattern. Gibt Zugleich den Datumsparser zurück ' * @param String ' * @param tdParser ' * return String ' */ Private Function convertFormatPattern(ByVal iString As String, ByRef oCode As tdParser) As String Select Case UCase(iString) Case "D": convertFormatPattern = "(\d{1,2})": oCode = pcDay Case "DD": convertFormatPattern = "(\d{2})": oCode = pcDay Case "M": convertFormatPattern = "(\d{1,2})": oCode = pcMonth Case "MM": convertFormatPattern = "(\d{2})": oCode = pcMonth Case "YY": convertFormatPattern = "(\d{2}|\d{4})": oCode = pcYear Case "YYYY": convertFormatPattern = "(\d{4})": oCode = pcYear Case "H": convertFormatPattern = "(\d{1,2})": oCode = pcHour Case "HH": convertFormatPattern = "(\d{2})": oCode = pcHour Case "N": convertFormatPattern = "(\d{1,2})": oCode = pcMinute Case "NN": convertFormatPattern = "(\d{2})": oCode = pcMinute Case "S": convertFormatPattern = "(\d{1,2})": oCode = pcSecound Case "SS": convertFormatPattern = "(\d{2})": oCode = pcSecound Case "AM/PM": convertFormatPattern = "(AM|PM)": oCode = pcAmPm Case "A/P": convertFormatPattern = "([AP])": oCode = pcAmPm Case "Y": convertFormatPattern = "(\d{1,3})": oCode = pcDayOfYear Case "W": convertFormatPattern = "([1234567])": oCode = pcDayOfWeek Case "WW": convertFormatPattern = "(\d{1,2})": oCode = pcWeekOfYear Case "F": convertFormatPattern = "(\.?\d{1,9})": oCode = pcNonosecound Case "QQ": convertFormatPattern = "([1-4])": oCode = pcQuarterEnd Case "Q": convertFormatPattern = "([1-4])": oCode = pcQuarter End Select End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '--- PRIVATE PROPERTIES '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '--- LIBRARIES '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Dies ist die Minimalversion von cRx (V2.1.0): ' */ Private Function cRx(ByVal iPattern As String) As Object Static rxP As Object If rxP Is Nothing Then: Set rxP = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp"): rxP.pattern = "^([@&!/~#=\|])?(.*)\1(?:([Ii])|([Gg])|([Mm]))*$" Dim sm As Object: Set cRx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp"): Set sm = rxP.execute(iPattern)(0).subMatches cRx.pattern = sm(1): cRx.IgnoreCase = Not isEmpty(sm(2)): cRx.Global = Not isEmpty(sm(3)): cRx.Multiline = Not isEmpty(sm(4)) End Function '/** ' * Copyright mpl by ERB software | ' * ' * Wandelt ein Unicode in ein Charakter ' * @example: unicode2char("\u20AC") -> '\€' ' * @param String Unicode ' * @return String Char ' */ Private Function unicode2Char(ByVal iUnicode As String) As String unicode2Char = ChrW(Replace(iUnicode, "\u", "&h")) End Function '/** ' * Copyright mpl by ERB software | ' * ' * Wandelt ein Charakter in ein Unicode ' * @example: char2unicode("€") -> '\u20AC' ' * @param String(1) Charakter, der gewandelt werden soll ' * @return String Unicode ' */ Private Function char2unicode(ByVal iChar As String) As String char2unicode = Hex(AscW(iChar)) 'Hex-Wert ermitteln char2unicode = "\u" & String(4 - Len(char2unicode), "0") & char2unicode End Function '/** ' * Wandelt jedes mit \ maskierte Feld in Unicode um, ausser es handelt sich bereits um einen Unicode ' * ' * @param String ' * @return String ' */ Private Function masked2uniode(ByVal iString As String) As String Static rx As Object: If rx Is Nothing Then Set rx = cRx("/\\(?!u[0-9A-F]{4})(.)/") masked2uniode = iString Do While rx.test(masked2uniode) masked2uniode = rx.Replace(masked2uniode, char2unicode(rx.execute(masked2uniode)(0).subMatches(0))) Loop End Function '/** ' * Wandelt alle Unicodes in einem String in das eigentliche Zeichen zurück ' * ' * @param String ' * @return String ' */ Private Function unicodeDecode(ByVal iString) As String unicodeDecode = iString Static rx As Object If rx Is Nothing Then Set rx = cRx("/\\u[0-9A-F]{4}/g") If Not rx.test(unicodeDecode) Then Exit Function Dim mc As Object: Set mc = rx.execute(unicodeDecode) Dim i As Integer: For i = mc.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1 unicodeDecode = substrReplace(unicodeDecode, unicode2Char(mc(i)), mc(i).firstIndex, mc(i).length) Next i End Function '/** ' * Ersetzt Text innerhalb einer Zeichenkette ' * @param String Die Eingabezeichenkette ' * @param String Die Ersetzungszeichenkette ' * @param Integer Start ' * @param Integer Länge ' * @return String ' */ Private Function substrReplace(ByVal iString As String, ByVal iReplacement As String, ByVal iStart As Integer, Optional ByVal iLength As Variant = Null) As String Dim startP As Integer: startP = IIf(Sgn(iStart) >= 0, iStart, greatest(Len(iString) + iStart, 1)) Dim length As Integer: length = NZ(iLength, Len(iString) - iStart) Dim endP As Integer Select Case Sgn(length) Case 1: endP = least(startP + length, Len(iString)) Case 0: endP = startP Case -1: endP = greatest(Len(iString) + length, startP) End Select substrReplace = Left(iString, startP) & iReplacement & Mid(iString, endP + 1) End Function '/** ' * Copyright mpl by ERB software | ' * ' * Gibt den Grössten aus einer unbestimmten Menge von Werten zurück ' * @param Keine Objekte ' * @return Grösster Wert ' * @example greatest("Hallo Welt", 42, "Mister-X") -> Mister-X '*/ Private Function greatest(ParamArray iItems() As Variant) As Variant greatest = iItems(UBound(iItems)) Dim item As Variant: For Each item In iItems If NZ(item) > NZ(greatest) Then greatest = item Next item End Function '/** ' * Gibt den Kleinsten aus einer unbestimmten Menge von Werten zurück ' * @param Keine Objekte ' * @return Grösster Wert ' * @example least("Hallo Welt", 42, "Mister-X") -> 42 '*/ Private Function least(ParamArray iItems() As Variant) As Variant least = iItems(LBound(iItems)) Dim item As Variant: For Each item In iItems If NZ(item) < NZ(least) Then least = item Next item End Function '// Provided by Daniel Maher. Private Function getISOWeekNum(ByVal iDate As Date, Optional ByVal iFirstDayOfWeek As VbDayOfWeek = vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, Optional ByVal iFirstWeekOfYear As VbFirstWeekOfYear = vbUseSystem) As Integer Dim tempDate As Date tempDate = DateSerial(VBA.year(iDate - DatePart("W", iDate - 1, iFirstDayOfWeek, iFirstWeekOfYear) + 4), 1, 3) getISOWeekNum = Int((iDate - tempDate + DatePart("W", tempDate, iFirstDayOfWeek, iFirstWeekOfYear) + 5) / 7) End Function '/** ' * Macht einen Bit-Vergleich ' * ' * @param Long ' * @param Long ' * @return Boolean ' */ Private Function andB(ByVal iHaystack As Long, ByVal iNeedle As Long) As Boolean andB = ((iHaystack And iNeedle) = iNeedle) End Function #If Not isAccess Then '/** ' * Wandelt NULL in EMpty oder einen Defaultwert ' * @param Variant ' * @param Variant ' * @return Variant ' */ Private Function NZ(ByRef iValue As Variant, Optional ByRef iDefault As Variant = Empty) As Variant If IsNull(iValue) Then NZ = iDefault Else NZ = iValue End If End Function #End If