VERSION 1.0 CLASS BEGIN MultiUse = -1 'True END Attribute VB_Name = "Log4vba" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'File : Log4vba.cls ' Copyright mpl by ERB software ' All rights reserved ' 'Environment : VBA 2016+ 'Version : 1.5.6 'Name : Log4vba 'Author : Stefan Erb (ERS) 'History : 23.11.2016 - ERS - Creation ' ... ' 02.05.2017 - ERS - Singelton entfernt. Braucht es nicht, da mit Log4Vba dierekt auf den VBA-Singelton der Klasse zugeriffen werden kann ' 28.06.2017 - ERS - NZ() für Excel hinzugefügt ' 16.07.2018 - ERS - isEmptyArray neu mit isMissing gelöst ' 21.08.2019 - ERS - Fehler in varArray2String() behoben. ' 04.09.2019 - ERS - Array() durch emptyArrayVariant() ersetzt ' 16.09.2019 - ERS - UserDefined LogType gefixt ' 21.10.2019 - ERS - debug.assert nach MsgBox nur noch bei Yes '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Option Explicit 'Ein Logger für VBA 'Anleitung und Tipps unter '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- ! SETTINGS ! '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'MS Applikation in der die Klasse eingesetzt wird. Es gibt einige Spezifische Dinge 'Für Word etc noch nicht getestet #Const C_ACCESS = "ACCESS" #Const C_EXCEL = "EXCEL" 'Auswahl #Const ms_product = C_ACCESS 'Die folgenden 2 Module werden NICHT benötigt. Wenn sie aber eingebunden sind, 'dann können die Debug-Strings oder die Source-String detailierter ausgegeben werden. 'Angabe, ob das Modul lib_json in diesem Projekt vorhanden ist oder nicht ' 'Ab lib_json Version 2.1.0 #Const lib_json_exists = False 'Angabe, ob das Modul lib_printR in diesem Projekt vorhanden ist oder nicht ' #Const lib_printr_exists = False 'Den Standard Debug Mode Private Const C_DEBUG_MODE_DEFAULT = False 'Standard Logtabellenname Private Const C_LOG_TABLE_DEFAULT = "T_LOG" 'Standard Anzahl Logeinträge die behalten werden Private Const C_LOG_BUFFER_DEFAULT = 2000 'Durch was ' im SQL ersetzt werden muss Private Const C_SQL_QUOTA_REPLACE = "''" '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Public Members '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Log-Eiträge als Event ausgeben ' * @param eLogType ' * @param String ' */ Public Event log(logType As eLogType, text As String) '/** ' * Typ zum Loggen ' */ Public Enum eLogType [_NA] = -1 'LogType ist bei der übergabe nicht definiert. Je nach Methode nimmt er nachher den Standard-LogType oder alle [_FIRST_TYPE] = -1 ltDebug = 1 'Debug Wird nur bei debugMode True ist geloggt ltInfo = 2 'Info ltWarning = 3 'Warning ltError = 4 'Error [_DEBUG] = 5 'Neben dem normalen debug, ein spezieller interner Type [_LAST_TYPE] = 5 [_Default] = ltInfo End Enum '/** ' * Die Auswahl an Möglichkeiten zur Ausgabe ' */ Public Enum eTypeSetting [_NA] = -1 eprNothing = 0 'Keine Rück-/Ausgabe 'Angaben über den Return_Wert. Sind nicht kombinierbar. Bei mehrfachwahl ist wird der Erste verwendet eprReturnAssert = 2 ^ 0 'Rückgabewert für debug.assert eprReturnMsg = 2 ^ 1 'Rückgabewert ist die Fehlermeldung 'Angaben, was mit der Meldung gemacht werden soll. Sie können kombiniert werden eprOutConsole = 2 ^ 2 'Ausgabe ins Direktfenster eprOutMsgBox = 2 ^ 3 'Als MassegeBox ausgeben eprOutLogFile = 2 ^ 4 'In ein LogFile schreiben (DB-Pfad\DB-Name.log) #If ms_product = C_ACCESS Then eprOutFunction = 2 ^ 9 'eine Funktion, welche mittels eval ausgeführt wird #End If #If ms_product = C_ACCESS Or ms_product = C_EXCEL Then eprOutTable = 2 ^ 10 'In eine Tabelle. Geht nur bei Access oder Excel #End If 'Angaben zur Formatierung. Sie können kombiniert werden eprFrmtSourceExtend = 2 ^ 5 'Beim zusammensetzen der Source die Originalsource nicht ersetzen sondern erweitern eprFrmtNoSource = 2 ^ 8 'Die Source nicht anzeigen eprFrmtJson = 2 ^ 6 'Json wird höher gewertet als printR eprFrmtPrintR = 2 ^ 7 'PrintR wird höher gewertet als json eprFrmtNoFormat = 2 ^ 11 'Weder json noch print_r unterstützen, auch wenn die Constante dies zulassen würde 'Standards pro logType [_DEBUG_DEFAULT] = eprOutConsole + eprFrmtPrintR + eprFrmtJson [_INFO_DEFAULT] = eprOutConsole [_WARNING_DEFAULT] = eprOutConsole + eprOutMsgBox [_ERROR_DEFAULT] = eprOutConsole + eprOutMsgBox + eprReturnAssert [_USER_TYPE_DEFAULT] = eprOutConsole + eprOutMsgBox End Enum '/** ' * Angabe, um was für ein Logger es sich handelt ' * Man muss sich im Normalfall nicht darum kümmern ' */ Public Enum eLoggerType eltUnbound 'Ein unabhängiger Logger eltMethode 'Ein Methoedenlogger eltClass 'EinKlassenlogger End Enum '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Private Members '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Alle Information zu einem Logeintrag ' */ Private Type tItem Description As Variant 'String oder Array Source As String path() As String variablen As String Number As Long debugText As Variant timeStamp As Date logMsg As String logType As eLogType setting As eTypeSetting loggerType As eLoggerType End Type Private Declare Function emptyArrayVariant Lib "oleaut32" Alias "SafeArrayCreateVector" (Optional ByVal vt As VbVarType = vbVariant, Optional ByVal lLow As Long = 0, Optional ByVal lCount As Long = 0) As Variant() Private pTypeSettings() As eTypeSetting 'Settings pro Typ Private pTypeNames() As String Private pDebugMode As Boolean Private pLastAssert As tItem Private pActualMethode As String Private pFunctionName As String Private pLogTable As String Private pPath() As String Private pLoggerType As eLoggerType Private pSessionId As Long Private pParent As Log4vba '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Public Constructors '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Erstellt eine neue Instanz von Log4vba ' * @param Boolean Debug-mode ' * @return Log4vba ' */ Public Function instance(Optional ByVal iDebugMode As Boolean = C_DEBUG_MODE_DEFAULT) As Log4vba Attribute instance.VB_UserMemId = 0 'Attribute instance.VB_UserMemId = 0 Set instance = New Log4vba: instance.construct iDebugMode End Function '/** ' * Startet eine Logging für eine Methode ' * @param String Name der Methode ' * @param Array<> Ein Arry mit den Aufrufparamtern der Method ' * @return Log4vba Ein Clone des Objektes ' */ Public Function startMethode(ByVal iSource As String, ParamArray iValueArray() As Variant) As Log4vba Set startMethode = Me.clone startMethode.init pPath, iSource, eltMethode Set startMethode.parent = Me If debugmode Then startMethode.debugMsg "started", iSource, CVar(iValueArray) End Function '/** ' * Startet eine Logging für eine Methode ' * @param Variant Name der Klasse oder die Instanz ' * @return Log4vba Ein Clone des Objektes ' */ Public Function startClass(ByRef iClass As Variant) As Log4vba Set startClass = Me.clone Dim cn As String If IsObject(iClass) Then cn = TypeName(iClass) Else cn = iClass End If startClass.init pPath, cn, eltClass Set startClass.parent = Me If debugmode Then startClass.debugMsg "created" End Function '/** ' * Setzt Standardwerte für eine bestehende Instanz ' * @param Boolean Debug-mode ' * @return Log4vba ' */ Public Function construct(Optional ByVal iDebugMode As Boolean = C_DEBUG_MODE_DEFAULT) As Log4vba resetSettings debugmode = iDebugMode Set construct = Me End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Private Constructors '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Standardwerte setzen ' */ Private Sub Class_Initialize() resetSettings End Sub '/** ' * Steam schliessen ' */ Private Sub Class_Terminate() logFileStream.Close If pLoggerType = eltMethode Then endMethode If pLoggerType = eltClass Then endClass End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Public Methodes '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Ordnet diverse Werte auf einmal dem Objekt zu ' * Wird für die eigene Vererbung verwendet ' * @param String Klassenpfad ' * @param String Source ' * @param eLoggerType ' */ Public Sub init(ByRef iClassPath() As String, Optional ByVal iSource As String = Empty, Optional ByVal iLoggerType As eLoggerType = eltUnbound) pPath = iClassPath className = iSource loggerType = iLoggerType End Sub '/** ' * Einen Benutzerspezifischen Type hinzufügen ' * @param Integer ' * @param String ' * @param eTypeSetting ' */ Public Function addUserType(ByVal iLevel As Integer, ByVal iName As String, Optional ByVal iSettings As eTypeSetting = eTypeSetting.[_USER_TYPE_DEFAULT]) As Log4vba If iLevel >= LBound(pTypeNames) And iLevel <= UBound(pTypeNames) Then If Not pTypeSettings(iLevel) = 0 Then Err.Raise vbObjectError, "Log4vba.addLevel()", "Value is not free" Exit Function End If End If ReDim Preserve pTypeSettings(least(iLevel, LBound(pTypeSettings)) To greatest(iLevel, UBound(pTypeSettings))) ReDim Preserve pTypeNames(LBound(pTypeSettings) To UBound(pTypeSettings)) pTypeSettings(iLevel) = iSettings pTypeNames(iLevel) = iName Set addUserType = Me End Function '/** ' * Beendet einen methodengebundenen Logger ' */ Public Sub endMethode() If pLoggerType = eltMethode And debugmode Then assert "ended", ltDebug, pActualMethode pActualMethode = Empty End Sub '/** ' * Beendet einen mklassengebundenen Logger ' */ Public Sub endClass() If pLoggerType = eltClass And debugmode Then assert "terminated", ltDebug End Sub '/** ' * Setzt alle settings auf den Standard zurück ' * @param LogType Falls gesetzt, wird nur der eine Logtype zurückgesetzt ' */ Public Sub resetSettings(Optional ByVal iLogType As eLogType = eLogType.[_NA]) If iLogType = eLogType.[_NA] Then ReDim pTypeNames(eLogType.[_FIRST_TYPE] To eLogType.[_LAST_TYPE]) pTypeNames(ltDebug) = "DEBUG" pTypeNames(ltInfo) = "INFO" pTypeNames(ltWarning) = "WARNING" pTypeNames(ltError) = "ERROR" pTypeNames(eLogType.[_DEBUG]) = "DEBUG" pTypeNames(eLogType.[_NA]) = "N/A" ReDim pTypeSettings(eLogType.[_FIRST_TYPE] To eLogType.[_LAST_TYPE]) End If If Not iLogType = eLogType.[_NA] Then debugmode = C_DEBUG_MODE_DEFAULT #If ms_product = C_ACCESS Then If iLogType = eLogType.[_NA] Then functionName = Empty #End If #If ms_product = C_ACCESS Or ms_product = C_EXCEL Then If iLogType = eLogType.[_NA] Then logTable = C_LOG_TABLE_DEFAULT #End If If iLogType = eLogType.[_NA] Or iLogType = ltInfo Then typeSettings(ltInfo) = eTypeSetting.[_INFO_DEFAULT] If iLogType = eLogType.[_NA] Or iLogType = ltWarning Then typeSettings(ltWarning) = eTypeSetting.[_WARNING_DEFAULT] If iLogType = eLogType.[_NA] Or iLogType = ltError Then typeSettings(ltError) = eTypeSetting.[_ERROR_DEFAULT] If iLogType = eLogType.[_NA] Or iLogType = ltDebug Then typeSettings(ltDebug) = eTypeSetting.[_DEBUG_DEFAULT] End Sub '/** ' * Nur eine Message im Debugmodus ausgeben ' * @param String Freier Text der im Log erscheint ' * @param String Name der Methode ' * @param Array<> Ein Arry mit den Aufrufparamtern der Method ' * @param eTypeSetting Die Setings für diesen Type einmalig übersteuern ' * @return Boolen/String Rückgabewert für debug.assert oder LogMessage ' */ Public Function debugMsg( _ ByVal iComment As String, _ Optional ByVal iSource As String, _ Optional ByRef iValueArray As Variant, _ Optional ByVal iOverwriteSetting As eTypeSetting = eTypeSetting.[_NA] _ ) As Variant If Not debugmode Then Exit Function debugMsg = assert(iComment, ltDebug, iSource, iValueArray, , iOverwriteSetting) End Function '/** ' * Debug für eine Variable ' * @param String Freier Text der im Log erscheint ' * @param Variant Variable, die ausgewertet werden soll ' * @param String Name der Methode ' * @param Array<> Ein Arry mit den Aufrufparamtern der Method ' * @param eTypeSetting Die Setings für diesen Type einmalig übersteuern ' * @return Boolen/String Rückgabewert für debug.assert oder LogMessage ' */ Public Function debugValue( _ Optional ByVal iComment As Variant, _ Optional ByVal iValue As Variant, _ Optional ByVal iSource As String, _ Optional ByRef iValueArray As Variant, _ Optional ByVal iOverwriteSetting As eTypeSetting = eTypeSetting.[_NA] _ ) As Variant If Not debugmode Then Exit Function 'Kein Value übergeben -> debugMsg If IsMissing(iValue) And Not IsArray(iValue) Then debugValue = debugMsg(iComment, iSource, iValueArray, iOverwriteSetting) Exit Function End If debugValue = assert(iComment, ltDebug, iSource, iValueArray, , iOverwriteSetting, iValue) End Function '/** ' * @param ErrObject/String ' * @param Long Error-Nummer ' * @param String Name der Methode ' * @param Array<> Ein Arry mit den Aufrufparamtern der Method ' * @param eTypeSetting Die Setings für diesen Type einmalig übersteuern ' * @return Boolen/String Rückgabewert für debug.assert oder LogMessage ' */ Public Function info( _ ByRef iError As Variant, _ Optional ByVal iSource As String, _ Optional ByRef iValueArray As Variant, _ Optional ByVal iNumber As Long, _ Optional ByVal iOverwriteSetting As eTypeSetting = eTypeSetting.[_NA] _ ) As Variant info = assert(iError, ltInfo, iSource, iValueArray, iNumber, iOverwriteSetting) End Function '/** ' * @param ErrObject/String ' * @param Long Error-Nummer ' * @param String Name der Methode ' * @param Array<> Ein Arry mit den Aufrufparamtern der Method ' * @param eTypeSetting Die Setings für diesen Type einmalig übersteuern ' * @return Boolen/String Rückgabewert für debug.assert oder LogMessage ' */ Public Function warning( _ ByRef iError As Variant, _ Optional ByVal iSource As String, _ Optional ByRef iValueArray As Variant, _ Optional ByVal iNumber As Long, _ Optional ByVal iOverwriteSetting As eTypeSetting = eTypeSetting.[_NA] _ ) As Variant warning = assert(iError, ltWarning, iSource, iValueArray, iNumber, iOverwriteSetting) End Function '/** ' * @param ErrObject/String ' * @param Long Error-Nummer ' * @param String Name der Methode ' * @param Array<> Ein Arry mit den Aufrufparamtern der Method ' * @param eTypeSetting Die Setings für diesen Type einmalig übersteuern ' * @return Boolen/String Rückgabewert für debug.assert oder LogMessage ' */ Public Function error( _ ByRef iError As Variant, _ Optional ByVal iSource As String, _ Optional ByRef iValueArray As Variant, _ Optional ByVal iNumber As Long, _ Optional ByVal iOverwriteSetting As eTypeSetting = eTypeSetting.[_NA] _ ) As Variant error = assert(iError, ltError, iSource, iValueArray, iNumber, iOverwriteSetting) End Function '/** ' * Analog zuinfo() error() etc. für die User-Typen ' * @param eLogType Typ der gelogt werden doll ' * @param ErrObject/String ' * @param Long Error-Nummer ' * @param String Name der Methode ' * @param Array<> Ein Arry mit den Aufrufparamtern der Method ' * @param eTypeSetting Die Setings für diesen Type einmalig übersteuern ' * @return Boolen/String Rückgabewert für debug.assert oder LogMessage ' */ Public Function logUserType( _ ByVal iLogType As eLogType, _ ByRef iError As Variant, _ Optional ByVal iSource As String, _ Optional ByRef iValueArray As Variant, _ Optional ByVal iNumber As Long, _ Optional ByVal iOverwriteSetting As eTypeSetting = eTypeSetting.[_NA] _ ) As Variant logUserType = assert(iError, iLogType, iSource, iValueArray, iNumber, iOverwriteSetting) End Function Public Function setTypeSettings(ByVal iLogType As eLogType, ByVal iSetting As eTypeSetting) As Log4vba typeSettings(iLogType) = iSetting Set setTypeSettings = Me End Function #If ms_product = C_ACCESS Then '/** ' * löscht alte Logeinträge ' * @param Long ' * @return Anzahl gelöschter Einträge ' */ Public Function deleteOldLogEntriesFromTable(Optional ByVal iDaysBack As Long = C_LOG_BUFFER_DEFAULT) As Long On Error GoTo Err_Handler If Not logTableExists Then Exit Function Dim sql As String: sql = "datediff('d', [LOG_TIMESTAMP], NOW()) > " & iDaysBack deleteOldLogEntriesFromTable = DCount("*", pLogTable, sql) sql = "delete * from [" & pLogTable & "] where " & sql CurrentDb.execute sql Exit_Handler: debugMsg "delete old logentries", "Log4vba.deleteOldLogEntriesFromTable", Array(deleteOldLogEntriesFromTable) Exit Function Err_Handler: deleteOldLogEntriesFromTable = 0 GoTo Exit_Handler End Function #End If '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Public Properties '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Parent Logger ' * @return log4vba ' */ Public Property Get parent() As Log4vba: Set parent = pParent: End Property Public Property Set parent(ByRef IParent As Log4vba): Set pParent = IParent: End Property '/** ' * Session ID ' * @return Long ' */ Public Property Get sessionId() As Long: sessionId = pSessionId: End Property Public Property Let sessionId(ByVal iId As Long) pSessionId = iId 'SessionID nach oben vererben If Not parent Is Nothing Then parent.sessionId = iId End Property '/** ' * Typ des Loggers ' * @return eLoggerType ' */ Public Property Get loggerType() As eLoggerType: loggerType = pLoggerType: End Property Public Property Let loggerType(ByVal iLoggerType As eLoggerType): pLoggerType = iLoggerType: End Property ''/** '' * Information, ob der Logger einer Klasse angehört '' * @return Boolean '' */ Public Property Get isClassLogger() As Boolean: On Error Resume Next isClassLogger = LBound(pPath) = 0 End Property '/** ' * setzt oder gibt den aktuellen Klassennamen ' * @return String ' */ Public Property Get className() As String On Error Resume Next className = NZ(pPath(UBound(pPath))) End Property Public Property Let className(ByVal iName As String) On Error Resume Next Dim idx As Long: idx = NZ(UBound(pPath) + 1) ReDim Preserve pPath(idx): pPath(idx) = iName End Property '/** ' * Bei einem Methodengebundenen Logger steht hier der Name der Method ' * @return String ' */ Public Property Get actualMethodeName() As String: actualMethodeName = pActualMethode: End Property Public Property Let actualMethodeName(ByVal iName As String) pActualMethode = iName loggerType = eltMethode End Property '/** ' * Gibt einen Clone des aktuelles Objektes zurück ' */ Public Property Get clone() As Log4vba Set clone = New Log4vba clone.sessionId = Me.sessionId clone.debugmode = Me.debugmode clone.allTypeNames = Me.allTypeNames clone.allTypeSettings = Me.allTypeSettings #If ms_product = C_ACCESS Then clone.functionName = Me.functionName #End If #If ms_product = C_ACCESS Or ms_product = C_EXCEL Then clone.logTable = Me.logTable #End If End Property '/** ' * DebugMode ein/ausschalten ' * @return Boolean ' */ Public Property Get debugmode() As Boolean: debugmode = pDebugMode: End Property Public Property Let debugmode(ByVal iDebugMode As Boolean): pDebugMode = iDebugMode: End Property '/** ' * Die gesammelten Paramter für ein Logtype ' * @return eTypeSetting ' */ Public Property Get typeSettings(ByVal iLogType As eLogType) As eTypeSetting typeSettings = pTypeSettings(iLogType) End Property Public Property Let typeSettings(ByVal iLogType As eLogType, ByVal iSetting As eTypeSetting) pTypeSettings(iLogType) = iSetting End Property Public Property Get allTypeSettings() As eTypeSetting() allTypeSettings = pTypeSettings End Property Public Property Let allTypeSettings(ByRef iTypeSettings() As eTypeSetting) pTypeSettings = iTypeSettings End Property Public Property Get allTypeNames() As String() allTypeNames = pTypeNames End Property Public Property Let allTypeNames(ByRef iAllTypeNames() As String) pTypeNames = iAllTypeNames End Property '/** ' * Infos über den letzten Eintrag ' */ Public Property Get lastLogType() As eLogType: lastLogType = pLastAssert.logType: End Property Public Property Get lastLogMessage() As String: lastLogMessage = pLastAssert.logMsg: End Property Public Property Get lastLogSource() As String: lastLogSource = pLastAssert.Source: End Property Public Property Get lastLogTimeStamp() As String: lastLogTimeStamp = pLastAssert.timeStamp: End Property #If ms_product = C_ACCESS Then '/** ' * Externe Public Function pro LogType, welche ausgeführt wird wenn eprOutFunction aktiviert ist ' * Es muss eine Funktion und keine Sub sein, denn die Sub kann mit eval() nicht ausgeführt werden ' * Die externe Funktion mussso definiert sein. Es können noch weitere optionale Attribute angehängt werden. Es wird nur der erste ausgefüllt ' * Public Function myFunction(ByVal iLogType As eLogType, ByVal iText As String) ' * @param String ' */ Public Property Get functionName() As String: functionName = pFunctionName: End Property Public Property Let functionName(ByVal iName As String): pFunctionName = iName: End Property #End If #If ms_product = C_ACCESS Or ms_product = C_EXCEL Then Public Property Get logTable() As String: logTable = pLogTable: End Property Public Property Let logTable(ByVal iName As String): pLogTable = iName: End Property #End If '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Private Methodes '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Den Eintrag standartmässig handeln ' * @param ErrObject/String ' * @param eLogType Typ der gelogt werden doll ' * @param Long Error-Nummer ' * @param String Name der Methode ' * @param Array<> Ein Arry mit den Aufrufparamtern der Method ' * @param eTypeSetting Die Setings für diesen Type einmalig übersteuern ' * @return Boolen/String Rückgabewert für debug.assert oder LogMessage ' */ Public Function assert( _ ByRef iError As Variant, _ Optional ByVal iLogType As eLogType = eLogType.[_Default], _ Optional ByVal iSource As String, _ Optional ByRef iValueArray As Variant, _ Optional ByVal iNumber As Long, _ Optional ByVal iOverwriteSetting As eTypeSetting = eTypeSetting.[_NA], _ Optional ByVal iDebugValue As Variant _ ) As Variant Dim item As tItem 'Flags vorbereiten Dim isErr As Boolean: isErr = IsObject(iError) Dim srcExt As Boolean: srcExt = outMethodeDetail(iLogType, eprFrmtSourceExtend) Or andB(iOverwriteSetting, eprFrmtSourceExtend) Dim haveSrc As Boolean: haveSrc = (iSource <> Empty) 'Standards festlegen If IsMissing(iError) Then iError = Empty If IsMissing(iValueArray) Then iValueArray = emptyArrayVariant 'LogType item.logType = iLogType 'Source/Methode ermitteln item.Source = iSource item.path = pPath If Not haveSrc And isErr Then item.Source = iError.Source ElseIf haveSrc And isErr And srcExt Then item.Source = iError.Source & "." & iSource End If item.variablen = varArray2String(iValueArray) 'Bei einem MethodeLogger die Source überschreiben If pLoggerType = eltMethode Then item.Source = actualMethodeName 'restliche Infos aus einem ErrObject auslesen If isErr Then item.Description = iError.Description item.Number = IIf(iNumber = 0, iError.Number, iNumber) Else item.Description = iError item.Number = iNumber End If 'Die Settings auslesen item.setting = IIf(iOverwriteSetting = eTypeSetting.[_NA], typeSettings(iLogType), iOverwriteSetting) 'DebugValue als Zeilearray übergeben If Not IsMissing(iDebugValue) Then item.debugText = Split(var2string(iDebugValue, item.setting), vbCrLf) assert = writeMessage(item, iLogType) End Function '/** ' * Stellt die Source inkl. Paramtern als Einzeiler dar ' * @param Variant ' * @return String ' */ Private Static Function varArray2String( _ ByRef iValueArray As Variant _ ) As String Dim args() As Variant Dim value As Variant If Not IsArray(iValueArray) Then args = Array(var2string(iValueArray, eprFrmtJson)) ElseIf Not UBound(iValueArray) = -1 Then ReDim args(UBound(iValueArray)) Dim i As Long: For i = 0 To UBound(iValueArray) ref value, iValueArray(i) If IsNumeric(value) Then value = val(value) args(i) = var2string(value, eprFrmtJson) Next i Else Erase args End If varArray2String = join(args, ", ") End Function '/** ' * Parst ein Wert in ein String. Wird fpr dieVeranschaulichung des Variabelninhaltes verwednet ' * @param Variant ' * @param eTypeSetting ggf. Information ob mit json oder printR gearbeitet werden soll ' * @return String ' */ Private Function var2string(ByRef iVar As Variant, Optional ByVal iVarPrint As eTypeSetting = -1) As String If IsMissing(iVar) Then var2string = "Missing" Exit Function End If 'Rückgabe mit print_r #If lib_printr_exists Then If Not andB(iVarPrint, eprFrmtJson) And Not andB(iVarPrint, eprFrmtNoFormat) Then var2string = print_r(iVar, prParamsDefault, prReturn) Exit Function End If #End If 'Rückgabe als Json #If lib_json_exists Then If IsArray(iVar) Or TypeName(iVar) = "Collection" Or TypeName(iVar) = "Dictionary" And Not andB(iVarPrint, eprFrmtNoFormat) Then var2string = obj2json(iVar, jqmSingleQuote + jqmNoErrorForWrongType) Exit Function End If #End If 'Einfache version If IsObject(iVar) Then On Error Resume Next var2string = castSqlString(iVar) If Err.Number <> 0 Then var2string = "<" & TypeName(iVar) & ">" End If Err.clear On Error GoTo 0 ElseIf IsArray(iVar) Then Dim retArr() As Variant: If UBound(iVar) = -1 Then retArr = emptyArrayVariant Else ReDim retArr(LBound(iVar) To UBound(iVar)) Dim i As Long: For i = LBound(iVar) To UBound(iVar) retArr(i) = var2string(iVar(i), iVarPrint) Next i End If var2string = "[" & join(retArr, ",") & "]" Else var2string = castSqlString(iVar) End If End Function '/** ' * Die Meldung in die verschieden Kanäle absetzen ' * @param tItem ' * @param eLogType ' * @return Boolen/String Rückgabewert für debug.assert oder LogMessage ' */ Private Function writeMessage( _ ByRef ioItem As tItem, _ Optional ByVal iLogType As eLogType = eLogType.[_NA] _ ) As Variant ioItem.timeStamp = Now ioItem.logMsg = createLogText(ioItem, iLogType) 'Logfile If andB(ioItem.setting, eprOutLogFile) Then logFileStream.writeLine ioItem.logMsg 'Konsole (Direktfenster) If andB(ioItem.setting, eprOutConsole) Then Debug.Print ioItem.logMsg 'MsgBox If andB(ioItem.setting, eprOutMsgBox) Then writeMessage = dialog(ioItem, iLogType) 'Assert-Wert #If ms_product = C_ACCESS Then 'externe Funktion ausführen If andB(ioItem.setting, eprOutFunction) And functionName <> Empty Then writeMessage = writeToFunction(ioItem, iLogType) #End If #If ms_product = C_ACCESS Or ms_product = C_EXCEL Then 'Logtabelle abfüllen If andB(ioItem.setting, eprOutTable) And pLogTable <> Empty Then writeToTable ioItem, iLogType #End If 'Letzter Eintrag behalten pLastAssert = ioItem 'Logtype extra erst am Schluss übernehmen. Bei Thraw und Raise entsprechen ioItem.LogType nicht dem eigentlichen Type pLastAssert.logType = iLogType If andB(ioItem.setting, eprReturnMsg) Then writeMessage = ioItem.logMsg RaiseEvent log(ioItem.logType, ioItem.logMsg) If andB(ioItem.setting, eprReturnAssert) And Not andB(ioItem.setting, eprOutMsgBox) Then writeMessage = False DoEvents End Function #If ms_product = C_ACCESS Then '/** ' * Schreibt die Meldung miteiner externen Funktion ' * @param tItem ' * @param eLogType ' * @return Boolen/String Rückgabewert für debug.assert oder LogMessage ' */ Private Function writeToFunction( _ ByRef ioItem As tItem, _ Optional ByVal iLogType As eLogType = eLogType.[_NA] _ ) As Variant On Error Resume Next Dim expr As String: expr = functionName & "(" & iLogType & ", '" & replace(ioItem.logMsg, "'", "''") & "', " & NZ(sessionId, 0) & ")" eval expr If Err.Number <> 0 Then writeToFunction = internalLogger(eprOutFunction).error("Internal Error in Log4vba: Cant run the function:" & vbCrLf & expr) Err.clear End If On Error GoTo 0 End Function '/** ' * Schreibt die Meldung in eine Logtabelle ' * @param tItem ' * @param eLogType ' * @return Boolen/String Rückgabewert für debug.assert oder LogMessage ' */ Private Function writeToTable( _ ByRef ioItem As tItem, _ Optional ByVal iLogType As eLogType = eLogType.[_NA] _ ) As Variant On Error Resume Next If pLogTable = Empty Then Exit Function Dim sql As String If Not logTableExists Then sql = "create table [" & pLogTable & "]([LOG_ID] autoincrement , [LOG_SESSION_ID] numeric, [LOG_TIMESTAMP] datetime, [LOG_TYPE] numeric, [LOG_TYPE_TEXT] varchar(20), [LOG_DESCRIPTION] memo, [LOG_SOURCE] varchar(255), [LOG_VARS] memo, [LOG_TEXT] memo, [ERR_NR] numeric, constraint primarykey primary key(LOG_ID));" CurrentDb.execute sql End If Dim values() As Variant: values = Array( _ castSqlString(pSessionId, vbLong), _ castSqlString(ioItem.timeStamp, vbDate), _ castSqlString(ioItem.logType, vbInteger), _ castSqlString(getTypeText(ioItem.logType), vbString), _ castSqlString(ioItem.Description, vbString), _ castSqlString(ioItem.Source, vbString), _ castSqlString(ioItem.variablen, vbString), _ castSqlString(ioItem.logMsg), _ castSqlString(ioItem.Number, vbLong) _ ) sql = "insert into [" & pLogTable & "] ([LOG_SESSION_ID], [LOG_TIMESTAMP], [LOG_TYPE], [LOG_TYPE_TEXT], [LOG_DESCRIPTION], [LOG_SOURCE], [LOG_VARS], [LOG_TEXT], [ERR_NR]) values (" & join(values, ", ") & ");" CurrentDb.execute sql If Err.Number <> 0 Then writeToTable = internalLogger(eprOutTable).error("Internal Error in Log4vba: Logtable [" & pLogTable & "] have the wrong fields. Delete the existing Log-Table") Err.clear End If End Function #ElseIf ms_product = C_EXCEL Then '/** ' * Schreibt die Meldung in eine Logtabelle ' * @param tItem ' * @param eLogType ' * @return Boolen/String Rückgabewert für debug.assert oder LogMessage ' */ Private Function writeToTable( _ ByRef ioItem As tItem, _ Optional ByVal iLogType As eLogType = eLogType.[_NA] _ ) As Variant Dim logWs As Worksheet Dim values() As Variant On Error Resume Next Set logWs = Worksheets(pLogTable) On Error GoTo 0 If logWs Is Nothing Then Set logWs = Worksheets.add(, Worksheets(Worksheets.count)) = pLogTable End If array2row logWs.range("A1"), Array("LOG_TIMESTAMP", "LOG_TYPE_TEXT", "LOG_DESCRIPTION", "LOG_SOURCE", "LOG_VARS", "LOG_TEXT", "ERR_NR") rows("2:2").insert shift:=xlDown array2row logWs.range("A2"), Array(ioItem.timeStamp, getTypeText(ioItem.logType), ioItem.Description, ioItem.Source, ioItem.variablen, ioItem.logMsg, ioItem.Number) Cells.EntireColumn.autoFit End Function '/** ' * Schreibt ein Array in eine Zeile ' * ' * @param Range ' * @param Array ' */ Private Sub array2row(ByVal iFirstField As range, ByRef iArray As Variant) iFirstField.Resize(1, UBound(iArray) + 1) = iArray End Sub #End If '/** ' * Erstellt einen LogText ' * 0:Datum 1:Type 2:Methode - 3:[#Nummer] 4:Description 5:(Variablen) ' * @param tItem ' * @param eLogType ' * @return String ' */ Private Function createLogText(ByRef ioItem As tItem, Optional ByVal iLogType As eLogType = ltInfo) As String Const C_DATE_SIZE = 22 Const C_TYPE_SIZE = 10 Dim sTab As String: sTab = String(C_DATE_SIZE + C_TYPE_SIZE, " ") Dim sDate As String, sType As String, sSource As String, sNumber As String, sDescription As String, sVariablen As String 'Datum sDate = lPad(ioItem.timeStamp, C_DATE_SIZE) 'Type sType = lPad(getTypeText(iLogType), C_TYPE_SIZE) 'Methode If Not outMethodeDetail(iLogType, eprFrmtNoSource) Then sSource = IIf(ioItem.loggerType = eltMethode, ioItem.Source, ioItem.Source) If isClassLogger Then sSource = join(ioItem.path, ".") & sSource If Not sSource = Empty Then sSource = sSource & " - " End If 'Number If ioItem.Number <> 0 Then sNumber = "[#" & ioItem.Number & "] " 'Description sDescription = ioItem.Description 'Variablen If Not ioItem.variablen = Empty Then sVariablen = " (" & ioItem.variablen & ")" 'Debugtext: überschreibt Variablen If IsArray(ioItem.debugText) Then Dim i As Long: For i = LBound(ioItem.debugText) + 1 To UBound(ioItem.debugText) ioItem.debugText(i) = sTab & ioItem.debugText(i) Next i sVariablen = ": " & join(ioItem.debugText, vbCrLf) End If createLogText = sDate & sType & sSource & sNumber & sDescription & sVariablen End Function '/** ' * Gibt den Fehler Eintrag als Dialog aus ' * @param logType ' * @param VbMsgBoxStyle ' * @return VbMsgBoxResult ' */ Private Function dialog(ByRef ioItem As tItem, ByVal iLogType As eLogType) As Boolean Dim style As VbMsgBoxStyle Dim result As VbMsgBoxResult Dim Msg As String Msg = ioItem.Description Select Case iLogType Case ltInfo: style = vbInformation Case ltWarning: style = vbExclamation Case ltError: style = vbCritical End Select If outMethodeDetail(iLogType, eprReturnAssert) Then style = style + vbYesNo result = vbNo Msg = Msg & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Stop for Debug?" Else style = style + vbOKOnly result = vbOK End If If ioItem.Number <> 0 Then Msg = "[" & ioItem.Number & "] " & Msg If ioItem.Source <> Empty Then Msg = ioItem.Source & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Msg dialog = (result = MsgBox(Msg, style, getTypeText(iLogType))) End Function '/** ' * Gibt den Text zum Type zurück ' * @param eLogType ' * @return String ' */ Private Function getTypeText(ByVal iLogType As eLogType) As String getTypeText = pTypeNames(iLogType) ' Select Case iLogType ' Case ltDebug: getTypeText = "DEBUG" ' Case ltInfo: getTypeText = "INFO" ' Case ltWarning: getTypeText = "WARNING" ' Case ltError: getTypeText = "ERROR" ' Case eLogType.[_DEBUG]: getTypeText = "DEBUG" ' Case Else: getTypeText = "N/A" ' End Select End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Private Properties '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #If ms_product = C_ACCESS Then '/** ' * Information, ob die LogTabelle exiistiert ' * @return Boolean ' */ Private Property Get logTableExists() As Boolean Dim dummy As tableDef: Set dummy = CurrentDb.TableDefs(pLogTable) logTableExists = Err.Number = 0 End Property #End If '/** ' * Gibt einen Logger zurück, um interneFehler zu loggen ' * @param eTypeSetting Angabe, ob ein Output unterdrückt werden soll ' * @return Log4vba ' */ Private Property Get internalLogger(Optional ByVal iOutSetting As eTypeSetting) As Log4vba Set internalLogger = Me.clone Select Case iOutSetting #If ms_product = C_ACCESS Then Case eprOutFunction: internalLogger.functionName = Empty Case eprOutTable: internalLogger.logTable = Empty #End If End Select End Property '/** ' * Setzt oder entfernt einen Paramter ' * @param eLogType ' * @param Boolean ' */ Private Property Get outMethodeDetail(ByVal iLogType As eLogType, ByVal iParam As eTypeSetting) As Boolean outMethodeDetail = andB(pTypeSettings(iLogType), iParam) End Property Private Property Let outMethodeDetail(ByVal iLogType As eLogType, ByVal iParam As eTypeSetting, ByVal iValue As Boolean) If Not andB(pTypeSettings(iLogType), iParam) And iValue Then pTypeSettings(iLogType) = pTypeSettings(iLogType) + iParam ElseIf andB(pTypeSettings(iLogType), iParam) And Not iValue Then pTypeSettings(iLogType) = pTypeSettings(iLogType) - iParam End If End Property '/** ' * Gibt einen Textstream auf die Log-Datei zurück ' * @return TextStream ' */ Private Property Get logFileStream() As Object Const ForAppending = 8 Static fso As Object Static stream As Object If fso Is Nothing Then Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If stream Is Nothing Then Dim logFilePath As String #If ms_product = C_ACCESS Then logFilePath = #ElseIf ms_product = C_EXCEL Then logFilePath = ActiveWorkbook.path #End If logFilePath = fso.BuildPath(fso.GetParentFolderName(logFilePath), fso.GetBaseName(logFilePath) & ".log") Set stream = fso.OpenTextFile(logFilePath, ForAppending, True) End If Set logFileStream = stream End Property '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Private Libraries '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * ' * Macht einen Bit-Vergleich ' * @param Long ' * @param Long ' * @return Boolean ' */ Private Function andB(ByVal iHaystack As Long, ByVal iNeedle As Long) As Boolean andB = ((iHaystack And iNeedle) = iNeedle) End Function '/** ' * Aus SQLScript kopiert ' * Gibt einen SQL-String anhand des Datentyp zurück ' * @param Variant Daten ' * @param VBA.VbVarType Datentype aus VarType() überschreiben ' * @return String SQL-String ' */ Private Function castSqlString(ByVal iValue As Variant, Optional ByVal iVarType As VbVarType = -1) As String If IsNull(iValue) Then castSqlString = "NULL" Exit Function End If Select Case IIf(iVarType = -1, varType(iValue), iVarType) Case vbDate: castSqlString = "#" & format(iValue, "MM-DD-YYYY HH:NN:SS") & "#" Case vbNull: castSqlString = "NULL" Case vbEmpty: castSqlString = "''" Case vbBoolean: castSqlString = UCase(CStr(CBool(iValue))) 'CStr(CInt(iValue)) Case vbLong, vbInteger, vbByte, vbDouble, vbDecimal, vbSingle, vbCurrency castSqlString = CStr(iValue) Case Else: castSqlString = "'" & replace(CStr(iValue), "'", C_SQL_QUOTA_REPLACE) & "'" End Select End Function '/** ' * ' * Gibt den String iString zurück. Dieser wurde nach links mit dem String iPadString auf eine Länge von iLen Zeichen aufgefüllt. ' * Wenn iString länger als iLen ist, wird der Rückgabewert auf iLen Zeichen gekürzt. ' * @param String ' * @param Integer Neue Länge ' * @param String Zeichen mit dem verlängert wird ' * @return Erweiterter oder gekürzter String ' */ Private Function lPad( _ ByVal iString As String, _ ByVal iLen As Integer, _ Optional ByVal iPadString As String = " " _ ) As String lPad = Left(iString, iLen) lPad = lPad & String(iLen - Len(lPad), iPadString) End Function '/** ' * Bei einer Variablenübergabe muss immer unterscheiden werden, ob es ein Objekt ist oder nicht. ' * Diese Sub nimmt einem die Arbeit ab ' * ref(oNode, iNode) ' * @param Variant Variable, die den Wert bekommen soll ' * @param Variant Ret Wert selber ' */ Private Sub ref(ByRef oNode As Variant, ByRef iNode As Variant) If IsObject(iNode) Then Set oNode = iNode: Exit Sub oNode = iNode End Sub '/** ' * Gibt den Kleinsten aus einer unbestimmten Menge von Werten zurück ' * @param Keine Objekte ' * @return Grösster Wert ' * @example least("Hallo Welt", 42, "Mister-X") -> 42 '*/ Private Function least(ParamArray iItems() As Variant) As Variant least = iItems(LBound(iItems)) Dim item As Variant: For Each item In iItems If NZ(item) < NZ(least) Then least = item Next item End Function '/** ' * Gibt den Grössten aus einer unbestimmten Menge von Werten zurück ' * @link ' * @param Keine Objekte ' * @return Grösster Wert ' * @example greatest("Hallo Welt", 42, "Mister-X") -> Mister-X '*/ Private Function greatest(ParamArray iItems() As Variant) As Variant greatest = iItems(UBound(iItems)) Dim item As Variant: For Each item In iItems If NZ(item) > NZ(greatest) Then greatest = item Next item End Function ' /** ' * IsEmptyArray ' * @param Array ' * @return true if Array is not initialized ' */ Private Function isEmptyArray(ByVal iArray As Variant) As Boolean If IsArray(iArray) Then isEmptyArray = IsMissing(iArray) Else Err.Raise 13 'Type mismatch' End If End Function #If ms_product = C_EXCEL Then '/** ' * Wandelt NULL in EMpty oder einen Defaultwert ' * @param Variant ' * @param Variant ' * @return Variant ' */ Private Function NZ(ByRef iValue As Variant, Optional ByRef iDefault As Variant = Empty) As Variant If IsNull(iValue) Then NZ = iDefault Else NZ = iValue End If End Function #End If