Attribute VB_Name = "lib_json" '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'File : lib_json.bas ' Copyright mpl by ERB software ' All rights reserved ' 'Environment : VBA 2010+: getestet mit MS Access 2010 & MS Excel 2010 'Version : 1.4.0 'Name : json 'Author : Stefan Erb (ERS) 'History : 19.02.2014 - ERS - Creation ' ... ' 17.07.2014 - ERS - Prefix InternalArrayPrefix (#A oder #C) hinzugefügt um bei [] automatisch mitzugeben ob es sich um eine Collection oder ein Array handelt ' Achtung! Sollte nur engestellt werden, wenn der JSON-String wieder mit dieser Lib zu einem Objekt gaprst werden soll ' 13.10.2014 - ERS - Cache auf Dictionary und Properties umgestellt, replaceA auf strReplace umgestellt sowie div. weitere Umstellungen ' '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Option Explicit '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Public Members '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Einstellungen, ob [...] in ein Array oder in eine Collection geschrieben werden soll ' */ Public Enum jsonDecodeParams jrtCollection = 2 ^ 1 'Als Collection jrtArray = 2 ^ 2 'Als Array jrtDictionary = 2 ^ 3 'Als Dictionary jrtDefault = jrtCollection jrtEmptyList = 2 ^ 5 'Angabe, ob bei einem Leeren String eine Collection/Array/Dictionary zurückgegeben werden soll End Enum '/** ' * Einstellung, ob Strings im JSON in ' oder in " gefasst werden sollen ' */ Public Enum jsonEncodeParams jqmDoubleQuote = 2 ^ 1 'Umfasst die Values mit einem " jqmSingleQuote = 2 ^ 2 'Umfasst die Values mit einem ' jqmForceObject = 2 ^ 3 'Wandelt Arrays in Objekte jqmInternalArrayPrefix = 2 ^ 4 'Der JSON-String wird mit eigenen Prefixen bei Array und Collection mitgeliefert jqmDefault = jqmDoubleQuote End Enum Public Const JSON_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT = vbObjectError + 1 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Private Members '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Datums-Format nach ISO 8601 Private Const C_DATE_F = "YYYY-MM-DD\THH:NN:SS" 'Format für ein SubObject-Platzhalter: SubObject Nr12: &##012; Private Const C_PARSE_PLACEHOLDER_F = "\&\#\#000\;" 'Unicode eines \ Private Const C_UNICODE_BACKSLASH = "\u005C" Private Const C_UNICODE_SINGLE_QUOTES = "\u0022;" Private Const C_UNICODE_DOUBLE_QUOTES = "\u0027;" '/** ' * Wird für die rx_ Funktionen verwendet ' * Setzte die Flags für das RegExp Object ' */ Private Enum rxFlagsEnum rxnone = 2 ^ 0 'Value 1 rxglobal = 2 ^ 1 'Value 2 rxIgnorCase = 2 ^ 2 'Value 4 rxMultiline = 2 ^ 3 'Value 8 End Enum Private Enum arrFlags flRx = 0 flReplace = 1 flType = 2 End Enum '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '-- Private members for cDict() '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private rxCachedSetString As Object '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Private Cache '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Lokaler Cache ' */ Private pCache As Dictionary Private strings() As String '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Public Aliase '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Alias zu json() ' */ 'Public Function obj2json(ByRef iObj As Variant, Optional ByVal iEncodeParams As jsonEncodeParams = jqmDefault) As String ' obj2json = json(iObj, iEncodeParams) 'End Function '/** ' * Alias zu parse ' */ 'Public Function json2obj(ByVal iString As Variant, Optional ByVal iDecodeParams As jsonDecodeParams = jrtDefault, Optional ByRef oObj As Variant) As Variant ' Call parse(iString, iDecodeParams, oObj) ' If IsObject(oObj) Then Set json2obj = oObj Else json2obj = oObj 'End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Object to JSON '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Erstellt aus Directories, Collections und Arrays einen JSON-String ' * @param Objekt ' * @param jsonEncodeParams Angabe über die Art der Anführungszeichen im JSON-String ' * @return String ' */ Public Function obj2json(ByRef iObj As Variant, Optional ByVal iEncodeParams As jsonEncodeParams = jqmDefault) As String If Not (IsArray(iObj) Or TypeName(iObj) = "Collection" Or TypeName(iObj) = "Dictionary") Then Err.Raise JSON_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT, "json", "Input is not a array or Collection or Dictionary" End If obj2json = jsonRekursive(iObj, iEncodeParams) End Function '/** ' * Interner Stringersteller ' * @param Objekt ' * @param jsonEncodeParams Angabe über die Art der Anführungszeichen im JSON-String ' * @return String ' */ Private Function jsonRekursive(ByRef iObj As Variant, ByVal iEncodeParams As jsonEncodeParams) As String 'Array If IsArray(iObj) Then jsonRekursive = jsonArray(iObj, iEncodeParams) 'Collection ElseIf TypeName(iObj) = "Collection" Then jsonRekursive = jsonCollection(iObj, iEncodeParams) 'Dictionary ElseIf TypeName(iObj) = "Dictionary" Then jsonRekursive = jsonDict(iObj, iEncodeParams) '[Key:]Value Else jsonRekursive = jsonValue(iObj, iEncodeParams) End If End Function '/** ' * get JSON-String from Collection ' * @param Collection ' * @param jsonEncodeParams Angabe über die Art der Anführungszeichen im JSON-String ' * @return String JSON-String ' */ Private Function jsonCollection(ByRef iCollection As Variant, ByVal iEncodeParams As jsonEncodeParams) As String Dim arr() As Variant: ReDim arr(1 To iCollection.count) Dim i As Long: For i = 1 To iCollection.count If IsObject(iCollection(i)) Then Set arr(i) = iCollection(i) Else arr(i) = iCollection(i) Next i jsonCollection = jsonArray(arr, iEncodeParams) If (iEncodeParams And jqmInternalArrayPrefix) Then jsonCollection = "#C" & Mid(jsonCollection, 3) End If End Function '/** ' * get JSON-String from Array ' * @param Array ' * @param jsonEncodeParams Angabe über die Art der Anführungszeichen im JSON-String ' * @return String JSON-String ' */ Private Function jsonArray(ByRef iArray As Variant, ByVal iEncodeParams As jsonEncodeParams) As String Dim i As Long: For i = LBound(iArray) To UBound(iArray) iArray(i) = jsonRekursive(iArray(i), iEncodeParams) Next i jsonArray = "[" & Join(iArray, ",") & "]" If iEncodeParams And jqmInternalArrayPrefix Then jsonArray = "#A" & jsonArray End Function '/** ' * get JSON-String from Dictionary ' * @param Dictionary ' * @param jsonEncodeParams Angabe über die Art der Anführungszeichen im JSON-String ' * @return String JSON-String ' */ Private Function jsonDict(ByRef iDict As Variant, ByVal iEncodeParams As jsonEncodeParams) As String Dim parts() As String: ReDim parts(iDict.count - 1) Dim keys() As Variant: keys = iDict.keys Dim items() As Variant: items = iDict.items Dim i As Long: For i = 0 To iDict.count - 1 parts(i) = jsonValue(keys(i), iEncodeParams) & ":" & jsonRekursive(items(i), iEncodeParams) Next i jsonDict = "{" & Join(parts, ",") & "}" End Function '/** ' * Maskiert die Items und handelt die Spezialwerte ' * ' * @param String ' * @param jsonEncodeParams Angabe über die Art der Anführungszeichen im JSON-String ' * @return String JSON-String ' */ Private Function jsonValue(ByVal iVar As Variant, ByVal iEncodeParams As jsonEncodeParams) As String Dim qm As String: qm = IIf(iEncodeParams = jqmDoubleQuote, """", "'") 'Null If IsNull(iVar) Then 'Null-Werte als null zurückgeben jsonValue = "null" 'Boolean ElseIf TypeName(iVar) = "Boolean" Then 'Boolen als true/false ausgeben jsonValue = LCase(CBool(iVar)) 'Date ElseIf IsDate(iVar) Then 'Datum jsonValue = qm & format(iVar, C_DATE_F) & qm 'Char ElseIf Not IsNumeric(iVar) Then 'Texte als "t\\ext" ausgeben '\ als unicode speichern: \u005C jsonValue = Replace(iVar, "\", C_UNICODE_BACKSLASH) 'Spezialcharakters escapen (IIF(isNull()..) Anstelle von NZ für MS Excel jsonValue = strReplace(IIf(IsNull(jsonValue), Empty, jsonValue), arrCharsToEscape, arrEscapedChars) 'Sonderzeichen ausserhalb Ascii 32 bis 127 ersetzen Dim i As Integer: For i = Len(jsonValue) To 1 Step -1 Dim uChrCode As String: uChrCode = Asc(Mid(jsonValue, i, 1)) If uChrCode < 32 Or 127 < uChrCode Then jsonValue = replaceIndex(jsonValue, char2unicode(Mid(jsonValue, i, 1)), i - 1, 2) Next i '\u005C zu \\ wandeln jsonValue = Replace(jsonValue, C_UNICODE_BACKSLASH, "\\") jsonValue = qm & jsonValue & qm 'Number Else 'Zahlen normal ausgeben jsonValue = iVar End If End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' JSON to Object '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Parst ein JSON-String in Dictionaries und Collections oder Arrays ' * @param String JSON-String ' * @param jsonDecodeParams Einstellung, ob [...] als Array oder als Collection zurückgegeben wird ' * @param Variant Dasselbe wie der Return-Wert. Wenn amn json2obj() als sub() aufruft, muss man sich nicht darum kümmern, ob ein Array oder ein Object zurückkommt. ' * @return Variant Dictionary, Collection oder Array ' */ Public Function json2obj(ByVal iString As Variant, Optional ByVal iDecodeParams As jsonDecodeParams = jrtDefault, Optional ByRef oObj As Variant) As Variant Dim pts() As Variant: ReDim pts(0): Set pts(0) = Nothing Dim str As String: str = strReplace(iString, Array(vbCrLf, vbCr, vbLf, vbTab), Array(Empty)) On Error GoTo Err_Handler If Trim(Nz(iString)) = Empty And (iDecodeParams And jrtEmptyList) Then If (iDecodeParams And jrtCollection) Then Set oObj = New collection: Set json2obj = oObj ElseIf (iDecodeParams And jrtDictionary) Then Set oObj = CreateObject("scripting.Dictionary"): Set json2obj = oObj Else oObj = Array(): json2obj = oObj End If Exit Function ElseIf Trim(Nz(iString)) = Empty Then Set oObj = Nothing: Set json2obj = oObj Exit Function End If str = Replace(str, "\'", C_UNICODE_SINGLE_QUOTES) str = Replace(str, "\""", C_UNICODE_DOUBLE_QUOTES) Dim mc As Object: Set mc = rxQuotes.execute(str) Dim lastQuote As String: lastQuote = Empty Dim start As Long: start = -1 Dim idx As Integer: idx = -1 Erase strings Dim i As Integer: For i = mc.count - 1 To 0 Step -1 If start = -1 Then start = mc(i).firstIndex lastQuote = mc(i) ElseIf lastQuote = mc(i) Then 'Schliessen idx = idx + 1 ReDim Preserve strings(idx) strings(idx) = Mid(str, mc(i).firstIndex + 2, start - mc(i).firstIndex - 1) str = replaceIndex(str, "(#" & idx & ")", mc(i).firstIndex, Len(strings(idx)) + 3) strings(idx) = Replace(strings(idx), C_UNICODE_SINGLE_QUOTES, "\'") strings(idx) = Replace(strings(idx), C_UNICODE_DOUBLE_QUOTES, "\""") start = -1 Else 'Anders Quote -> ignorieren End If Next 'Alle \\ durch den Unicode-Value \u005C ersetzen str = Replace(str, "\\", C_UNICODE_BACKSLASH) 'str = replaceA(str, cache.arrPreCharsToEsc, cache.arrPreEscChars) Set mc = rxPreCharsToU.execute(str) For i = mc.count - 1 To 0 Step -1 str = replaceIndex(str, char2unicode(mc(i).SubMatches(0)), mc(i).firstIndex, Len(mc(i)) + 1) Next i Do While rxParseList.Test(str) Set mc = rxParseList.execute(str) Dim v As Object: For Each v In mc 'nächster act bestimmen Dim act As Long: act = UBound(pts) + 1: ReDim Preserve pts(act): Set pts(act) = CreateObject("scripting.Dictionary") 'Array/Collection auswerten If v.SubMatches(1) = "[" Then 'Array Dim items As Variant: items = Split(v.SubMatches(2), ",") ReDim tmp(UBound(items)) For i = 0 To UBound(tmp) 'Prüfen ob da ein Platzalter für ein SubObject steht If rxParseSub.Test(items(i)) Then 'SubObject übernehmen idx = chooseRx(rxParseSub, items(i)) If IsObject(pts(idx)) Then Set tmp(i) = pts(idx) Else tmp(i) = pts(idx) Else 'Key und Wert übernehmen tmp(i) = parseValue(items(i)) End If Next i 'ggf Array in eine Collection umschreiben Select Case v.SubMatches(0) Case "#A": pts(act) = tmp Case "#C": Set pts(act) = array2col(tmp) Case "#D": Set pts(act) = array2Dict(tmp) Case Else If (iDecodeParams And jrtCollection) Then Set pts(act) = array2col(tmp) ElseIf (iDecodeParams And jrtDictionary) Then Set pts(act) = array2Dict(tmp) Else pts(act) = tmp End If End Select 'Dictionary auswerten Else 'Object Set pts(act) = CreateObject("scripting.Dictionary") Dim item As Variant: For Each item In Split(v.SubMatches(2), ",") Dim parts As Variant: parts = Split(item, ":") 'Prüfen ob da ein Platzalter für ein SubObject steht If rxParseSub.Test(parts(1)) Then 'SubObject übernehmen idx = chooseRx(rxParseSub, parts(1)) pts(act).add parseValue(parts(0)), pts(idx) Else 'Key und Wert übernehmen pts(act).add parseValue(parts(0)), parseValue(parts(1)) End If Next item End If 'Das SubObject im JSON-String durch ein Pattern ersetzen &##3; für das 3te SubObject str = Replace(str, v.value, format(act, C_PARSE_PLACEHOLDER_F)) Next v Loop 'Der letzte Eintrag beinhaltet das endgültige Resultat If isNothing(pts(act)) And (iDecodeParams And jrtEmptyList) Then If (iDecodeParams And jrtCollection) Then Set oObj = New collection oObj.add iString: Set json2obj = oObj ElseIf (iDecodeParams And jrtDictionary) Then Set oObj = CreateObject("scripting.Dictionary"): oObj.add 0, iString: Set json2obj = oObj Else ReDim oObj(0): oObj(0) = iString json2obj = oObj End If ElseIf IsObject(pts(act)) Then Set json2obj = pts(act): Set oObj = json2obj Else json2obj = pts(act): oObj = json2obj End If Exit_Handler: On Error Resume Next Set mc = Nothing Set v = Nothing Exit Function Err_Handler: Error (Err.Number) GoTo Exit_Handler Resume End Function '/** ' * Parst ein Value in das richtige Format ' * @param String JSON-Value-String ' * @param Variant Null, Boolean, Number oder String ' */ Private Function parseValue(ByVal iString As String) As Variant Dim mc As Object: Set mc = rxStringIndex.execute(iString) Dim i As Integer: For i = 0 To mc.count - 1 iString = Replace(iString, mc(i), strings(mc(i).SubMatches(0))) Next i Select Case UCase(iString) 'Null Case "NULL": parseValue = Null 'Boolean Case "TRUE", "FALSE": parseValue = CBool(iString) Case Else: 'Datum If rxDate.Test(iString) Then Dim m As Object: Set m = rxDate.execute(iString)(0) If m.SubMatches(1) + m.SubMatches(2) + m.SubMatches(3) > 0 Then parseValue = DateSerial(m.SubMatches(1), m.SubMatches(2), m.SubMatches(3)) If m.SubMatches(4) + m.SubMatches(5) + m.SubMatches(6) > 0 Then parseValue = parseValue + TimeSerial(m.SubMatches(4), m.SubMatches(5), m.SubMatches(6)) 'parseValue = DateSerial(m.SubMatches(1), m.SubMatches(2), m.SubMatches(3)) + TimeSerial(m.SubMatches(4), m.SubMatches(5), m.SubMatches(6)) 'String ElseIf rxRemoveQuted.Test(iString) Then parseValue = iString 'Umschliessing entfernen parseValue = rxRemoveQuted.Replace(parseValue, "$2") 'Spezialcharakters zurücksetzen parseValue = strReplace(IIf(IsNull(parseValue), Empty, parseValue), arrEscapedChars, arrCharsToEscape) 'Spezialcharakters escapen: \u00166 zu ¦ parseValue = deEscape(parseValue, rxSpezChars) 'Zahlen ElseIf IsNumeric(iString) Then parseValue = CDec(iString) If isDouble(iString) Then parseValue = CDbl(iString) If isInteger(iString) Then parseValue = CInt(iString) If isLong(iString) Then parseValue = CLng(iString) 'Undefinierter Rest Else parseValue = iString End If End Select End Function '/** ' * Exsacape-Sequenzen auflösen ' * @param Value-String ' * @param RegExp ' * @return String ' */ Private Function deEscape(ByVal iParseValue As Variant, ByRef iRx As Object) As String deEscape = iParseValue 'Spezialcharakters escapen: \u00166 zu ¦ 'Spezialcharakters escapen: \t zu Tablulator Dim mc As Object: Set mc = iRx.execute(iParseValue) Dim i As Integer: For i = mc.count - 1 To 0 Step -1 deEscape = replaceIndex(deEscape, unicode2Char(mc(i)), mc(i).firstIndex, Len(mc(i)) + 1) Next i End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Private Cached Properties '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Die Cache-Verwaltung als Dictionary Private Property Get cache() As Object If pCache Is Nothing Then Set pCache = CreateObject("scripting.Dictionary") Set cache = pCache End Property Private Property Set cache(ByRef iCache As Object) Set pCache = iCache End Property Private Property Get arrCharsToEscape() If Not cache.exists("arrCharsToEscape") Then cache.add "arrCharsToEscape", Array(vbTab, vbLf, vbCr, vbFormFeed, ":", ",", """", "'") arrCharsToEscape = cache("arrCharsToEscape") End Property Private Property Get arrEscapedChars() If Not cache.exists("arrEscapedChars") Then cache.add "arrEscapedChars", Array("\t", "\n", "\r", "\f", "\:", "\,", "\""", "\'") arrEscapedChars = cache("arrEscapedChars") End Property Private Property Get rxPreCharsToU() As Object If Not cache.exists("rxPreCharsToU") Then cache.add "rxPreCharsToU", cRegExp("\\([\[\]\{\}:,])", rxpGlobal) Set rxPreCharsToU = cache("rxPreCharsToU") End Property 'Unicode zu CHaracter \u0016 -> ¦ Private Property Get rxSpezChars() As Object If Not cache.exists("rxSpezChars") Then cache.add "rxSpezChars", cRegExp("\\u([\dA-F]{4})", rxpGlobal) Set rxSpezChars = cache("rxSpezChars") End Property 'RegEx um die umschliessenden Hochkommas eines Textes zu entfernen Private Property Get rxRemoveQuted() As Object If Not cache.exists("rxRemoveQuted") Then cache.add "rxRemoveQuted", cRegExp("^([""'])(.*)\1$") Set rxRemoveQuted = cache("rxRemoveQuted") End Property 'RegEx um ein Subobjekt zu finden Private Property Get rxParseSub() As Object If Not cache.exists("rxParseSub") Then cache.add "rxParseSub", cRegExp("^&##(\d{3});$", rxpGlobal) Set rxParseSub = cache("rxParseSub") End Property 'RegEx um die Listen {..} und [...] zu finden Private Property Get rxParseList() As Object If Not cache.exists("rxParseList") Then cache.add "rxParseList", cRegExp("(#A|#C|#D|)([\[\{])([^\[\{\]\}]*)[\]\}]", rxpGlobal) Set rxParseList = cache("rxParseList") End Property Private Property Get rxStringIndex() As Object If Not cache.exists("rxStringIndex") Then cache.add "rxStringIndex", cRegExp("\(#(\d+)\)", rxpGlobal) Set rxStringIndex = cache("rxStringIndex") End Property 'Datum erkennen und zerlegen Private Property Get rxDate() As Object If Not cache.exists("rxDate") Then cache.add "rxDate", cRegExp("^(['""]?)(?:(\d{4})[-/\.](\d{2})[-/\.](\d{2}))?(?:[T ]?(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}))?\1$", rxpGlobal + rxpIgnorCase) '2012-04-23T18:25:43.511 Set rxDate = cache("rxDate") End Property 'RegEx um die Strings (mit ' umschlossene Teile ) zu extrahieren: Single Quoted Private Property Get rxQuotes() As Object If Not cache.exists("rxQuotes") Then cache.add "rxQuotes", cRegExp("(['""#])", rxpGlobal) Set rxQuotes = cache("rxQuotes") End Property '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Internal Functions '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Erstellt ein RegExp-Object mit den Grundeinstellungen ' * @param String Pattern analog RegExp oder mit Delimiter und Modifier analog zu PHP ' * @param rxpFlagsEnum Eigenschaften von Regexp. Global, IgnoreCase und Multiline. ' * Die Eigenschaften können mit + kombiniert werden ' * @return RegExp ' */ Private Function cRegExp( _ ByVal iPattern As String, _ Optional ByVal iFlag As rxpFlagsEnum = rxnone _ ) As Object Set cRegExp = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") If rxPattern.Test(iPattern) Then Dim sm As Object: Set sm = rxPattern.execute(iPattern)(0).SubMatches cRegExp.pattern = sm(1) cRegExp.IgnoreCase = sm(2) Like "*i*" cRegExp.Global = sm(2) Like "*g*" cRegExp.Multiline = sm(2) Like "*m*" Else cRegExp.pattern = iPattern cRegExp.Global = iFlag And rxpGlobal cRegExp.IgnoreCase = iFlag And rxpIgnorCase cRegExp.Multiline = iFlag And rxpMultiline End If End Function '/** ' * Den RegExp um das Pattern aufzulösen ' * @return RegExp-Object ' */ Private Property Get rxPattern() As Object If Not cache.exists("rxPattern") Then cache.add "rxPattern", CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") cache("rxPattern").pattern = "^([@&!/~#=\|])(.*)\1([igm]{0,3})$" End If Set rxPattern = cache("rxPattern") End Property '/** ' * Wandelt ein Charakter in ein Unicode ' * @example: char2unicode("€") -> '\u20AC' ' * @param String(1) Charakter, der gewandelt werden soll ' * @return String Unicode ' */ Private Function char2unicode(ByVal iChar As String) As String char2unicode = Hex(AscW(iChar)) 'Hex-Wert ermitteln char2unicode = "\u" & String(4 - Len(char2unicode), "0") & char2unicode End Function '/** ' * Wandelt ein Unicode in ein Charakter ' * @example: unicode2char("\u20AC") -> '\€' ' * @param String Unicode ' * @return String Char ' */ Private Function unicode2Char(ByVal iUnicode As String) As String unicode2Char = ChrW(Replace(iUnicode, "\u", "&h")) End Function '/** ' * Copyright mpl by ERB software | ' * ' * Hilfsfunktion. Gibt ein Submatch aus einem RegEx.execute() zurück ' * @param RegExp RegExp-Objekt ' * @param String Der String der bearbeitet werden soll ' * @param Integer Match von dem das Subitem ausgegeben werden soll. Beginnt mit 1 ' * @param Integer SubMatch der ausgegeben werden soll. Bei 0 wird der gesammte Match ausgegeben Beginnt mit 0 ' * @return Wert oder False ' */ Private Function chooseRx( _ ByRef iRx As Object, _ ByVal iSubject As String, _ Optional ByVal iMatchIndex As Integer = 1, _ Optional ByVal iSubMatchIndex As Integer = 1 _ ) As Variant Dim mc As Object: Set mc = iRx.execute(iSubject) Dim idxSm As Integer: idxSm = iSubMatchIndex - 1 Dim idxM As Integer: idxM = iMatchIndex - 1 If Not mc Is Nothing Then If mc.count > idxM And idxM >= 0 Then If idxSm = -1 Then chooseRx = mc.item(idxM) GoTo Exit_Handler ElseIf mc.item(idxM).SubMatches.count > idxSm And idxSm >= 0 Then chooseRx = mc.item(idxM).SubMatches(idxSm) GoTo Exit_Handler End If End If End If chooseRx = False Exit_Handler: Set mc = Nothing End Function '/** ' * Copyright mpl by ERB software | ' * ' * Ersetzt ein pestimmte Position in einem String ' * @param String Heystack ' * @param String Ersetzungsstring ' * @param Integer Position im String ' * @param Integer Länge des zu ersetzenden Strings ' */ Private Function replaceIndex(ByVal iExpression As Variant, ByVal iReplace As Variant, ByVal iIndex As Variant, Optional ByVal iLength As Integer = 1) As String replaceIndex = Left(iExpression, iIndex) & iReplace & Mid(iExpression, iIndex + iLength) End Function '/** ' * Ersetz in einem String mehrere Substrings. Normal oder mit RegExp ' * ' * V1.1.0 ' * @param String Der Text, ind em ersetzt werden soll ' * @param ParamArray Die Ersetzungsargumente ' * @return String ' */ Private Function strReplace( _ ByVal iExpression As Variant, _ ParamArray iItems() As Variant _ ) As Variant If IsNull(iExpression) Then Exit Function Dim items() As Variant: items = CVar(iItems) 'Parameters zusammenstellen: Dictionary([Pattern] => [Replace]) Dim dict As Dictionary: Set dict = cDict(items) 'Keys extrahieren, da bei Latebinding nicht über den ndex auf das Dictionary zugegriffen werden kann Dim keys() As Variant: keys = dict.keys 'Aufbrösmeln: repl = array(flRx => [RegExp des einzelnen Suchwertes], flReplace => [Ersatzstring]) Dim repl() As Variant: ReDim repl(dict.count - 1) Dim idxI As Integer: For idxI = 0 To dict.count - 1 Dim searchPattern As String: searchPattern = keys(idxI) 'Suchpattern auslesen If rxPattern.Test(searchPattern) Then 'Falls gültiger Pattern searchPattern = rxPattern.execute(searchPattern)(0).SubMatches(1) 'Den eigentlichen Pattern extrahieren repl(idxI) = Array(cRegExp(keys(idxI)), dict(keys(idxI))) 'und den Array zusammenstellen Else searchPattern = escapeString(searchPattern) 'Pattern Escapen, damit es kein RegExp-Search gibt repl(idxI) = Array(cRegExp(searchPattern, rxpIgnorCase), dict(keys(idxI))) End If Dim pp() As String: ReDim Preserve pp(idxI): pp(idxI) = "(" & searchPattern & ")" 'Alle SearchPattern in einme Array sammeln Next idxI Dim pattern As String: pattern = "(?:" & Join(pp, "|") & ")" 'und zu einem grossen Pattern zusammensetzen: (?(pattern1)|(pattern2)...|(patternN)) Dim rx As Object: Set rx = cRegExp(pattern, rxpGlobal + rxpIgnorCase) 'und damit ein GesammtsuchRegExp erstellen strReplace = iExpression Dim mc As Object: Set mc = rx.execute(iExpression) 'Gesammtsuche ausführen Dim idxM As Integer: For idxM = mc.count - 1 To 0 Step -1 Dim arr As Variant: For Each arr In repl 'Für jeden Treffer den richtigen TeilRegExp suchen und den Teilstring ersetzen If arr(flRx).Test(mc(idxM).value) Then strReplace = substrReplace( _ iString:=strReplace, _ iReplacement:=arr(flRx).Replace(mc(idxM).value, arr(flReplace)), _ iStart:=mc(idxM).firstIndex, _ iLength:=mc(idxM).length _ ) Exit For End If Next arr Next idxM End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Private Methodes '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Escapte alle Sonderzeichen um eine rx-Pattern zu erstellen ' * ' * string = rx_escape_string(string) ' * ' * @example rx_escape_string("Hallo Welt. Geht es dir (noch) gut?") ' * Hallo Welt\. Geht es dir \(noch\) gut\? ' * @param String ' * @return String ' */ Private Function escapeString( _ ByVal iString As String _ ) As String escapeString = rxEscapeStrings.Replace(iString, "\$1") End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Private Properties '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Property Get rxEscapeStrings() As Object If Not cache.exists("rxEscapeStrings") Then cache.add "rxEscapeStrings", cRegExp("([\\\*\+\?\|\{\[\(\)\^\$\.\#])", rxpGlobal) Set rxEscapeStrings = cache("rxEscapeStrings") End Property ' 'Private Property Get rxRemoveMarks() As Object ' If rxCachedRemoveMarks Is Nothing Then Set rxCachedRemoveMarks = cRegExp(C_RX_REMOVEMARKS_PATTERN, rxpGlobal) ' Set rxRemoveMarks = rxCachedRemoveMarks 'End Property '/** ' * Copyright mpl by ERB software | '* ' * Hilfsfunktion: Ein Array in eine Collection wandeln ' * @param Array ' * @return Collection ' */ Private Function array2col(ByVal iArray As Variant) As collection Set array2col = New collection Dim item As Variant: For Each item In iArray array2col.add item Next item End Function '/** ' * Copyright mpl by ERB software | '* ' * Hilfsfunktion: Ein Array in eine Collection wandeln ' * @param Array ' * @return Collection ' */ Private Function array2Dict(ByVal iArray As Variant) As Object Set array2Dict = CreateObject("scripting.Dictionary") Dim i As Integer: For i = 0 To UBound(iArray) array2Dict.add i, iArray(i) Next i End Function '/** ' * Copyright mpl by ERB software | ' * ' * Prüft on ein Value ein Double-Wert ist ' * @param Variant Zu prüfender Wert ' * @param Boolean Flag ob ein Integer/Long als Double akzeptiert werden soll ' * @return Boolean ' */ Private Function isDouble(ByVal iExpression As Variant, Optional ByVal iWithIntLng As Boolean = False) As Boolean If Not IsNumeric(iExpression) Then Exit Function isDouble = (CDbl(iExpression) = iExpression) If Not iWithIntLng And isDouble Then isDouble = Not isLong(iExpression, True) End Function '/** ' * Copyright mpl by ERB software | ' * ' * Prüft on ein Value ein Integer-Wert ist ' * @param Variant Zu prüfender Wert ' * @return Boolean ' */ Private Function isInteger(ByVal iExpression As Variant) As Boolean If Not IsNumeric(iExpression) Then Exit Function If iExpression < -32768 Or 32767 < iExpression Then Exit Function isInteger = (CInt(iExpression) = iExpression) End Function '/** ' * Copyright mpl by ERB software | ' * ' * Prüft on ein Value ein Long-Wert ist ' * @param Variant Zu prüfender Wert ' * @param Boolean Angabe, ob Integer auch als Long gelten (Integer: -32768 bos 32767) ' * @return Boolean ' */ Private Function isLong(ByVal iExpression As Variant, Optional ByVal iWithInteger As Boolean = False) As Boolean If Not IsNumeric(iExpression) Then Exit Function If iExpression < -2147483648# Or 2147483647 < iExpression Then Exit Function isLong = (CLng(iExpression) = iExpression) If Not iWithInteger And isLong Then isLong = Not isInteger(iExpression) End Function '/** ' * Wandelt verschiedene Formate in ein Dictionary um ' * ' * @param ParamArray ' * @return Dictionary ' */ Private Function cDict(ByRef iItems() As Variant) As Dictionary Set cDict = New Dictionary Dim items() As Variant: items = CVar(iItems) Dim i As Integer, key As Variant, value As Variant Dim isList As Boolean If UBound(items) = -1 Then Exit Function 'Prüfen ob 2 Parametetrs übergeben wurden If UBound(items) = 1 Then 'Beide Parametrer sind Arrays -> Combine: Erster Array Keys, 2ter Values If IsArray(items(0)) And IsArray(items(1)) Then key = items(0): value = items(1) Dim delta As Long: delta = LBound(key) - LBound(value) ReDim Preserve value(LBound(value) To UBound(key) + delta) For i = LBound(key) To UBound(key) If Not cDict.exists(key(i)) Then cDict.add key(i), value(i + delta) Next i Exit Function End If End If 'Alle Items durchackern For i = 0 To UBound(items) Dim item As Variant: ref item, items(i) 'Dictionary If Not isList And TypeName(item) = "Dictionary" Then For Each key In items(i).keys If Not cDict.exists(key) Then cDict.add key, item.item(key) Next key 'einsamer Array ElseIf Not isList And IsArray(item) Then For key = LBound(item) To UBound(item) If Not cDict.exists(key) Then cDict.add key, item(key) Next key 'SetString ElseIf Not isList And Not IsArray(item) And Not IsObject(item) Then If rxSetString.Test(StrReverse(item)) Then Dim mc As Object: Set mc = rxSetString.execute(StrReverse(item)) Dim k As Integer: For k = mc.count - 1 To 0 Step -1 Dim m As Object: Set m = mc(k) key = StrReverse(firstValue(m.SubMatches(6), m.SubMatches(5), m.SubMatches(3))) value = StrReverse(firstValue(m.SubMatches(2), m.SubMatches(1))) Select Case m.SubMatches(0) Case "#": value = eval("#" & value & "#") Case Empty: value = CDec(value) Case Else: value = cRegExp("\\(['""])", rxpGlobal).Replace(value, "$1") End Select If Not cDict.exists(key) Then cDict.add key, value Next k Else GoTo DEFAULT 'Zuerst wollte ich diesen GoTo nicht haben. Aber StrReverse() wirft ein Fehler wenn ein Objekt übergeben wird. Darum konnte der Test nicht im ElseIf durchgeführt werden. End If 'Alles andere geht in ein WertePaar. ElseIf i = 0 Or isList Then DEFAULT: If i Mod 2 = 0 Then key = item Else If Not cDict.exists(key) Then cDict.add key, item End If isList = True End If Next i 'Falls es sich um eine nicht abgeschlossene Liste handelt If isList And i Mod 2 <> 0 Then If Not cDict.exists(key) Then cDict.add key, Empty End If End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '-- Private methodes / properties for cDict() '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Gibt den ersten Wert zurück, der nicht Nothing, Empty oder Null ist ' * @param ParamArray ' * @return Variant ' */ Private Function firstValue(ParamArray items() As Variant) As Variant For Each firstValue In items If IsObject(firstValue) Then If Not firstValue Is Nothing Then Exit For Else If Not IsNull(firstValue) And Not firstValue = Empty Then Exit For End If Next End Function '/** ' * Gibt eine Refernez auf den Wert zurück ' * @param Variant Variable, di abgefüllt werden soll ' * @param Variant Value ' */ Private Sub ref(ByRef oItem As Variant, Optional ByRef iItem As Variant) If IsMissing(iItem) Then oItem = Empty ElseIf IsObject(iItem) Then Set oItem = iItem Else oItem = iItem End If End Sub '/** ' * Handelt den RegExp-Cache um ein Set-String zu zerlegen ' * @return RegExp ' */ Private Property Get rxSetString() As Object If rxCachedSetString Is Nothing Then Set rxCachedSetString = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") rxCachedSetString.Global = True rxCachedSetString.pattern = "(?:(['""#])(?!\\)(.+?)\1(?!\\)|([0-9\.]+?))\s*(?:>=|[:=])\s*(?:\]([^\[]+)\[|(['""])(?!\\)(.+?)\5(?!\\)|(\w+))" End If Set rxSetString = rxCachedSetString End Property