VERSION 1.0 CLASS BEGIN MultiUse = -1 'True END Attribute VB_Name = "JSF" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'File : JSF.cls ' ' All rights reserved 'Environment : Access VBA 2007+ 'Version : 1.4.2 'Name : JSF 'Author : Stefan Erb (ERS) 'History : 15.11.2018 - ERS - Creation ' 14.10.2019 - ERS - Kleiner Fehler im toString korrigiert ' 24.12.2019 - ERS - Regex zur Erkennung der Elemente verbessert ' 16.01.2020 - ERS - Modifiers hinzugefügt ' 27.05.2020 - ERS - Excel-Modifikatioen, Modifier tbl ' 29.05.2020 - ERS - modifier tbl korrigiert ' 18.06.2020 - ERS - Feler bei modifier-Params behoben. Sollte es sich um ein Wert aus dem map handeln, muss er nicht mehr kleingeschrieben sein '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Option Explicit '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- ! SETTINGS ! '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'MS Applikation in der die Klasse eingesetzt wird. Es gibt einige Spezifische Dinge 'Für Word etc noch nicht getestet #Const C_ACCESS = "ACCESS" #Const C_EXCEL = "EXCEL" 'Auswahl #Const ms_product = C_EXCEL ' /** ' * Wenn sprintf existiert, dann kann mit $format das Format analog zu sprintf() mitgegeben werden. Ansonsten wird der $-Teil ignoriert ' * @url ' * @example ?JSF().parse("#{now $To}") -> 20181109 ' * @example ?JSF().parse("#{1.3 $.3f}") -> 1.300 ' * @example ?JSF("DUAL").parse("#{now $TO}_#{id $6d}_DATA.CSV") -> 20181109_092806_000001_DATA.CSV ' */ #Const sPrintF_exists = True '/** ' * Wenn mein json-Modul vorhanden ist, dann kann man auch json-Strings als Paramter übergeben. ' * Achtung! Nur eindimensionale Dictionary! ' * @url ' * @example ?JSF("{nr:1,name:Yaslaw}").parse("#{name}, du hast die Nummer #{nr} ") -> Yaslaw, du hast die Nummer 1 ' */ #Const json_exists = True 'Für das Logging kann log4vba verwendet werden. ' #Const Log4vba = True #If Log4vba Then 'Und die Settings dazu Private Const C_ERROR_LOG_SETTINGS = eprOutConsole + eprReturnAssert + eprOutMsgBox #End If 'Mit DEBUG_MODE True wird bei Fehler der debug.assert aktiviert Private Const DEBUG_MODE = False Private Const C_ERR_HANDLER_DEFAULT = 1 'errMsgBox '/** ' * @pattern #{formel} ' * Formel: Auf die Felder der Source kann direkt zugegriffen werden: #{company} ' * Es können mehrere #{} Blöcke in einem Text stehen. In sich sind sie aber nicht schachtelbar ' * Fixwerte können in vba/sql Schreibweise innerhalb der #{} geschrieben werden ' * Alles was mit eval() ausgeführt werden, kann innerhalb der #{} stehen. Auch eigene Public Functions ' * Für den IIF() ist auch die abgekürzte Syntax möglich #{[not] [when] ? [then] : [else]} ' * Das Not ist optional ' * Der else-Teil ist optional. Standardwert ist '': #{[when] ? [then]} ' * Leerzeichen innerhalb des IIF werden ignoriert: #{[when] ? [then]} == #{[when]?[then]} ' * Anstelle von NOT ist auch der ! gültig. #{!isNull(company) ? 'Firma' & company} ' * Für Vergleiche auf Unterschiede <> kann auch != verwendet werden ' * Formatzeichen (\t, \n, \r) können irgendwo im Text stehen und werden geparst. Innerhalb der #{} müssen sie als Text vorhanden sein ' * ' * @example ?JSF("TBL_DATA_COMPANY", "CID=2").parse("Welcome #{company}") -> Welcome ERB software ' * @example ?JSF("TBL_DATA_COMPANY", "CID=2").parse("Welcome #{ucase(company)}") -> Welcome ERB SOFTWARE ' * @example ?JSF("TBL_DATA_COMPANY", "CID=2").parse("Welcome\t\t#{ucase(company)}") -> Welcome ERB SOFTWARE ' */ '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Public Members '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Paramters für die Klasse ' */ Public Enum jsfParams [_NA] = -1 jsfNothing = 0 jsfParseFormat = 2 ^ 0 'Soll \t (Tabulator) und \r (NewLine) geparst werden jsfRemoveNewLine = 2 ^ 1 'Zeilenumbrüche im Pattern werden ignoriert jsfUnixNewLine = 2 ^ 2 'Zeilenumbruch nur mit NewLine, ohne CarriageReturn jsfRemoveEmptyLine = 2 ^ 3 'Leere Zeilen entfernen jsfRichText = 2 ^ 4 'Der Pattern kommt als RichText (MS Format: vereinfachtes HTML) jsfTrimMultiSpaces = 2 ^ 5 'Mehrfach Leerzeichen reduzieren jsfTrimLines = 2 ^ 6 'Zeilen hinten und vorne von Leerzeichen befreien [_Default] = jsfParseFormat + jsfTrimMultiSpaces + jsfTrimLines + jsfRemoveEmptyLine End Enum '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Private Members '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private pParams As jsfParams Private pFormatPattern As String 'Falls sprintf existiert, werden im pFormatPattern das Format gespeichert Private pModifiers As Object 'Dictionary mit den aktuellen Modifiers Private pModifier$ Private pCriteria As String #If Log4vba Then Private pLogger As Log4vba 'Logger #End If '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Constructors '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Logger ' * @param Error ' * @param String Name der Methode ' * @param Array<> Ein Arry mit den Aufrufparamtern der Method ' */ Private Function handleError(ByRef iError As Variant, ByVal iSourceName As String, ParamArray iValueArray() As Variant) As Variant Dim valueArray() As Variant: If UBound(iValueArray) > -1 Then valueArray = CVar(iValueArray) #If Log4vba Then Debug.Assert Not DEBUG_MODE And pLogger.error(iError, iSourceName, valueArray) #Else MsgBox "Error: " & iError.Number & vbCrLf & iError.Description Debug.Assert Not DEBUG_MODE #End If End Function '/** ' * Erstellt ein neues Objekt und initialisiert es ' * @param Dictionary/Recordset/TableDef/QueryDef/Iterator/Sql/TableName/QueryName/Array ' * @param String Einen Filter umd auf den richtigen Datensatz zu springen. Nur gültig für Recordset, TableDef und ähnliches ' * @param jsfParams Paramter um die Klasse zu steuern ' * @return JSF ' */ Public Function instance( _ Optional ByRef iSource As Variant = Nothing, _ Optional ByVal iCriteria As String, _ Optional ByVal iParams As jsfParams = jsfParams.[_Default] _ ) As JSF Attribute instance.VB_UserMemId = 0 'Attribute instance.VB_UserMemId = 0 Set instance = New JSF instance.construct iSource, iCriteria, iParams End Function '/** ' * Fügt eine Paramtertabelle zu. Eine Tabelle mit einer SPalte für die Keys und eine für die Values ' * @param Recordset/TableDef/QueryDef/SourceName/Sql ' * @param String Name des Key-Feldes ' * @param String Name des Value-Feldes ' * @param String Name des Feldes, dass den vbVarType Enthält ' * @param jsfParams Paramter um die Klasse zu steuern ' * @return JSF ' */ Public Function instanceParamTable( _ ByRef iSource As Variant, _ Optional ByVal iKeyName As String = "KEY", _ Optional ByVal iValueName As String = "VAL", _ Optional ByVal iVarTypeName As String = "", _ Optional ByVal iParams As jsfParams = jsfParams.[_Default] _ ) As JSF Set instanceParamTable = New JSF instanceParamTable.constructParamTable iSource, iKeyName, iValueName, iVarTypeName, iParams End Function '/** ' * Initialisiert ein JSF-Objekt ' * @param Dictionary/Recordset/TableDef/QueryDef/Iterator/Sql/TableName/QueryName/Array ' * @param String Einen Filter umd auf den richtigen Datensatz zu springen. Nur gültig für Recordset, TableDef und ähnliches ' * @param jsfParams Paramter um die Klasse zu steuern ' * @return JSF ' */ Public Function construct( _ Optional ByRef iSource As Variant = Nothing, _ Optional ByVal iCriteria As String, _ Optional ByVal iParams As jsfParams = jsfParams.[_Default] _ ) As JSF On Error GoTo Err_Handler params = iParams pCriteria = iCriteria clearMap addSource iSource, iCriteria Set construct = Me Exit_Handler: Exit Function Err_Handler: handleError Err, "construct", iSource, iCriteria, iParams Resume Exit_Handler Resume End Function '/** ' * Fügt eine Paramtertabelle zu. Eine Tabelle mit einer SPalte für die Keys und eine für die Values ' * @param Recordset/TableDef/QueryDef/SourceName/Sql ' * @param String Name des Key-Feldes ' * @param String Name des Value-Feldes ' * @param String Name des Feldes, dass den vbVarType Enthält ' * @param jsfParams Paramter um die Klasse zu steuern ' * @return JSF ' */ Public Function constructParamTable( _ ByRef iSource As Variant, _ Optional ByVal iKeyName As String = "KEY", _ Optional ByVal iValueName As String = "VAL", _ Optional ByVal iVarTypeName As String = "", _ Optional ByVal iParams As jsfParams = jsfParams.[_Default] _ ) As JSF params = iParams clearMap addParamTable iSource, iKeyName, iValueName, iVarTypeName Set constructParamTable = Me End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Public Methodes '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Parst einen Text mit den vorhandenen Daten ' * @param String ' * @param jsfParams Paramter um das Parsen zu steuern. Überschreibt für den einen Parse-Vorang die Klassenparameters ' * @return String ' */ Public Function parse(ByVal iString As String, Optional ByVal iParams As jsfParams = jsfParams.[_NA]) As String On Error GoTo Err_Handler Dim origParams As jsfParams: origParams = params If Not iParams = jsfParams.[_NA] Then params = iParams Dim text As String: text = iString If andB(params, jsfRemoveNewLine) Then removeCarriageReturn text 'CarriageReturn (\r) entfernen removeEmptyTags text 'Leere Tags entfernen Dim textRev As String: textRev = StrReverse(text) removeNewLineRev textRev 'Entfernt Zeilenumbrüche ' Static rxJsfRev As Object: cRxP rxJsfRev, "\}(?!\\)(?:([^\s\}]+)\$)?([^\{]*?)\{(?!\\)#(?!\\)", , True ' Static rxJsfRev As Object: cRxP rxJsfRev, "\}(?!\\)([^\{]*?)\{(?!\\)#(?!\\)", , True Static rxJsfRev As Object: cRxP rxJsfRev, "\}(?!\\)(?:(\w+)\$)?\s*([^\{]*?)\{(?!\\)#(?!\\)", , True Do While rxJsfRev.test(textRev) Dim parts As Object: Set parts = rxJsfRev.Execute(textRev)(0).subMatches Dim itemRev As String: itemRev = parts(1) pFormatPattern = StrReverse(parts(0)) itemRev = parseJsfRev(itemRev) textRev = rxJsfRev.Replace(textRev, itemRev) Loop parseFormatRev textRev text = StrReverse(textRev) removeEmptyTags text 'Leere Tags entfernen (RichText) (ausser
) trimLines text 'Zielen trimmen removeEmptyLine text 'Leere Zeilen entfernen trimMultiSpaces text 'Mehrfach Leerzeichen reduzieren winNewLine text Exit_Handler: parse = text params = origParams Exit Function Err_Handler: params = origParams Err.Raise Err.Number, "JSF.parse", Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext Resume End Function '/** ' * Fügt ein Wert der Map zu oder überschreibt ihn ' * @param String Key ' * @param Variant Value ' * @param Boolean Flag ob exisiteirende Keys überschrieben werden sollen ' * @return JSF ' */ Public Function add(ByVal iKey As String, ByVal iValue As Variant, Optional ByVal iOverwrite As Boolean = True) As JSF Dim key1 As String, key2 As String: key1 = createKey(iKey, key2) If map.exists(key1) Then If iOverwrite Then map(key1) = iValue Else map.add key1, iValue End If If Not map.exists(key2) Then map.add key2, iValue Set add = Me End Function '/** ' * Fügt eine Source zum bestehenden Mapping hinzu ' * @param Dictionary/Recordset/TableDef/QueryDef/Iterator/Fields/String/Array ' * @param String Kriterium ' * @param Boolean True: bestehende Keys werden überschrieben ' * @return JSF ' */ Public Function addSource(ByRef iSource As Variant, Optional ByVal iCriteria As String, Optional ByVal iOverwrite As Boolean = True) As JSF Dim fld As Object Dim i As Long On Error GoTo Err_Handler If IsArray(iSource) Then For i = LBound(iSource) To UBound(iSource) add "[" & i & "]", iSource(i) Next i GoTo Exit_Handler End If Select Case TypeName(iSource) Case "Nothing" 'Dictionary: übersetzen, damit alle Keys in Lower Case sind Case "Dictionary" Dim keys As Variant: keys = iSource.keys For i = 0 To UBound(keys) add keys(i), iSource(keys(i)), iOverwrite Next i 'Recordset. Der Standard Case "Recordset2", "Recordset" 'Falls Kriterien vorhanden sind, versuchen auf den Datensatz zu springen If iCriteria <> "" Then iSource.FindFirst iCriteria If iSource.noMatch Then For Each fld In iSource.fields add fld.Name, fld.value, iOverwrite Next fld GoTo Exit_Handler End If End If addSource iSource.fields, iOverwrite Case "Fields" For Each fld In iSource add fld.Name, fld.value, iOverwrite Next fld 'Iterator Case "Iterator" Select Case TypeName(iSource.source) Case "Recordset2": Set source = iSource.source Case Else: Do While iSource.toNext add iSource.key, iSource.value, iOverwrite Loop End Select 'QueryDef und TableDef. Den Recordset öffnen und verarbeiten Case "QueryDef", "TableDef": addSource iSource.openRecordset Case "JSF": addSource, iOverwrite Case "String" #If json_exists Then Dim var As Variant: ref var, json2obj(iSource) If TypeName(var) = "Dictionary" Then addSource var, iOverwrite GoTo Exit_Handler End If #End If #If ms_product = C_ACCESS Then If Not trim(LCase(iSource)) Like "select*" Then iSource = "select * from " & iSource addSource CurrentDb.openRecordset(iSource), iCriteria, iOverwrite #End If Case Else: Err.Raise 13 End Select Exit_Handler: Set addSource = Me Exit Function Err_Handler: Select Case Err.Number Case 3070: 'Der Filter kann nicht angewendet werden Err.Raise Err.Number, "JSF.source", Err.Description Case Else: 'Den Fehler weiterreichen Err.Raise Err.Number, "JSF.source", Err.Description End Select Resume End Function '/** ' * Fügt eine Paramtertabelle zu. Eine Tabelle mit einer Spalte für die Keys und eine für die Values ' * @param Recordset/TableDef/QueryDef/SourceName/Sql ' * @param String Name des Key-Feldes ' * @param String Name des Value-Feldes ' * @param String Name des Feldes, dass den vbVarType Enthält ' * @param Boolean True: bestehende Keys werden überschrieben ' * @return JSF ' */ Public Function addParamTable( _ ByRef iSource As Variant, _ Optional ByVal iKeyName As String = "KEY", _ Optional ByVal iValueName As String = "VAL", _ Optional ByVal iVarTypeName As String = "", _ Optional ByVal iOverwrite As Boolean = True _ ) As JSF Dim fld As Object On Error GoTo Err_Handler Select Case TypeName(iSource) Case "Nothing" 'Dictionary: übersetzen, damit alle Keys in Lower Case sind 'Recordset. Daer Standard Case "Recordset2" 'Falls Kriterien vorhanden sind, versuchen auf den Datensatz zu springen iSource.MoveFirst Do While Not iSource.EOF Dim value As Variant: value = iSource(iValueName).value If Not iVarTypeName = "" Then Select Case iSource(iVarTypeName) Case vbString: value = value Case vbBoolean: value = CBool(value) 'Case Else: value = cVal(value) Case Else: value = eval(value) End Select End If Loop #If ms_product = C_ACCESS Then 'QueryDef und TableDef. Den Recordset öffnen und verarbeiten Case "QueryDef", "TableDef" addParamTable iSource.openRecordset, iKeyName, iValueName, iVarTypeName, iOverwrite Case "String" If Not trim(LCase(iSource)) Like "select*" Then iSource = "select * from " & iSource addParamTable CurrentDb.openRecordset(iSource), iKeyName, iValueName, iVarTypeName, iOverwrite #End If Case Else: Err.Raise 13 End Select Exit_Handler: Set addParamTable = Me Exit Function Err_Handler: Err.Raise Err.Number, "JSF.source", Err.Description End Function '/** ' * Handelt den object-Cache um ein Set-String zu zerlegen ' * @return object ' */ Private Property Get rxSetString() As Object Static rxCachedSetString As Object If rxCachedSetString Is Nothing Then Set rxCachedSetString = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") rxCachedSetString.Global = True rxCachedSetString.pattern = "(?:(['""#])(?!\\)(.+?)\1(?!\\)|([0-9\.]+?))\s*(?:>=|[:=])\s*(?:\]([^\[]+)\[|(['""])(?!\\)(.+?)\5(?!\\)|(\w+))" End If Set rxSetString = rxCachedSetString End Property Private Function eval(ByVal iValue As String) As Variant Dim value As Variant: value = trim(iValue) Dim rx As Object: Set rx = cRx("/^(['""#])([^\1]+)\1$/") If rx.test(value) Then Dim sm As Object: Set sm = rx.Execute(value)(0).subMatches value = sm(1) Select Case sm(0) Case "#": value = dateValue(value) 'eval("#" & value & "#") Case Empty: value = CDec(value) End Select End If eval = value End Function '/** ' * leert die Map ' * @return JSF ' */ Public Function clearMap() As JSF map.RemoveAll Set clearMap = Me End Function '/** ' * ersetzt ein Paramter und gibt die Instanz zurück ' * @example: text = JSF("my_table").setParam(jsfUnixNewLine, true).parse("#{anrede} #{name}") ' * @param jsfParams ' * @param Boolean ' * @return JSF ' */ Public Function setParam(ByVal iParam As jsfParams, Optional ByVal iFlag As Boolean = True) As JSF param(iParam) = iFlag Set setParam = Me End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Public Properties '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * @param Sql/TableName/QueryName ' */ Public Property Let source(ByRef iSource As Variant) clearMap addSource iSource, pCriteria End Property '/** ' * @param Dictionary/Recordset/TableDef/QueryDef/Iterator ' */ Public Property Set source(ByRef iSource As Variant) clearMap addSource iSource, pCriteria End Property '/** ' * @param Dictionary ' */ Public Property Get map() As Object Static pMap As Object: If pMap Is Nothing Then Set pMap = CreateObject("scripting.Dictionary") Set map = pMap End Property '/** ' * Paramter der Klasse ' * @param jsfParams ' */ Public Property Get params() As jsfParams: params = pParams: End Property Public Property Let params(iParams As jsfParams): pParams = iParams: End Property '/** ' * Soll \t, \n und \r geparst werden ' * @param Boolean ' */ Public Property Get flagParseFormat() As Boolean: flagParseFormat = param(jsfParseFormat): End Property Public Property Let flagParseFormat(ByVal iFlag As Boolean): param(jsfParseFormat) = iFlag: End Property '/** ' * Sollen Zeilenumbrüche entfernt werden ' * @param Boolean ' */ Public Property Get flagRemoveNewLine() As Boolean: flagRemoveNewLine = param(jsfRemoveNewLine): End Property Public Property Let flagRemoveNewLine(ByVal iFlag As Boolean): param(jsfRemoveNewLine) = iFlag: End Property '/** ' * Leere Zeilen enternen ' * @param Boolean ' */ Public Property Get flagRemoveEmptyLine() As Boolean: flagRemoveEmptyLine = param(jsfRemoveEmptyLine): End Property Public Property Let flagRemoveEmptyLine(ByVal iFlag As Boolean): param(jsfRemoveEmptyLine) = iFlag: End Property '/** ' * Der zu parsende Text ist im RichText Format ' * @param Boolean ' */ Public Property Get flagRichText() As Boolean: flagRichText = param(jsfRichText): End Property Public Property Let flagRichText(ByVal iFlag As Boolean): param(jsfRichText) = iFlag: End Property '/** ' * Mehrfache Leerzeichen auf eines Reduzieren ' * @param Boolean ' */ Public Property Get flagTrimMultiSpaces() As Boolean: flagTrimMultiSpaces = param(jsfTrimMultiSpaces): End Property Public Property Let flagTrimMultiSpaces(ByVal iFlag As Boolean): param(jsfTrimMultiSpaces) = iFlag: End Property '/** ' * Leerzeichen und Tabulatoren vor und nach jeder Zeile entfernen ' * @param Boolean ' */ Public Property Get flagTrimLines() As Boolean: flagTrimLines = param(jsfTrimLines): End Property Public Property Let flagTrimLines(ByVal iFlag As Boolean): param(jsfTrimLines) = iFlag: End Property '/** ' * Zeilenumbruch nur mit NewLine, ohne CarriageReturn ' * @param Boolean ' */ Public Property Get flagUnixNewLine() As Boolean: flagUnixNewLine = param(jsfUnixNewLine): End Property Public Property Let flagUnixNewLine(ByVal iFlag As Boolean): param(jsfUnixNewLine) = iFlag: End Property '/** ' * Kriterum für den Recordset/Sql/TableDef/QueryDef. ' * @param String ' */ Public Property Get criteria() As String: criteria = pCriteria: End Property Public Property Let criteria(ByVal iCriteria As String): pCriteria = iCriteria: End Property '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Private Methodes '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Extrahiert die Modifier aus einem Element ' * @param String ' * @return String ' */ Private Function extractModifiersRev(ByVal iStringRev$) As String extractModifiersRev = iStringRev 'Modifiers Set pModifiers = CreateObject("scripting.Dictionary") Static rxModifiersRev As Object: cRxP rxModifiersRev, "(?:[^\|]|\|(?=\\))+?\|(?!\\)" Static rxModifyParamsRev As Object: cRxP rxModifyParamsRev, "(?:~([\s\S]*?)~|([^:\|]+)\b)[:=](?!\\)" Static rxRemoveMarker As Object: cRxP rxRemoveMarker, "\\(?!\\)", True Do While rxModifiersRev.test(extractModifiersRev) Dim str$: str = rxModifiersRev.Execute(extractModifiersRev)(0) Dim i&: i = -1 Dim vsRev(), vs(): vsRev = Array(): vs = Array() 'Parameterd auslesen '0->, 1->value Do While rxModifyParamsRev.test(str) i = i + 1: ReDim Preserve vsRev(i) Dim parts As Object: Set parts = rxModifyParamsRev.Execute(str)(0) vsRev(i) = StrReverse(rxRemoveMarker.Replace(parts.subMatches(0) & parts.subMatches(1), "")) 'Wert ggf mappen If parts.subMatches(0) = Empty And Not IsNumeric(vsRev(i)) Then If map.exists(LCase(vsRev(i))) Then ref vsRev(i), map(LCase(vsRev(i))) End If 'Modifier entfernen str = trim(rxModifyParamsRev.Replace(str, "")) Loop 'umdrehen If i >= 0 Then ReDim vs(i): Dim j&: For j = i To 0 Step -1 vs(j) = vsRev(i - j) Next j End If 'Modifiers auslesen Static rxModifierRev As Object: cRxP rxModifierRev, "^([\w-_]+)([|$])(?!\\)", , True '0->modifier, 1->| oder $ Do While rxModifierRev.test(str) Set parts = rxModifierRev.Execute(str)(0).subMatches Dim key$ If parts(1) = "$" Then key = "print_r_format" vs = Array(StrReverse(parts(1))) Else key = LCase(StrReverse(parts(0))) End If If Not pModifiers.exists(key) Then pModifiers.add key, vs str = trim(rxModifierRev.Replace(str, "")) Loop extractModifiersRev = rxModifiersRev.Replace(extractModifiersRev, str) Loop End Function '|format:{format} '|trim '|rev '|lower |lcase '|upper |ucase '|propert '|strconv:{convType(Integer)} '|tech '|nz[:{default default:''}] '|round[:{size default:0}] '|sql |code '|reg_replace:{pattern}:{replace} |rxr:{pattern}:{replace} '|lpad:{len}[:{padString default ' '}] '|rpad:{len}[:{padString default ' '}] '/** ' * Führt die Modifier auf ein Wert aus ' * @param Variant ' * @return Variant ' */ Private Function modify(ByVal iValue As Variant, Optional ByVal iKey As String) As Variant On Error GoTo Err_Handler ref modify, iValue If pModifiers.count = 0 Then GoTo Exit_Handler 'Keine Modifier vorhanden Dim e$ Dim keys: keys = pModifiers.keys Static rxSqlDelimiter As Object: If rxSqlDelimiter Is Nothing Then Set rxSqlDelimiter = cRx("/^(?:\[)?([^\]]+)(?:\])?$/") Dim i&: For i = pModifiers.count - 1 To 0 Step -1 'Die Modifiers sind in der verkehrten Reihenfolde im Dict pModifier = keys(i) Select Case LCase(pModifier) Case "item": Dim k: k = getModArg(0, , e, 0) Dim defaultK: defaultK = getModArg(1, , e, Null) Dim flagRunFirst: flagRunFirst = True get_Item: If IsArray(iValue) Then If LBound(iValue) <= k And k <= UBound(iValue) Then modify = iValue(k) Else: GoTo not_found ElseIf TypeName(iValue) = "Dictionary" Then If IsNumeric(k) Then Dim dictV: dictV = iValue.items modify = dictV(CLng(k)) ElseIf iValue.exists(k) Then modify = iValue(k) Else not_found: If flagRunFirst And Not IsNull(defaultK) Then flagRunFirst = False k = defaultK GoTo get_Item Else modify = Null e = "item " & k & " not found in List " & iKey End If End If End If 'Extra für SQL-Excel-Tabelle: |tbl: Case "tbl": modify = rxSqlDelimiter.Replace(modify, "[$1$" & getModArg(0, vbString, e, "") & "]") 'modify = "[" & modify & "$" & getModArg(0, vbString, e, "") & "]" Case "format": modify = format(modify, getModArg(0, vbString, e)) Case "trim": modify = trim(modify) Case "rev": modify = StrReverse(NZ(modify)) Case "lower", "lcase": modify = LCase(modify) Case "upper", "ucase": modify = UCase(modify) Case "proper": modify = StrConv(NZ(modify), vbProperCase) Case "strconv": modify = StrConv(NZ(modify), getModArg(0, vbLong, e)) Case "tech", "techname": On Error Resume Next modify ="techName", NZ(modify)) If Err.Number = 2517 Then modify = IIf(DEBUG_MODE, "{cast_techName ist nicht installiert}", modify) 'Funktion techName exisitert nicht Err.clear: On Error GoTo 0 Case "nz": modify = NZ(modify, cVal(getModArg(0, , e, ""))) Case "round": modify = round(CDbl(modify), getModArg(0, vbDouble, e, 0)) Case "sql", "code": modify = toString(modify, True) Case "fld": Dim tbl$: tbl = getModArg(0, vbString, e, "") modify = IIf(tbl = "", "", rxSqlDelimiter.Replace(tbl, "[$1]")) & rxSqlDelimiter.Replace(modify, "[$1]") Case "regex_replace", "rxr": modify = cRx(getModArg(0, vbString, e)).Replace(NZ(modify), getModArg(1, vbString, e)) #If sPrintF_exists Then Case "print_r_format": modify = sPrintF("%1$" & getModArg(0, vbString, e), NZ(modify)) #End If Case "lpad": Dim ln&, padString$: ln = getModArg(0, vbLong, e): padString = getModArg(1, vbString, e, " ") modify = Left(NZ(modify), ln) modify = modify & String(ln - Len(modify), padString) Case "rpad": ln = getModArg(0, vbLong, e): padString = getModArg(1, vbString, e, " ") modify = Right(NZ(modify), ln) modify = String(ln - Len(modify), padString) & modify 'Nicht dokumentiert: Führt ein Case "cast": modify = eval(getModArg(0, vbString, e) & "('" & maskString(CStr(NZ(modify))) & "')") Case Else: On Error Resume Next 'modify = Eval(pModifier & "('" & maskString(CStr(NZ(modify))) & "')") On Error GoTo Err_Handler ' Case "run": ' Dim vs(): vs = pModifiers(pModifier) ' Dim cmd$: cmd = getModArg(UBound(vs), vbString, e) ' Dim k&, args(): ReDim args(UBound(vs) - 1): For k = UBound(vs) - 1 To 0 Step -1: args(UBound(vs) - 1 - k) = IIf(vs(k) = "item", modify, vs(k)): Next ' ref modify, callUdfByArray(cmd, args) End Select Next i Exit_Handler: If e <> Empty Then Err.Raise vbObjectError, , e If IsObject(modify) Then Err.Raise 13 Exit Function Err_Handler: modify = "" End Function '/** ' * Liest ein Modifier-Arguemnt aus und überprüft es ' * @param Long Position in der arg-Liste (achtung, die ist verkehrt herum |rpad:3:X -> {0:X, 1:3} ' * @param vbVarType Der Type, der zurückgegeben werden soll ' * @param String (out) Fehlermeldung ' * @param Variant Standardwert, falls der Wert nicht übergeben wurde ' * @return Varaint ' */ Private Function getModArg( _ ByVal iArg&, _ Optional ByVal iVarType As VbVarType = vbVariant, _ Optional ByRef oError$, _ Optional ByRef iDefault As Variant _ ) As Variant On Error GoTo Err_Handler Dim vs(): vs = pModifiers(pModifier) 'If iArg > UBound(vs) Then Err.Raise 9 Dim v: v = NZ(vs(iArg)) Select Case iVarType Case vbString: getModArg = CStr(v) Case vbDouble: getModArg = CDbl(v) Case vbLong: getModArg = CLng(v) Case Else: getModArg = v End Select Exit_Handler: Exit Function Err_Handler: Dim txt$ Select Case Err.Number Case 9: If Not IsMissing(iDefault) Then ref getModArg, iDefault: Exit Function 'If Not IsNull(iDefault) Then getModArg = iDefault: Exit Function txt = "argument not exists" Case 13: txt = "argument ''" & v & "'' type mismatch" 'Doppelte ' wegen dem Eval am Ende des parsens Case Else: txt = Err.Description End Select oError = "[" & pModifier & "(" & iArg & ")] " & txt Err.Raise Err.Number End Function '/** ' * parst ein einzelner String aus #{parse mich} ' * @param String ' * @return String ' */ Private Function parseJsfRev(ByVal iStringRev As String) As String Dim founds As Object Dim i As Long On Error GoTo Err_Handler Dim formulaRev As String: formulaRev = iStringRev ':, ! und ?innerhalb von '' maskieren Static rxStringsRev As Object: cRxP rxStringsRev, "(['""])(.*?)\1(?!\\)", True 'Strings innerhalb von '' oder "" finden Static rxMaskSpecialRev As Object: cRxP rxMaskSpecialRev, "([:\?\!](?!\\))", True 'Sonderzeichen finden :?! If rxStringsRev.test(formulaRev) Then Set founds = rxStringsRev.Execute(formulaRev) For i = founds.count - 1 To 0 Step -1 Dim delim As String: delim = founds(i).subMatches(0) Dim strRev As String: strRev = founds(i).subMatches(1) If rxMaskSpecialRev.test(strRev) Then strRev = rxMaskSpecialRev.Replace(strRev, "$1\") formulaRev = substrReplace(formulaRev, strRev, founds(i).firstIndex + 1, founds(i).Length - 2) End If Next End If 'Spezialfälle 'iif in der Form: [?not] [when] ? [then] : [else] Static rxIfRev As Object: cRxP rxIfRev, "^\s*(?:([\s\S]*?)\s+:(?!\\))?\s+(?:([\s\S]+)\s*\?(?!\\))\s*([\s\S]*?)\s*((?:\ston)?)$", , True If rxIfRev.test(formulaRev) Then Dim m As Object: Set m = rxIfRev.Execute(formulaRev)(0) If Not m.subMatches(0) & m.subMatches(1) = "" Then Dim elseRev As String: elseRev = IIf(m.subMatches(0) = "", "''", m.subMatches(0)) Dim ifRev As String: ifRev = IIf(m.subMatches(1) = "", "''", m.subMatches(1)) formulaRev = rxIfRev.Replace(formulaRev, ")" & elseRev & " ," & ifRev & " ,$3 $4(fii") End If End If ' Gibt in $2 SPezialfälle zurück, die nicht innerhalb von '' oder "" liegen. Im moment: != und ! Static rxNotLike As Object: formulaRev = cRxP(rxNotLike, "=!(?!\\)", True).Replace(formulaRev, " >< ") Static rxNot As Object: formulaRev = cRxP(rxNot, "!(?!\\)", True).Replace(formulaRev, " ton ") ':, ! und ? demaskieren 'Static rxDemaskSpecialRev As Object: formulaRev = cRxP(rxDemaskSpecialRev, "(['""#])(.*?)([:\?])\\(.*?\1)(?!\\)", True).Replace(formulaRev, "$1$2$3$4") Static rxDemaskSpecialRev As Object: formulaRev = cRxP(rxDemaskSpecialRev, "([:\?\!])\\(?!\\)", True).Replace(formulaRev, "$1") Dim formula As String: formula = parseFormula(formulaRev) 'HTML-Zeichen umwandeln If flagRichText Then Static rxHtmlCharsRt As Object: cRxP rxHtmlCharsRt, "&\w{3};" Do While rxHtmlCharsRt.test(formula) formula = rxHtmlCharsRt.Replace(formula, decodeHtmlChars(rxHtmlCharsRt.Execute(formula)(0))) Loop End If 'Ausführen '#If ms_product = C_ACCESS Then 'Static rxDate As Object: formula = cRxP(rxDate, "'(#[^#]+?#)'").replace(formula, "$1") #If ms_product = C_ACCESS Then Dim value As Variant: value = (eval(formula)) #Else 'Dim value As Variant: value = cVal(Replace(formula, "#", "")) Static rxEval As Object: If rxEval Is Nothing Then Set rxEval = cRx("/^('(?=['#]?)|#)([\s\S]*?)\1$/g") Dim value As Variant: value = rxEval.Replace(formula, "$2") #End If #If sPrintF_exists Then If pFormatPattern <> "" Then parseJsfRev = StrReverse(sPrintF("%1$" & pFormatPattern, value)) Exit Function End If #End If parseJsfRev = StrReverse(toString(value, False)) '#Else ' parseJsfRev = StrReverse(toString(formula, False)) '#End If Exit Function Err_Handler: If DEBUG_MODE Then handleError Err, "parseJsfRev", iStringRev Else Select Case Err.Number Case 2482: parseJsfRev = StrReverse("${Missing: " & formula & "}") Case Else: parseJsfRev = StrReverse("${Error: #" & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description & ": " & formula & "}") End Select End If Exit Function Resume End Function '/** ' * Parst\t, \n und \r ' * @param String ' * @return String ' */ Private Sub parseFormatRev(ByRef ioTextRev As String) If Not flagParseFormat Then Exit Sub Static rxRev As Object: cRxP rxRev, "([tn])\\(?!\\)", , , True Do While rxRev.test(ioTextRev) Select Case LCase(rxRev.Execute(ioTextRev)(0).subMatches(0)) 'Tab Case "t": ioTextRev = rxRev.Replace(ioTextRev, vbTab) ' "chr(9)") 'New Line/Line Feed Case "n": If flagRichText Then ioTextRev = rxRev.Replace(ioTextRev, ">vid<" & vbLf & vbCr & ">vid/<") Else ioTextRev = rxRev.Replace(ioTextRev, vbLf) '"chr(10)") End If 'Carriage Return 'Case "r": ioTextRev = rxRev.Replace(ioTextRev, "") ' "chr(13)") End Select Loop End Sub '/** ' * Wandelt den Wert in einen String ' * @param Variant ' * @param Boolean Flag ob es ein SQL-String sein soll, der auch mit eval() ausgewertet werden kann ' * @return String ' */ Private Function toString(ByVal iValue As Variant, Optional ByVal iReturnAsSql = False) As String If Not iReturnAsSql Then toString = CStr(NZ(iValue)) ElseIf VarType(iValue) = vbString Then toString = "'" & iValue & "'" ElseIf IsNull(iValue) Then toString = "NULL" ElseIf IsDate(iValue) Then Dim frmt$: frmt = Switch(Int(iValue) = iValue, "\#MM\/DD\/YYYY\#", 1 > Abs(iValue), "\#HH:NN:SS\#", True, "\#MM\/DD\/YYYY HH:NN:SS\#") toString = format(CDate(iValue), frmt) ElseIf IsNumeric(iValue) Then toString = str(iValue) Else toString = "'" & iValue & "'" End If End Function '/** ' * Parst alle "Wörter" ' * @param String ' * @return String ' */ Private Function parseFormula(ByVal iFormulaRev As String) As String On Error GoTo Err_Handler 'Modifier-Argumente: Seperator von ' oder " auf ~ wechseln Dim formulaRev As String: formulaRev = iFormulaRev Static rxModiferVars As Object: cRxP rxModiferVars, "([""'](?!\\))((?:(?!\1(?!\\)).)*)\1[:=](?!\\)" Do While rxModiferVars.test(formulaRev) Dim matchRev As Object: Set matchRev = rxModiferVars.Execute(formulaRev)(0) Dim itemRev As String: itemRev = matchRev.subMatches(1) itemRev = "~" & escapeRegExpPatternRev(itemRev) & "~:" formulaRev = substrReplace(formulaRev, itemRev, matchRev.firstIndex, matchRev.Length) Loop 'Die einzelnen Elemente innerhalb der #{} parsen '\u0030-\u007A\u00C0-\u00FF Alle Word-Zeichen und alle Spezialzeichen (Ä Ö etc.). Const C_ALL_P = "(?:[\u0030-\u007A\u00C0-\u00FF\-_~\\\:\|]|[\$\(\)](?=\\))+" Static rxPartsRev As Object: cRxP rxPartsRev, "((?:~[^~]+~:)?(?:(?:" & C_ALL_P & "\|)?([""'](?!\\))(?:(?!\2(?!\\)).)*?\2(?!\\)|(\S*\|)?\](?!\\)(\d)\[(?!\\)|" & C_ALL_P & "))", True '0->Hochkomma, 1->Wert, 2->Modifier bei Array , 3->Index bei Array [1] If rxPartsRev.test(formulaRev) Then Dim itemRevs As Object: Set itemRevs = rxPartsRev.Execute(formulaRev) Dim i As Long: For i = itemRevs.count - 1 To 0 Step -1 itemRev = itemRevs(i).value Dim elemRef$: elemRef = IIf(itemRevs(i).subMatches(3) = "", itemRevs(i).value, itemRevs(i).subMatches(2) & itemRevs(i).subMatches(3)) itemRev = parseElement(itemRevs(i).value, True, True) formulaRev = substrReplace(formulaRev, itemRev, itemRevs(i).firstIndex, itemRevs(i).Length) Next End If parseFormula = StrReverse(formulaRev) Exit_Handler: Exit Function Err_Handler: handleError Err, "parseFormula", iFormulaRev Resume Exit_Handler Resume End Function '/** ' * Parst ein Element. Entweder aus der Map oder den Wert selber ' * @param String ' * @param Boolean ' * @param Boolean ' * @return String ' */ Private Function parseElement(ByVal iElementRev As String, Optional ByVal iReverse As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal iReturnAsSql = False) As String On Error GoTo Err_Handler iElementRev = extractModifiersRev(iElementRev) Dim key As String: key = createKey(StrReverse(iElementRev)) If map.exists(key) Then Dim value As Variant: ref value, map(key) value = maskString(value) value = modify(value, key) parseElement = toString(value, iReturnAsSql) ElseIf pModifiers.exists("nz") Then value = modify(Null, key) parseElement = toString(value, iReturnAsSql) Else parseElement = StrReverse(iElementRev) parseElement = modify(parseElement, key) parseElement = toString(parseElement) End If If iReverse Then parseElement = StrReverse(parseElement) Exit Function Exit_Handler: Exit Function Err_Handler: handleError Err, "Element", iElementRev, iReverse, iReturnAsSql Resume Exit_Handler Resume End Function Private Function maskString(ByVal iString) If VarType(iString) <> vbString Then maskString = iString: Exit Function maskString = Replace(iString, "'", "''") 'Dim rx As Object 'maskString = cRxP(rx, "(')", , True).replace(iString, "$1$1") End Function '/** ' * Zielen trimmen ' * @param String (in/out) ' */ Private Sub trimLines(ByRef ioText As String) If Not flagTrimLines Then Exit Sub Static rxRt As Object, rxRaw As Object If Not flagRichText Then 'Raw ioText = cRxP(rxRaw, "^[ \t]*(.*?)[ \t]*$", True, True).Replace(ioText, "$1") Else 'RichText ioText = cRxP(rxRt, "
\s*(.*?)\s*<\/div>", True, , True).Replace(ioText, "
") End If End Sub '/** ' * Leere Tags entfernen (ausser
) ' * @param String (in/out) ' */ Private Sub removeEmptyTags(ByRef ioText As String) If Not flagRichText Then Exit Sub Static rxRt As Object: ioText = cRxP(rxRt, "<(?!div)(\w+)(\s[^>]*)?><\/\1>", True).Replace(ioText, "") End Sub '/** ' * Leere Zeilen entfernen ' * @param String (in/out) ' */ Private Sub removeEmptyLine(ByRef ioText As String) If Not flagRemoveEmptyLine Then Exit Sub Static rxRaw As Object, rxRt As Object If Not flagRichText Then 'Raw ioText = cRxP(rxRaw, "(?:^\s*\n|(\n)\s*\n|\n\s*$)", True).Replace(ioText, "$1") Else 'RichText ioText = cRxP(rxRt, "
\s*<\/div>[\r\n]*", True, , True).Replace(ioText, "") End If End Sub '/** ' * Mehrfach Leerzeichen reduzieren ' * @param String (in/out) ' */ Private Sub trimMultiSpaces(ByRef ioText As String) If Not flagTrimMultiSpaces Then Exit Sub Static rx As Object: ioText = cRxP(rx, "[ \t]{2,}", True).Replace(ioText, " ") End Sub '/** ' * Entfernt Zeilenumbrüche ' * @param String (in/out) ' */ Private Sub removeNewLineRev(ByRef ioTextRev As String) If Not flagRemoveNewLine Then Exit Sub If Not flagRichText Then Static rxRawRev As Object: ioTextRev = cRxP(rxRawRev, "[\n\r]+", True).Replace(ioTextRev, "") Else End If End Sub '/** ' * Entfernt CarriageReturn. \r ' * @param String (in/out) ' */ Private Sub removeCarriageReturn(ByRef ioText As String) Static rx As Object: ioText = cRxP(rx, "\r", True).Replace(ioText, "") End Sub '/** ' * Erstellt aus einem Unix-NewLine ein Windows NewLine: \n -> \r\n ' * @param String (in/out) ' */ Private Sub winNewLine(ByRef ioText As String) If flagUnixNewLine Then Exit Sub Static rx As Object: ioText = StrReverse(cRxP(rx, "\n(?!\r)", True).Replace(StrReverse(ioText), vbLf & vbCr)) End Sub '/** ' * Erstellt Keys: Einmal mit _ anstelle von Leerzeichen und einmal ohne diese ' * Extrahiert auch den Key aus [] ' * @param String ' * @param String (out) Key ohne _, -, Tabulator und Leerzeichen ' * @return String Key ohne Tabulator und Leerzeichen ' */ Private Function createKey(ByVal iKey As String, Optional ByRef oKey As String) As String Static rx1 As Object, rx2 As Object, rx3 As Object Dim key As String: key = LCase(cRxP(rx1, "^(?:\[([\s\S]+?)\]|([\s\S]+))$", True).Replace(iKey, "$1$2")) createKey = cRxP(rx2, "[ \t]+", True).Replace(key, "_") oKey = cRxP(rx3, "[ \t_-]+", True).Replace(key, "") End Function Private Function decodeHtmlChars(ByVal iHtml As String) As String Static xDoc As Object: If xDoc Is Nothing Then Set xDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0") xDoc.LoadXML ("") & iHtml & "" decodeHtmlChars = xDoc.SelectSingleNode("root").nodeTypedValue End Function '/** ' * erstellt eine RegExp und gibt ihn zurück, falls er nicht schon initialisiert ist. Eigent sich gut mit Static ' * @example Static rx: cRxP(rx, "'(\w+)', True).replace("'ABC'", "$1") ' * @param RegExp (in/out) RegExp Objekt ' * @param String Pattern ' * @param Boolean Flag Global ' * @param Boolean Flag MultiLine ' * @param Boolean Flag IgnoreCase ' * @retrun RegExp ' */ Private Function cRxP( _ ByRef ioRx As Object, _ ByVal iPattern As String, _ Optional ByVal iGlobal As Boolean = False, _ Optional ByVal iMultiline As Boolean = False, _ Optional ByVal iIgnoreCase As Boolean = False _ ) As Object If ioRx Is Nothing Then Set ioRx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") ioRx.pattern = iPattern: ioRx.IgnoreCase = iIgnoreCase: ioRx.Global = iGlobal: ioRx.Multiline = iMultiline End If Set cRxP = ioRx End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Private Properties '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Setzt einen spezifischen Paramter ' * @param jsfParams ' * @param Boolean ' */ Private Property Let param(ByVal iParam As jsfParams, ByVal iFlag As Boolean) If andB(pParams, iParam) = iFlag Then Exit Property 'Flag ist bereits richtig If andB(pParams, iParam) Then pParams = pParams - iParam: Exit Property If iFlag Then pParams = pParams + iParam: Exit Property End Property Private Property Get param(ByVal iParam As jsfParams) As Boolean param = andB(pParams, iParam) End Property '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Private Events '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub Class_Initialize() pParams = jsfParams.[_Default] #If Log4vba Then Set pLogger = Log4vba(DEBUG_MODE) pLogger.setTypeSettings ltError, C_ERROR_LOG_SETTINGS #End If End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Libraries '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Bei einer Variablenübergabe muss immer unterscheiden werden, ob es ein Objekt ist oder nicht. ' * Diese Sub nimmt einem die Arbeit ab ' * ref(oNode, iNode) ' * @param Variant Variable, die den Wert bekommen soll ' * @param Variant Ret Wert selber ' */ Private Sub ref(ByRef oNode As Variant, ByRef iNode As Variant) If IsObject(iNode) Then Set oNode = iNode: Exit Sub oNode = iNode End Sub '/** ' * ' * Macht einen Bit-Vergleich ' * @param Long ' * @param Long ' * @return Boolean ' */ Private Function andB(ByVal iHaystack As Long, ByVal iNeedle As Long) As Boolean andB = ((iHaystack And iNeedle) = iNeedle) End Function 'Analog zu substr_replace aus PHP 'iString 'Die Eingabezeichenkette. ' 'iReplacement 'Die Ersetzungszeichenkette ' 'iStart 'Ist start positiv, beginnt die Ersetzung ab der im Offset-Parameter start definierten Stelle innerhalb von string . 'Ist start negativ, wird vom Ende der Zeichenkette string bis zum Wert von start rückwärts gezählt und dort mit dem Austausch begonnen. ' 'iLength 'Ist der Parameter angegeben und positiv, stellt dieser Parameter die Länge des auszuwechselnden Teils von string dar. Ist der Wert negativ, gibt er die Zeichenzahl an, um die ab Ende von 'string rückwärts gezählt wird. Bis zu dieser Stelle erfolgt dann der Austausch. Ist der Parameter nicht angegeben, wird standardmäßig eine Ersetzung bis zum Ende des Strings (strlen(string )) 'durchgeführt, das heißt, die Ersetzung endet mit dem Ende von string . Sollte length den Wert null haben, wird die Funktion die Zeichenkette replacement in string an der durch start 'bezeichneten Stelle einfügen. '/** ' * Ersetzt Text innerhalb einer Zeichenkette ' * @param String Die Eingabezeichenkette ' * @param String Die Ersetzungszeichenkette ' * @param Integer Start ' * @param Integer Länge ' * @return String ' */ Private Function substrReplace(ByVal iString As String, ByVal iReplacement As String, ByVal iStart As Integer, Optional ByVal iLength As Variant = Null) As String Dim startP As Integer: startP = IIf(Sgn(iStart) >= 0, iStart, greatest(Len(iString) + iStart, 1)) Dim Length As Integer: Length = NZ(iLength, Len(iString) - iStart) Dim endP As Integer Select Case Sgn(Length) Case 1: endP = least(startP + Length, Len(iString)) Case 0: endP = startP Case -1: endP = greatest(Len(iString) + Length, startP) End Select substrReplace = Left(iString, startP) & iReplacement & Mid(iString, endP + 1) End Function ' * Gibt den Grössten aus einer unbestimmten Menge von Werten zurück ' * @param Keine Objekte ' * @return Grösster Wert ' * @example greatest("Hallo Welt", 42, "Mister-X") -> Mister-X '*/ Private Function greatest(ParamArray iItems() As Variant) As Variant greatest = iItems(UBound(iItems)) Dim item As Variant: For Each item In iItems If NZ(item) > NZ(greatest) Then greatest = item Next item End Function '/** ' * Gibt den Kleinsten aus einer unbestimmten Menge von Werten zurück ' * @param Keine Objekte ' * @return Grösster Wert ' * @example least("Hallo Welt", 42, "Mister-X") -> 42 '*/ Private Function least(ParamArray iItems() As Variant) As Variant least = iItems(LBound(iItems)) Dim item As Variant: For Each item In iItems If NZ(item) < NZ(least) Then least = item Next item End Function '/** ' * Gibt den ersten Wert zurück, der nicht Nothing, Empty oder Null ist ' * @param ParamArray ' * @return Variant ' */ Private Function firstValue(ParamArray items() As Variant) As Variant For Each firstValue In items If IsObject(firstValue) Then If Not firstValue Is Nothing Then Exit For Else If Not IsNull(firstValue) And Not firstValue = Empty Then Exit For End If Next End Function '/** ' * Escapte alle Sonderzeichen um eine rx-Pattern zu erstellen ' * ' * string = escapeRegExpPattern(string) ' * ' * @example escapeRegExpPattern("Hallo Welt. Geht es dir (noch) gut?") ' * Hallo Welt\. Geht es dir \(noch\) gut\? ' * @param String ' * @return String ' */ Private Function escapeRegExpPatternRev(ByVal iPattern As String) As String Static rx As Object: If rx Is Nothing Then Set rx = cRx("/([\\\*\+\?\|\{\[\](\)\^\$\.\#])/g") escapeRegExpPatternRev = rx.Replace(iPattern, "$1\") End Function '/** ' * Dies ist die Minimalversion von cRegExp ' * ' * mögliche Delemiter: @&!/~#=\| ' * mögliche Modifiers: g (Global), i (IgnoreCode, m (Mulitline) ' * ' * @example myRx = cRx("/([a]{2,})/i") 'Finde alle folgen von a. Flag:IgnoreCase ' * @version 2.1.0 (01.12.2014) ' * @param String Pattern mit Delimiter und Modifier analog zu PHP ' * @return Object RegExp-Object ' */ Private Function cRx(ByVal iPattern$) As Object Static rxP As Object: Set cRx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") If rxP Is Nothing Then: Set rxP = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp"): rxP.pattern = "^([@&!/~#=\|])?(.*)\1(?:([Ii])|([Gg])|([Mm]))*$" Dim sm As Object: Set sm = rxP.Execute(iPattern)(0).subMatches cRx.pattern = sm(1): cRx.IgnoreCase = Not isEmpty(sm(2)): cRx.Global = Not isEmpty(sm(3)): cRx.Multiline = Not isEmpty(sm(4)) End Function '/** ' * Version 1.3.0 ' * Es wird versucht, den Paramter in seine eigentlichen Typ zu wandeln. Gar mit Textausgaben oder parsen von SQL interessant ' * ' * @example cVal("Null") -> Null, cVal("True") -> -1, cVal("time") -> 15:08:37 ' * @param Variant ' * @return Variant ' */ Private Function cVal(ByVal iValue As Variant) As Variant On Error Resume Next #If ms_product = C_ACCESS Then Set cVal = iValue: cVal = iValue: cVal = eval(iValue) #Else Set cVal = iValue: cVal = iValue: cVal = CDbl(iValue): cVal = CLng(iValue): cVal = CInt(iValue): cVal = eval(iValue) cVal = IIf(UCase(iValue) = "NULL", Null, cVal) #End If If IsDate(iValue) Then cVal = CDate(iValue) Select Case UCase(iValue) Case "EMPTY": cVal = Empty Case "NOTHING": Set cVal = Nothing Case "FALSE": cVal = False Case "TRUE": cVal = True End Select 'Falls der TExt einem reservierten Wort entspricht, fällt eval auf den Kopf. Darum direkt mappen If reservedWords.exists(UCase(iValue)) Then ref cVal, iValue End Function 'Für cVal angepasste Version, Folgende Items entfernt: False, True, Null, Nothing, Empty Private Property Get reservedWords() As Object ' um 'name' ergänzt Const C_RWORDS$ = "#If,#Else,#Else If,#End If,#Const,Alias,And,As,Base,Boolean,Byte,ByRef,ByVal," & _ "Call,Case,CBool,CByte,CCur,CDate,CDbl,CInt,CLng,CLngLng,CLngPtr,Compare,Const,CSng,CStr,Currency,Var," & _ "Database,Date,Declare,DefBool,DefByte,DefDate,DefDec,DefDouble,DefInt,DefLng,DefLngLng,DefLngPtr,DefObj,DefSng,DefStr,Dim,Do,Double," & _ "Each,Else,ElseIf,End,Enum,Erse,Error,Event,Exit,Explicit,For,Friend,Function,Get,Global,GoTo,If,IIf,Implements,Integer,Is," & _ "Let,LBound,Lib,Like,Long,LongLong,Loop,LSet,Me,Mod,Name,New,Next,Not,Object,On,Option,Optional,Or," & _ "ParamArray,Preserve,Private,Property,Public,RaiseEvent,ReDim,Resume,Return,RSet,Select,Set,Single,Static,Step,Stop,String,Sub," & _ "Text,ThenTo,Type,TypeOf,UBound,Until,Variant,Wend,While,With,WithEvents" Static dict As Object If dict Is Nothing Then Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.Dictionary") Dim rWordsArr$(): rWordsArr = Split(UCase(C_RWORDS), ",") Dim i&: For i = 0 To UBound(rWordsArr) dict.add trim(rWordsArr(i)), True Next i End If Set reservedWords = dict End Property '/** ' * Führt eine UserDefinedFunction aus. Im Gegensatz zu werden die Parameter in einem Array übergeben ' * @param String Name der UserDefinedFunction ' * @param Array Die Argumente zur Funktion ' * @return Variant Rückgabewert der Funktion ' */ Private Function callUdfByArray(ByVal iMethodName As String, ByRef iArgs As Variant) As Variant Dim diff As Integer: diff = LBound(iArgs) Select Case UBound(iArgs) - diff Case -1: ref callUdfByArray, Case 0: ref callUdfByArray,, iArgs(diff)) Case 1: ref callUdfByArray,, iArgs(diff), iArgs(1 + diff)) Case 2: ref callUdfByArray,, iArgs(diff), iArgs(1 + diff), iArgs(2 + diff)) Case 3: ref callUdfByArray,, iArgs(diff), iArgs(1 + diff), iArgs(2 + diff), iArgs(3 + diff)) Case 4: ref callUdfByArray,, iArgs(diff), iArgs(1 + diff), iArgs(2 + diff), iArgs(3 + diff), iArgs(4 + diff)) Case 5: ref callUdfByArray,, iArgs(diff), iArgs(1 + diff), iArgs(2 + diff), iArgs(3 + diff), iArgs(4 + diff), iArgs(5 + diff)) Case 6: ref callUdfByArray,, iArgs(diff), iArgs(1 + diff), iArgs(2 + diff), iArgs(3 + diff), iArgs(4 + diff), iArgs(5 + diff), iArgs(6 + diff)) 'TODO: Aufruf mit weiteren Parametern ermöglichen Case Else: Err.Raise 450 'Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment End Select End Function #If ms_product = C_EXCEL Then '/** ' * Wandelt NULL in EMpty oder einen Defaultwert ' * @param Variant ' * @param Variant ' * @return Variant ' */ Private Function NZ(ByRef iValue As Variant, Optional ByRef iDefault As Variant = Empty) As Variant If IsNull(iValue) Then NZ = iDefault Else NZ = iValue End If End Function #End If