Attribute VB_Name = "lib_adodb_for_xls" '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'File : lib_adodb_for_xls.bas ' http:// 'Environment : VBA 2010 + 'Version : 1.6.0 'Name : lib_adodb_for_xls 'Author : Stefan Erb (ERS) 'History : 27.01.2016 - ERS - Creation ' 07.08.2017 - ERS - Bei der Connection den optionalen Parameter filePath hinzugefügt. Header Konvertierung hinzugefügt, ZielRange kann jetzt auch ein Worksheet oder eine Adresse sein ' 25.09.2017 - ERS - openRs um den optionalen Wert Connection erweiter. ' 22.01.2018 - ERS - 64Bit Version hinzugefügt '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Option Explicit '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Settings '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Const C_CONN_STR = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source='{#FILEPATH}'; Extended Properties='Excel 12.0;HDR={#HDR};IMEX=1'" '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Public Members '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Paramters zur Connection ' */ Public Enum axConnParams axcNone = 0 axcReconnect = 2 ^ 0 'Ein Reconnect wird erzwungen axcNoHeader = 2 ^ 1 'Die erste Zeile ist keine Kopfzeile. Die Felder werden mit f1, f2...fx angesprochen End Enum '/** ' * Paramters zum Schreiben der Daten ' */ Public Enum axWriteParams axwNone = 2 ^ 0 'Keine umwandlung axwHeaderRedable = 2 ^ 1 'Titel mit Unterlinien werden aufgetrennt "HAUS_NUMMER" -> "Haus Nummer" End Enum '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Private Members '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Die Parameter für das ADODB Objekt ' * ' */ Private Enum lateBindingAdodbParameters adDate = 7 adDouble = 5 adStateOpen = 1 adCmdText = 1 adUseClient = 3 adOpenDynamic = 2 adOpenStatic = 3 adLockOptimistic = 3 adLockReadOnly = 1 End Enum '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Public Methodes '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Open a adodb recordset from the current workbook ' * @param String SQL-String ' * @param axConnParams Paramters für die Connection ' * @return ADODB.Recordset ' */ Public Function openRs(ByVal iSql As String, Optional ByVal iConnParams As axConnParams = axcNone, Optional ByRef iConnection As Object = Nothing) As Object Dim rsT As Object: Set rsT = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Dim cmd As Object: Set cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command") If iConnection Is Nothing Then Set cmd.ActiveConnection = connection(Abs(iConnParams)) 'Der abs() ist false jemand von Früher false übergibt. Else Set cmd.ActiveConnection = iConnection End If cmd.CommandType = adCmdText cmd.CommandText = iSql rsT.CursorLocation = adUseClient rsT.CursorType = adOpenStatic rsT.LockType = adLockReadOnly 'open the recordset rsT.Open cmd 'disconnect the recordset Set rsT.ActiveConnection = Nothing 'cleanup If cmd.State = adStateOpen Then Set cmd = Nothing End If Set openRs = rsT End Function '/** ' * Schreibt ins Excel inkl Header ' * @param Range First cell ' * @param Recordset ' */ Public Sub writeFullData(ByRef iRange As Variant, ByRef ioRs As Object, Optional ByVal iWriteParams As axWriteParams = axwNone) Dim trg As range: Set trg = castRange(iRange) writeHeader trg, ioRs, iWriteParams writeData trg.Offset(1), ioRs End Sub '/** ' * Write the Header of a adodb.recordset ' * @param Range First cell ' * @param Recordset ' */ Public Sub writeHeader(ByRef iRange As Variant, ByRef ioRs As Object, Optional ByVal iWriteParams As axWriteParams = axwNone) Dim trg As range: Set trg = castRange(iRange) Dim colNr As Long Dim delta As Long: delta = trg.Column trg.ClearContents For colNr = 0 To ioRs.fields.count - 1 Dim txt As String: txt = ioRs.fields(colNr).name If Not andB(iWriteParams, axwNone) Then txt = strConv(Join(Split(txt, "_"), " "), vbProperCase) trg.Worksheet.Cells(iRange.row, colNr + delta).Value = txt Next End Sub '/** ' * Schreibt die Daten ' * @param Range ' * @param Recordset ' */ Public Sub writeData(ByRef iRange As Variant, ByRef iRs As Object) Dim trg As range: Set trg = castRange(iRange) trg.ClearContents trg.CopyFromRecordset iRs End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Private Methodes '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * Parst Sheet und String in ein Range ' * @param Worksheet/Range/Address ' * @return Range ' */ Private Function castRange(ByRef iVar As Variant) As range Select Case TypeName(iVar) Case "Worksheet": Set castRange = iVar.UsedRange Case "Range": Set castRange = iVar Case "String": Set castRange = ActiveSheet.range(iVar) End Select End Function '/** ' * Handle dhe adodb-connection to the current workbook ' * @param axConnParams Paramters für die Connection ' * @return ADODB.Conection ' */ Private Property Get connection(Optional ByVal iConnParams As axConnParams = axcNone) As Object Static pConn As Object Static pParams As axConnParams If pConn Is Nothing Or andB(iConnParams, axcReconnect) Or pParams <> iConnParams Then pParams = iConnParams Set pConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") #If Win64 Then pConn.provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" #Else pConn.provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" #End If pConn.connectionString = "Data Source='" & ThisWorkbook.FullName & "'; " & "Extended Properties='Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=" & IIf(andB(iConnParams, axcNoHeader), "No", "Yes") & ";IMEX=1'" End If If Not (pConn.State And adStateOpen) = adStateOpen Then pConn.Open End If Set connection = pConn End Property '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- Libraries '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '/** ' * ' * Macht einen Bit-Vergleich ' * @param Long ' * @param Long ' * @return Boolean ' */ Private Function andB(ByVal iHaystack As Long, ByVal iNeedle As Long) As Boolean andB = ((iHaystack And iNeedle) = iNeedle) End Function